Chapter 124
We get to the bottom of the stairs and he pulls the blindfold back up and leads me to the car, “Surety
you can tell me now?”
“No.” He puts his hand on the top of my head and pushes me into the car and then climbs in beside me. As the car takes off, he takes my hand and holds it in his. “Not long, now”
I smile as my heart races, hardly able to control my excitement. “Just tell me already”
He chuckles and takes my face into his hands and kisses me, his lips lingering over mine. “Patience,” he whispers into my ear; his breath sends goose bumps up my spine, and I smile, I have no idea if anyone is watching us or what.
This is already the best night of my life.
What seems like forever later, the car pulls to a stop.
“Stay still for a moment.” Gabriel holds my hand to keep me still, he readjusts my blindfold. “Keep it on,” he demands.
“Bit over the top, isn’t it?” I giggle.
He comes around to my side and helps me out. “This way.”
I smile excitedly as he leads me along. “Where are we?”
“Somewhere special.”
I stumble. “If I break my other ankle.”
“Don’t even think about it.” He stands me still and then pauses for a moment as if waiting for something.
“What’s going on?” I smile in wonder.
Courted by a Billionaire After Divorce
He slowly takes the blindfold off, and I look around…wait? It takes a moment for my eyes to Boos and catch up with my brain.
Huh…I’m so confused.
We’re at my house in Greenville in the back garden on the lake.
There’s a picnic rug on the jetty with candles all around it, and fairy lights hang overhead from the trees. The moon’s reflection dances across the water, and the stars shine bright in the sky. My eyes
to him. “I don’t understand.
You said you were taking me to your favorite place on earth.” “This is my favorite place on earth.” He smiles softly.
My eyes search his.
“It’s where I found you…and them…and us.” Oh.
“And if I were to be anywhere in the world, I would want to be here with you.”
My eyes fill with tears. He’s good all right.
“Well.” I go up onto my toes to kiss his big lips. “You win.” “I win?”
“That is the most romantic thing that has ever been said to me.” “Yet.” He smirks down at me.
“You did tell me you were bringing your A game.”
“Let’s see how I went.” He takes me by the hand and leads me down to the jetty, the picnic blanket has padding under it and there are scattered cushions all around and a giant cane wicker picnic basket. He helps me sit down and kicks off his shoes and sits down beside me, he gets his phone out and scrolls through something. “I made you a playlist.” “Huh?”
He holds his phone out and shows me the Spotify screen.
A–Game Date Songs for Vee
I burst out laughing. “Are you serious?”
His eyebrows flick up. “You asked for the cheese, and I am delivering.” He presses play.
Courted by a Billionaire After Divorce
“You Were Always on My Mind” from Willie Nelson comes on. “This is track one,” he tells me as he takes two crystal glasses from the picnic basket and fills them with champagne.
“You have a track list?”
“Yes, I’ve ramped them up to the finale.” He passes me my glass and clinks it with his.
“There’s a finale?” I ask.
eyes twinkle with a certain something as he sips his champagne.
“Grand finale.”
Oh my lord…the grand finale is sex. Earth–shattering, bed–breaking sex.
That’s it, I’m done. Let’s skip to the grand finale now, because I’m about
to orgasm on the spot.
He digs back into the picnic basket and produces a silver tray of chocolate–covered strawberries, and I laugh out loud. “What else do you have in that basket?”
“All kinds of random shit.” He holds the tray out to me. “Chocolate strawberry, my love?”
“Did you make these?” I tease.
“Yes.” He tips his head back and gulps his wine.
“Are you lying?”
“No comment.” Oh…I love this man.
“Can we skip straight to the grand finale right now?”
“No.” He digs around in his basket and pulls out a package wrapped in brown paper with a big red ribbon bow. “I made you a present.” What?
“A present?”
“Open it.” He passes it to me.
Courted by a Billionaire After Divorce
I lean in and kiss him; I hold his face in my hands because what the hell…this is the all–time of dates. I smile against his lips, lingering for a long time.
I don’t want this night to ever be over.
“Open it,” he repeats.
I untie the ribbon and slowly begin to peel back the paper.
Nist rip it,” he tells me.
“No, I’m saving the paper.”
“It’s brown paper.” He frowns. “Why would you want to save brown paper?”
“Did you make the paper?”
“Yes,” he lies without hesitation. “I’ll make you some more. Rip it.”
I pull back the paper to reveal a square hardcover book, it’s gold fabric and the title reads:
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