Chapter 80
The phone clicks as he hangs up on me. My blood boils. “You did not just hang up on me.” I This number immediately. Ring ring…ring ring…
ou’ve reached Gabriel Ferrara.
Leave a message.
“Ahh.” I hang up in a rush, the asshole has declined the call. I try again.
You’ve reached Gabriel Ferrara. Leave a message
“That’s it!” I explode. “You’ve gone too far this time, asshole.” “Mom, am I washing my hair?” Lucia calls from upstairs.
I close my eyes and take a deep steadying breath; I have to be calm until they go to bed. “Yes, I’m coming,” I call sweetly. I trudge upstairs. I’m so sick of this egomaniac thinking he can just do whatever he wants with the kids without even consulting me.
Change their name. Ha…he’s kidding himself. That is not how this works.
I sit on the toilet as the kids shower and bathe while I go over my choices.
There are none.
Tomorrow, I have to go and see a lawyer. This stops now.
I run into my office at 9:05, running late as usual.
Another sleepless night followed by a chaotic morning. My phone rings and I glance down at the
Oh no, what’s happened?
A flax Driverco
Chapter 80
“Hello” I answer,
“Hello, Violet, this is Shelby from the school reception.”
“Hi, Shelby, is everything all right?”
“Yes, yes, no emergency or anything. I’m just letting you know that we have had a request f children’s father, a Mr. Gabriel Ferrara, to be
cluded in all school correspondence from now on.”
Thump, thump, thump goes my heartbeat in my ears.
“Did you, now?”
“That’s fine, isn’t it? It’s protocol to check with you that this is okay.”
I close my eyes and I really want to scream no, but I know I have to pick my battles; this isn’t one of them. “That’s fine, Shelby.”
“Okay, have a nice day.”
“You too.”
She hangs up, and I stare at the wall for a moment; in fact, I stare at the wall all day.
I have this deep sense of dread that everything’s changing and there’s not a thing I can do about it.
Why did I sleep with him, what the hell was I thinking?
I sit in my car as I dial the number. I had to wait for my lunch break to call Gabriel, and now, because I don’t want my nosy colleagues to hear what I have to say, I’m hiding in my car. Ring ring…ring ring… “Yes,” he answers.
Instantly, my hackles rise, why does he think it’s okay to answer the phone like that?
“I believe you are meant to answer the phone with hello.”
“What is it, Violet? I’m very busy.”
I feel my temperature rise. Honestly, I’ve never met someone so infuriating.
Courted by a Billionaire After Divorce
Chapter 80
“Hello” I answer.
“Hello, Violet, this is Shelby from the school reception.”
“Hi, Shelby, is everything all right?”
“Yes, yes, no emergency or anything. I’m just letting you know that we have had a request from the children’s father, a Mr. Gabriel Ferrara, to be
cluded in all school correspondence from now on.”
no ear
Thump, thump, thump goes my heartbeat in my ears.
“Did you, now?”
“That’s fine, isn’t it? It’s protocol to check with you that this is okay.”
I close my eyes and I really want to scream no, but I know I have to pick my battles; this isn’t one of them. “That’s fine, Shelby.”
“Okay, have a nice day.”
“You too.”
She hangs up, and I stare at the wall for a moment; in fact, I stare at the wall all day.
I have this deep sense of dread that everything’s changing and there’s not a thing I can do about it.
Why did I sleep with him, what the hell was I thinking?
I sit in my car as I dial the number. I had to wait for my lunch break to call Gabriel, and now, because I don’t want my nosy colleagues to hear what I have to say, I’m hiding in my car. Ring ring…ring ring… “Yes,” he answers.
Instantly, my hackles rise, why does he think it’s okay to answer the phone like that?
“I believe you are meant to answer the phone with hello.”
“What is it, Violet? I’m very busy.”
I feel my temperature rise. Honestly, I’ve never met someone so infuriating.
Courted by a tonare After Divorce
Chapter 80
“I need to talk to you,”
“Don’t act cute, Gabriel. You know damn well what I’m calling about”
He exhales in an overdramatic fashion. “Oh, let’s see, Violet…it could be a plethora of reasons why you called me. What I served the children for dinner, the joke I told them over the table, t
act that
I want them to have my name as well as yours, or perhaps it’s the school…or maybe you just want to
So my dick again to get off.” My blood boils,
“Don’t be vulgar,” I whisper angrily,
“If the shoe fits,”
“Can we just be civil?”
“That doesn’t work for me.”
“I don’t have time to sit here and listen to you breathe down the phone,
Violet. What. Do. You. Want.”
“The kids said yo
want them to change their name to Ferrara.”
“You didn’t say that?” I ask hopefully.
“I said I would like to add my name to the end of Coleman.” “Oh…” I frown, that isn’t what they told
- me.
“Is that it?”
“Well…can we talk about this?”
“We just did. Goodbye.” The phone clicks as he hangs up on me.
I wait in my car in the line outside the school, at least I’m early enough today to even make the ling.
——- –
Chapter 80
Some days I have to park ages away and am forced to walk in.
I feel like my head is literally about to explode, he’s right, there is a plethora of things, the name thing, the school calling, and then him hanging up on me.
I can’t wait to get home and have a glass of wine; I may even have chip and dip.
All bets are off even if it’s a school night, and the rules are…there are no rules.
rvival today is key.
The school bell has rung, and I can see Dom standing at the gate, waiting for his sister, he’s such a
good boy.
I’d go stand with him except Felicity Fox and her coven of witches are there standing around, chatting, and judging everyone like they own the school…ugh.