Chapter 110
Chapter 110
I look around, and my eyes widen…
What the…
The room is cream and coffee colors, beautiful velvet bedding and a big duck shell–blue rug. Crystal
mps and oh… “Gabe,” I whisper. “This is the most beautiful room I’ve ever seen.”
He kisses my temple. “Do you like it?”
“I love it.”
“Oh, and look.” He walks to a door and opens it. “This is your wardrobe.” I walk into a full other room; the entire walls are shelves and racks, and in the middle is a huge marble set of drawers.
It looks like a Kardashian wardrobe.
“I bought you a few things…it’s colder here.”
I look around, and there are designer clothes all hanging with the price tags still on them.
My eyes flick to him in question. “You bought me clothes?”
“Just a few things.” He shrugs. “You can return anything you don’t like.” “Thanks,” I whisper,
“This is our bathroom.” He opens another door and I see a sunken circular bath and shower in apricot marble.
My eyes roam around, and I honestly don’t know what to look at first.
This is ridiculous wealth, how much did this place cost?
“What do you think?” Gabriel whispers nervously. “Do you like it?”
“It’ll do…I guess.”
He chuckles and pulls me into a hug and kisses my temple. “Thanks for coming, it means a lot.”
Chapter 110
“Mom” Lucia tugs on my shirt.
Gabriel holds me tight, not letting me go.
“Yes?” I smile, unable to take my eyes off my beautiful man.
“I need to poo?”
Gabriel closes his eyes and I giggle; kids have impeccable timing.
The bedroom is dark, lit only by the television as it drones in the background.
After swimming in the pool and then in the hot tub, dinner and showers and the whole damn rigmarole, we are in bed watching Home Alone, the children between us and seemingly settling in for the night.
“Why don’t we get you into your own rooms?” Gabriel suggests.
“No,” Lucia snaps as she snuggles closer into him. “We want to sleep with you tonight, our bedrooms
are scary.”
he mutters dryly.
“They’re right next door,” he
I smile into my pillow. He wants alone time, and the kids are being super clingy because they’re in a
new environment.
“We want to sleep with you tonight,” Dominic announces. “The bed is big enough.”
Gabriel rolls his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Great,” he mouths across their heads at me. He puts his arms along the pillow and brushes the backs of his fingers across my face. I smile. A simple act to tell me what he’s wishing we were doing.
Me too.
Dominic snuggles into me and Lucia snuggles into him, and he smiles lovingly over at me. “I love
you,” he says softly.
“Love you too,” Lucia says all sleepily.
I glance down to see that Dominic is already asleep, and I smile over at Gabriel, he blows me a kiss
Courted by a Billionaire After Divorce
Chapter 110
good night before he turns off the bedside lamp. I know it’s not the night he wanted… but it’s pretty perfect anyway.
I wake with a start and look around, disoriented. Darkness, but Gabriel isn’t in bed with the three of
- us.
I sit up onto my elbow and look around, I grab my phone from the side table.
4:30 a.m.
Whère is he?
I sneak out of bed and, using the light on my phone, go in search of him. I pad down the hall and check the bedrooms as I pass. Down the stairs and through the house.
No sign of him…is he even here? Where would he have gone… Ariana.
Panic sets in, and I begin to look more urgently.
Did she call him? Did he rush to her side? I hobble up the hall to his gym, the only room I haven’t checked, and I burst open the door. To my surprise and utter relief, I find Gabriel running on the
“Thank god.” I put my hand over my heart.
He slows the treadmill down, his T–shirt wet with perspiration, his skin covered with a wet shine. His chest is heaving as he struggles for air.
“Hey,” he pants as the treadmill comes to a standstill. “What’s wrong?*
“I thought you weren’t here.”
“Where would I go?”
Before I put my brain–to–mouth filter on, I reply, “To her.”
He frowns as he stares at me. “To who?”
I wrap my dressing gown around me. What the hell did I say that for? “Never mind.”
“No” Uic chart in atill
Chapter 110
the hall and into the kitchen, sits me up on the large island bench and puts his hands on out side
of my legs. “Now, I’m going to ask you again. what did you mean by that?” “I just My eyes well
with tears.
Damn it, I don’t want to be this insecure crazy person.
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