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Billionaire One 69

Billionaire One 69

The Pack: Rule Number 1 No Mates 

Chapter SixtyNine 


You dont have to stay at the bar Dr, Phal says when we pull into the lot behind the Moonlight Lounge You can stay with me if you want to 

I glance back at Ennily, Can you take my stuff inside Em? 11l be there in just a moment,” 

She nods, her eves sympathetic. Sure” 

I watch her as she exits the car and drag my things into the back entrance. Then I turn to Paid and plaster a grateful smile onto my face, despite the anger I’m feeling deep down in my bones. That’s okay Paul. I’d rather not 

He pulls in a sharp breath, nodding like that was the answer be expected. Tunderstand that you’re hurting right now and I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. Penah, I still haven’t met my mate, but I cant insagine what it would feel like to be rejected by her.” 

My brow furrows, According to Domenic, I’m not his mate. Margo is.” 

| chackles, staring out at the street beyond the bat. “You know that’s bullshit, right?” 

Margo Paul ch 

Despite my strongest attempt to portray myself as a caneless bitch, his words bring fresh tears to my eyes. Is it?” I whimper

He tims to me with a smirk. Hell yeah it is.He sighs, Tm net supposed to butt into his business. After all, he is the Alpha of the pack and my best friend. But know him better than anybody does and I promise you this you are his mate.” 

do you know that? I screech. Tell me or I’ll never speak to you again.” 

He shrugs. It was pretty obvious to me right from the start. The insane jealousy, the possessiveness. He marked you!” 

1 giggle, throwing my head back against the seat. He literally and You are just so hitch that I marked. That is what he told me, so I wouldn t call that proof.” 

Paulshakes his head knowingly. That’s because you don’t know shit about shifters 


So tell m me then. What do I not know? I glare at him, paying acute 

be attention to his next words

First of all, wolves don’t mark just anybody.He glances at me, his gaze serious. He might have acted like we do, but I swear to you, we don’t. For wolf shifters, mates are sacred. They are a once in a hfetime thing. We’re not like lions that have been known to have more than one mate- and God knows why that happens. In fact, most shifters only ever have one.He smiles. And we can’t mark just anybody, because our venom is specifically designed to bond us to our partner, making their bodies strong enough to bear our children. Marking just anyone would get them killed. The venom would serve as a poison for them. They would die.” 

bves can only have babies with only those you have marked?” 

Wait, exclaim, not being able to help but ask this- So you mean to tell me, you wolves can 

He cocks an eyebrow. We can only reproduce with our mates that we have marked, yes. At least,he sighs-that’s what we were taught growing up.” 

I groid, cusperated. Then why would he do this? Why would he want me to leave? I don’t get it. I don’t get him

Paul laughs. I think I know what he’s doing and it isn’t right, but I do understand why he’s doing it. He reaches across the center console to squeeze my hand. Maybe it’s for the best.” 

I jerk away from him. For the best? Really? There is definitely something they aren’t telling me, but I’m done trying to figure out what it is. Well,I snipe. Unlike wolves, humans can reproduce with whomever the fuck they want to. Mate or not.” 

Put that in your pipe and snake it. Domenic

stry nowPaul protests. Don’t go doing anything you know you will regret. Just give him some time to figure things out.” 

1 nod, Okay,” I say, pretending to agree. Fuck Domonic and his time to figure shit out. As far as I’m concerned, his time is up. He had that bitch Margo in his fucking bed and my mind refuses to forgive it. There’s no reason in the world that one could give me that would make such an act acceptable. Thanks for the lift. See you later 


Chapter SixtyNine 

I get out and march toward the bar hot so much as a backwards glance

When I step inside I see Emily and Bart deep in conversation in one of the corner booths. The look Bart gives me is so full of pity that I want to curl up and die right there on the spot. I adore Bart, I do, but I’ve already decided that I’m going to leave. Not only to punish Demonic, but to heal myself. Looking around here all I can see is the first time I entered this place and the man that was seated in the corner booth that Bart and Em are seated in now

com dit just com 

I have plenty of money. A few grand. It buy a ticket and get the fuck on. The only thing left for me here is a whole lot of 

of heartache

Have a seat Draven,Bart says. I have an offer for you that might make you feel betten.” 

I snort. I can’t imagine bow,But I slide into the booth anyway, clasping my hands in front of me to keep them from trembling 

The front door to the bar wings open and I know who it is just by the blush on Emily’s cheeks 

Koda saunters forward all decked out in his fall sheriff uniform. It occurs to me that this is the first time Emily is seeing him since Boding out that he’s a wolf and I study her for any trace of fear, but all I see there is admiration. She is terribly hot for that boy 

Hey Draven, EmilyRoda nods, walking up toward the table. He is staring at Emily and for the first time I begin to wonder if maybe there’s been a reason for his 

along. All the rigns are there, I mean if the few things that I do know about mates is accurate. Could she be his? And if in fact, she is, then why hasn’t 

Emdy, would you mind giving me a moment to talk to Bart? Maybe, step outside with Roda?” 

Toda scowl. To on duty, I just came by to make sure the two of you had somewhere to go.” 

Strike fucking three. Roda was in on Dom’s bullshit too. As ift dit already know. Nevermind,I snap, losing my temper. I turn to Emily. I told you from now on where I go you go. I’m leaving today All I need to know is if you are coming with me 

Emily’s eyes widen and I notice Kodas body tense. “Of course I am,she says. I dont have anywhere else to be 

Koda hisses, That’s not true. You could work here at the bar and stay here in the apartment upstairs. Like Draven did beforeHe cuts off, leaving the sentence to hung- 

Yes,I snap. Before, being the key word. The now being a different one. Like asshole. Or liar. Maybe even marwhore. That’s a pleasant one. Dickhead? I like that 

Emily meets my eyes, holding my gaze with her mouth set in a firm line. Im sticking with Draven. Where she goes, I do.” 

I smile at her gratefully, pressing back the tears back once ag 

Fine,Koda snaps, his jaw clenching Suit yourself. I’m glad you’re both okayThen he tums around and leaves as quickly as he came 

Douche. He’s as bad as his Alpha 

Bart,I say, trying to control my suddenly trembling voice. I appreciate you. Out of everyone that I met since I got off the train, I trust you the most. So I’m not going to ask you what the fuck is going on, because I know if I do, you’ll lie to me 

Draven, I- 

I hold up my hand, cutting him off. “No. I get it. I do. Domonic’s tha say thanks for everything and- 

mayor, blah blah blah, you have no control. Whatever. I no longer give a fuck, I just wanted to 

He wants me to send you to Miami,Bart suddenly bursts out and I gasp

Whwhat? How? Why?” 


Chapter SixtyNine 

Hart groans and leans fansand to sped to new apartment. But like you 

I would hate you for it,I him

I knew,he sight. Then with a smooth glance around, he 

I sit back and smile my first real smile sinc 

de since we arrived back 

He grin, You’re in love with 

There’s another place you can gn. Much prettier than this. Somewhere

I study him. Should I trust him? Can I? And how do I know you wOG 

ink to look for you. Soneber 

inda like I trusted you when you first got here.” 

His eyes fall sad. You don’t. You’ll post have to trust me

trust me. Kinda 

The only way I’m going for this, is if I have your word you’ll never tell him where

He smirks. Whether you believe this or not, Draven, you are my queen. And if you tell me to keep your secret, your word is a power as a posi 

Chapter Comments 



Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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