Chapter 24
As she stood outside, waiting for her Uber, a sinister thought began to form in her mind. If Brianna didn’t want to die peacefully, perhaps Annie could assist in making it easier–just she had for her own father. Alexander might have slipped. out of her hands for now, but she would have him back. And by that time, Brianna wouldn’t be a problem anymore.
Suddenly her phone rang, freezing her in place. She looked around cautiously, her heart racing with dread.
“Where is my money?” came a cold, ragged voice from the other end.
“I’m working on it.” she snapped back, frustration boiling over. Just give me some more time!”
“I’ve given you more time than you deserve, Annie. Whatever happens to you now, know that you’re the one to blame.”
“Please, just one more ch…
Before she could finish, a searing pain shot through her shoulder causing her to cry out. Blood began to gush from the wound as she instinctively bit her bottom lip, scanning the area for the unseen attacher. The surrounding was quiet and there was no one in the vicinity
“That’s my warning to you. Next time, it will go straight to your head,” the voice said ominously before hanging up.
Annie dropped the phone, her heart racing. She bent down slowly, retrieving the bullet that had grazed her shoulder from the ground, her mind racing with anger and fear. As Annie approached the waiting Uber a new sense of resolve coursed through her veins. She was not going to let anyone take her down not Brianna, not anyone. She would reclaim her life, and no one would stand in her way.
Annie tore off part of her red gown and wrapping it around her injured shoulder. It has only been a graze but her bleeding has been more than expected.
“Should I take you to the hospital?” The Uber driver asked. Worry etched on his face but Annie ignored him. Going to the hospital was not an option. The Doctors will know exactly where she got that injury from and she wasn’t ready to start asking questions she didn’t want to answer or getting Alexander an hint of what was going on in her life.
She wrapped more of her wedding gown on her injured shoulder and and looked straight forward. Once she got home, she rushed inside as fast as she could, avoiding any of the workers as best as she could until she was inside their restroom. Where she immediately applied first aid in her injury and flushed the bullet down the toilet. She pulled out a wrapped paper filled with drugs. She needed it most at a time like this in order to use it to numb down the pain in her arm and the anger that was about to consume her whole.
She knew Alexander wouldn’t be coming home soon since his mother was in the hospital dealing with her fucked up life. She laid in the bed all drugged and confused while dreaming about how Alexander has said I do at the courthouse.
In the neighboring country, at the exact moment Alexander’s wedding was called off, Emina’s water broke. Mrs. Walker and Brandon, who happened to be nearby, rushed her to the hospita. After five grueling hours in labor, during which she found herself growling in voices she didn’t even recognize, her twins arrived in the world a beautiful, strong baby boy and a delicate, frail baby girl who was swiftly placed in an incubator for extra care. She named them Ethan and Emily, vowing with every fiber of her being to protect and cherish them.
As she held Ethan close, hot tears filled her eyes. She couldn’t help but imagine how different things might have been if Alexander hadn’t left her. The Black family would have celebrate the arrival of the twins with grandeur, news spreading like wildfire. People from far and wide would have come to welcome her children. But as she looked at Mrs. Walker beside hef, offering the warmth of family and love, she realized this might be even better. She didn’t need a grand family gathering -she just needed people who genuinely loved her and her children.
Chapter 24
Mrs. Walker embraced her gently, her voice full of pride. “You did great, my girl. I’m so proud of you.”
Emma hugged her back, a soft smile breaking through her exhaustion. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for everything.”
She glanced over at Brandon, who was sitting beside baby Ethan crib, gently rocking him back and forth. He’d been a steady presence throughout her pregnancy, offering support without asking for anything in return. Watching him now, she felt a wave of gratitude.
Her heart was full. She might not have the life she once envisioned, but in this moment, she knew she had all she needed.
Not long after Alexander arrived at the hospital, the doctor called him into his office. With a somber expression, the doctor spoke, I’m sorry to inform you, Mr. Black, but your mother has been diagnosed with dementia. This condition affects her memory and cognitive abilities and will gradually progress. We do our best to support her, but-
Before the doctor could finish, Alexander shot to his feet, his face flushed with fury. “Tell me this is a joke.”
The doctor shook his head sympathetically. Tm so sorry, Mr. Black. We’ll help her as much as we can.
Alexander clenched his fists. “You need to find a way to cure her. What good is this hospital if you can’t even help my mother? Figure something out, or prepare to lose your job. And don’t mention this to anyone else.”
Without waiting for a response, he stormed out of the office, his mind clouded with frustration and disbelief. Not his mother. Not her,” he thought, loosening his tie as he fought to calm his racing mind.
“Brother! Vivian called, running up to him. “What’s going on? What did the doctor say?”
Alexander steadied himself and forced a calm expression. “Mother’s fine. Let’s wait for her to wake up,” he replied curtly.
Vivian studied his face, sensing his distress. “Where are you going?” she asked, watching as he headed for the exit.
“Home,” he replied shortly before getting into his car and driving off, his thoughts a chaotic storm of worry and anger.