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They talked like song tay goats are
Suddenly, 1 fat bike tha thud what my vou falatonchig
night, I love my tager for the tyd tim
badat had wonky won the wedding drone I’d gainer dingy doen.
She even had #talked to te hay, baing newfa ao fime to fix it for my own wedding,
Whent confronted konan, be Git meer kat, te dismissed my anger entirely
“Come on, 1ww.K’s put a dress you hoping for a new,” he said casually “Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”
His indifference dugated ne
for a long time after, I avoided him ahogyher
But Roman always knew how to win me back
He’d cook sweet soups for me in the middle of the night when I had cramps, or by me expensive jewelry on a whim.
In front of others, he acted like the perfect, loving partner.
But Whenever Arden was around, everything changed
During flu season, I had a high fever and could barely get out of bed
But Konan called me to Arden’s house anyway–just to make her seafood porridge
ve, Arden says you make the best porridge,” he said, like it was the most normal request in the world.
“She’s sick, and she’s always been scared of being sick. When we were kids, I had to buy her canity every time she had a colt.”
His voice was full of nostalgia, like he was reminiscing about scene sweet childhood memory.
Meanwhile, I could barely stand.
My entire body burned with fever as I stirred the pot.
My reflection in the kitchen mirror was pale, my cheeks flushed crimson from the heat and illness.
But Ronan didn’t notice.
Not once did he ask how I was doing. Instead, he spent the entire time fussing over Arden–changing her towels, bringing her water.
When I handed her the steaming bowl of porridge, her hands “accidentally slipped, spilling in all over herself.
The hot liquid scalded her chest, leaving angry red welts
Ronan rushed to her side instantly, shoving me aside like I was the one who hurt her.
“Eve, how could you be so careless?” he snapped, his eyes blazing with anger.
“You’re always so clumsy. How can I trust you to be a good mother if you can’t even handle this?”
Chapter 6
I opened any mouth to explain, but Arden beat me to it.
“It’s okay, Ronan. Don’t blame Eve,” she said softly, tears glistening in her eyes.
“It’s just a burn–it’s nothing serious. Please, don’t fight because of me.”
Her words sounded kind, but they only made things worse.
She deflected all the blame onto me, painting herself as the victim.
And that’s when it hit me: Ronan had already made his choice.
I was just too blinded by love to see it.