Chapter 61
“Do you mind standing back a little?” I ask him.
He takes an overexaggerated two steps back.
“You know, you’re getting a little too comfortable with me,” I warn him.
“You said we could be friends.”
“Yes but..”
“But what, Vee? This is me being friendly.”
Am I being overdramatic? “Okay, but…just so you know.”
“Trust me, I know.” He rolls his eyes as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.
“You’re like Mother fucking Teresa now.” “No shit.”
You have no idea.
I open the door and we walk inside and I look around our home, it seems so tiny and insignificant: now that I’ve seen his new place.
“Home sweet home,” Gabriel sighs sarcastically.
“He feels comfortable here.”
Dominic walks in the back door with a basket of kindling and goes to the fireplace, he bends down. and begins to scrunch up the paper. Gabriel watches him. “Do you light the fire all by yourself?” Dominic nods as he keeps loading the kindling in.
“Dominic is the fire man of our house,” I say proudly.
“Impressive.” Gabriel nods. T’m not sure I could light a fire all by myself, you’ll have to teach me one
Dominic doesn’t acknowledge him and keeps doing what he’s doing.
Courted by a Billionaire After Divorce
Chapter 61
“Dominic…” Gabriel says. “I know that you’re angry that I haven’t been around for you and your sister…but I want you to know that…I’m angry too.”
Dominic glances up at him and then catches himself and acts uninterested, he goes back to his task
“I feel cheated that I’ve missed out on so much of your life so far,” Gabriel continues,
Guilt runs through me like a freight train.
Qut I want you to know that I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere.”
Dominic gets the lighter and lights the paper up, the orange flames flicker.
“And just because we got off to a bad start, it doesn’t mean we won’t have a wonderful relationship going forward.”
Dominic pauses as he stokes the fire and I know he’s listening.
“I’m going to make this up to you and Lucia…and your mom.
All those nights I lay in bed and cried myself to sleep because I wanted my children to have a father, and now, hearing this, it’s… I get a lump in my throat as I watch on.
“Dom,” Lucia calls from the back deck. “The brown duck is back. Quick.”
Dominic glances up at me for approval to leave. “You can go out if you want,” I tell him.
He runs out through the back door and Gabriel slumps to sit on the arm of the couch. Empathy fills me, and I put my hand on his shoulder. “He’s going to come around.”
Gabriel puts his hand on top of mine. “I wish I were so sure.”
The warm, strong muscles under my hand suddenly come into focus and I remove my hand only to have Gabriel hold it in his. “I wasn’t lying, Vee. I’m not going anywhere. I promise you.”
“This has nothing to do with me, Gabriel, the only thing that matters is your relationship with the
twins. Leave me out of it.”
We stare at each other as emotion wells between us, memories of a horrible past that my heart won’t let me forgive.
illionaire After Divor
Chapter 61
His face flickers with red and golden shadows of the fire. “I’m just asking you to leave the door open
for us.”
“That door has been closed for many years, Gabriel.”
He runs his hand up my leg as he stares up at me, and I know that look, once upon a time I dreamed of it every night. “I’m not the boy I was back then.”
“Then who are you?” I ask.
“I’m the man who wants to right his wrongs.” His hand slides around to my behind. ”
knows what he wants.”
in who
“We are never having sex. Get it out of your head right now.”
“I’m not after sex, I’m after a connection.” His eyes search mine. “I want to feel your heartbeat from
the inside, I want to show you mine.”
He stands, bringing us millimeters apart, and he takes my face in his hands. I stare up at him as my heart completely stops.
“Put me out of my misery.” He bends and his lips softly brush against mine. “Tell me there’s a chance
for us.”
His tongue slowly swipes through my open lips and my knees nearly give way beneath me. My eyes.
flutter closed as the moment takes me over.
We kiss again, and this time his tongue slowly slides into my mouth, awakening every female instinct that I’ve suppressed for years.
This man…the physical reaction I have to him…it’s carnal, primal, and damn well addictive.
Wait…what the hell am I doing?
I pull out of the kiss and step back. “Gabriel, you need to stop.”
“What’s wrong?” He reaches for me again and pulls my body against his.
Chapter 61
“Get back here.”
“No.” I take a further step back. “This isn’t about you and me, this is about the children and your relationship with them.”
“What the children need is for us to be together.”
“That’s not true at all, and besides..” I troll my mind for a get–out of jail card. I’m already seeing
His eyes narrow and he steps toward me, forcing me to step back. “Who is he?” he growls. The dominance of his action sends a wildfire through my body. I feel my pulse between my legs.
♡ (2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 62