The Pack: Rule Number 1- No Mates
Chapter Sixty–Four
Draven, this is Gayle and this is Toedora, Paul says once he and the two females are finally inside.
The five of us are gathered around the living room. Tadora sits upon the ottoman, devilish smirk on her face. She is gorgeous, with skin the color of hot chocolate and long golden braids dressed in an array of different beads that dance down her back. Her hazel eyes study me with fascination and I have to wonder what about me interests her so much. The other shifter, Gayle, appears to be a female version of Ciryffin. Colden skin, golden hair, and the same light amber eyes. I can see the resemblance there and I know right away that she must be his sister. The pair of them seem so hypnotized by me I’m curious as to what Demonic told them to get
them here.
Emily sits at one end of the couch and I sit at the other. I wonder if Paula and the lips know that Emily is still under the impression that the only shifter of the group is Domenic. Although at first, I thought it best to leave it to the wolves to explain things to her, Em beginning to think maybe I should be the one. Partly because I want to be able to ask my questions whole Emily’s in the room and partly because I’m afraid of what they’re discussing right now.
The fall moon.
“M dawn tomorrow, we’ll be back to normal and the four of you should be free to head back to Port Orchard Poul says.
Emily’s mouth falls open and I meet her questioning gaze with a tempered one of my own. Shaking my head no, I plead with her to keep her mouth shut for now. Her jaw snaps closed with a sharp little clack and she nods.
I clear my throat. “I need to speak with Emily alone for a few minutes.”
“Right on.” Taedora says, getting up from her seat. ‘Gayle and I need to do a couple poses of the island. You know, make sure there aren’t any stray animals running -around
“Yup, and I’ll be heading out,” Paul chimes. His eyes meet mine for a brief moment. Nice to see you’re alive and well. I was worried about you. I wanted to call you, but Domanic–he sighs-“well you know how he is.”
“I do,” I say, standing to give Paul a tight hug. “Thanks!“
Paul’s arms linger around me for a whole moment, his lips falling toward my ears. “want you to know, I’m going to do my best tonight to find out who killed Marcus. There’s got to be a trail there somewhere. Our senses will be stronger tonigh hopefully we’ll get a lead.”
My body goes rigid. Marcus is dead? And they don’t know who did
“Shit,” Paul hisses, apparently noticing how my body froze. “You didn’t know.”
I pull back, my eyes going toward Emily as she asks, “Who’s Marcus?”
*111 explain in a few minutes.” I tell her, werking to control the sudden ferocity of my langer. “How long has Marcus been dead?” I ask Paul,
He shakes his head. “I think you better talk to Domonie about this. I didn’t know that be
“How long?” I shriek, my body tight with fury.
“Domonic found him yesterday,” Paul sighs.
“And he said nothing,” I growl out, my eyes falling closed. “And the doctor?” I hiss, teasing my body and preparing for disappointment.
“He’s gone,” Plays. “But Demonic killed him days ago.”
Days ago?” I chuckle, my laugh humorless and full of indignant fury. And the bastard never said one fucking word to me about it. Who the fuck does be think he is?
“You can’t tell him I told you, Paul pleads. “If you do, hewill quite literally rip my throat out tonight.”
nod, no longer feeling guilty about my choice to tell Emily about the lot of them being wolves.
Chapter Sixty–Four
Paul states, trying for a change of subject. “We
“Someone not only knows about our dungeons but they also know how to get in and out without being detected, P hope that tonight, we’ll be able to scour the wood behind the sheriff station and catch a scent.”
“Ascent“Elly quips.
Paul jerks, his eyes falling heavy. “She doesn’t know?”
I shake my head. “She knows about Domenic. But not about the rest of you.” I sigh. “But she will. Because I plan to tell her before the girls get back.”
“Ah, Paul smiles, his eyes roving over Emily in approval. “Let me know how that goes
Thinking of Domonice overbearing rules as far as who I’m allowed to talk to and who I’m not, I smile. Do me a favor Paul White your phone number down for me. Id like to have it memorized.”
Paul smirks Absolutely princess.”
I turn to Emily. “It is time for the two of us to have a little chat.”
“I cant believe you’re asking me to lie to her,” Bartlett says while the two of us finish setting up the camera monitors in the back of the bah,
Hopefully we’ll be able to catch the breakin this time. I’m usually against cameras, but with the help of Goose and a couple of the other lion shifter, we were able to place them a bit higher this time. Wobes do not climb trees nearly as well as lions d. That’s a fact. These new cameras are too high up for anyone take out unless they do so with a sniper rifle.
Its not going to be a lie. As of today, the place is yours. I already put the place in your name as well as the bank account. Everything is in order. All that’s left is you to gift it to her. You then provide her with a ticket and another for Emily, if she wants. It all has to come from you, because chances are – after bomomow- not going to accept a goddamn thing I give her.” I frown. “My goal is to have her stay connected with at least one of us. You’re the natural choice. You’ve been her hero from day one.”
I still don’t think she’ll decide to leave. That girl is a fighter. It would almost take an act of God to push her away from here. She loves this place,” Bartlett says.
“I know and I wish she could stay,” I groan, falling back into the desk chair of the back offor and burying my face in my hands. But you have no idea how scared I was when Leo had her out on that boat. Until we get the bastard behind the fire, I need her away from here. Somewhere safe.”
at let her in- she might leave willingly. She’d understand your need to keep “You know she would want to help catch the killer. If you would just tell her about her safe if she knew what you stood to lose, Bartlett growls. “Shes one of us. Whether you want her to be or not.”
I hate when he makes sense. Really, I do. But he doesn’t quite realize how feisty Draven is. If I tell her the truth, not only will she refuse to leave, she’ll dive headst into the danger herself and try to find the killer. Tean’t have that. I refuse to mourn Deaven. I will not let her put herself in harm’s way. My eyes raise to meet Bartlett’s as I bring a tumbler of whiskey to my mouth. “My decision is final Bartlett. Now are you going to do as I asked you to? Or am I going to have to have someone else do it?”
His jaw clenches and he pounds a fist on the desk, cracking a heavy marble paperweight in half when he does. “I’ll do it. You’re right about one thing, if she accepts help from anyone after tomorrow, it’ll probably be me. And I want her to be safe just as much as you do.”
I chuckle, “Oh I doubt that.“. the bar. “What is it?”
phone rings and my body goes rigid when Margo’s name flashes across my screen. “Fuck,” I curse before effing it as I step out of
moved in, her throaty voice chokes out. “Why don’t you come home and we can bless this place property?”
Lgrit my teeth, the feeling of betrayal running so deep in my bones that my eyes are turning. “I told you to wait until the morning”
“Well, I thought it best that I got it done tonight.” She laughs. “Don’t worry, I didn’t touch her things. Well, I mean, I parked them, but I didn’t steal anything. Her lingerie won’t fit me anyway. To tight around the top.”
“I told you got to touch her things,” I hiss Son–of–a–bitch! I should have picked someone else. Anyone else to do this. Fucken bitch, just the thought of her touching Dave’s things makes me want to bite something.
“Relax,” she chuckles. “Look at it this way. She’ll be all set to leave the moment the back”