Chapter 83
She swallows a lump in her throat, and instead of hitting a return serve like I’m expecting, she storms off toward the parking lot.
watch her disappear and feel regret in the pit of my stomach. I begin to perspire and the school hell goes. The kids come out of the classroom as I stand patiently to the side.
“Dad,” Lucia yells excitedly. She runs and practically jumps into my
Dominic sees me and breaks into a broad smile. He rushes over, and I can tell that he wants to hug me, but he hesitates. Instead, he looks me up and down. “Why are you wearing that?”
“What?” I glance down at myself. “My suit?” He nods.
“You don’t like it?” -You d
He shrugs, not wanting to answer.
This is a twenty–two–thousand–dollar suit, have you got taste in your ass, kid…what the hell’s wrong with it? “Let’s walk out to the car.” I direct them toward the gate.
“Are we coming to your house today?” Lucia asks.
“Tomorrow is our sleepover.” I glance up and can see Violet sitting in her car. “Let’s go and see Mom.”
Lucia holds my hand, and we walk through the parking lot to Violet’s car. “Mom, Dad’s here,” Lucia tells her excitedly.
I lean down to look into the car, and she’s wearing sunglasses and staring straight ahead.
“Are you
you coming over to our house?” Dominic asks me.
“No, I have to work for a few more hours. Tomorrow is our sleepover.” I lean down to talk to Violet through the window. “That’s still okay, isn’t it,
Chapter 83
She nods but doesn’t reply. Has she been crying?
“So we won’t see you tonight?” Lucia says, disappointed.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, guys, keep Mom company tonight.” I open the car door and the kids climb in.
“Bye.” I wave.
Violet drives off without even looking at me. I march over and get into the passenger seat of my car.
Mark is behind the wheel.
“Did you see her?” he asks..
“Yep.” I pull my seat belt on, disgusted with myself. “I told her I was going to fuck all the women town…up the ass.”
“Nice…” Mark purses his lips. “How did that go down?”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Not great.”
I lie on the couch like a zombie, the carbohydrate coma is in full swing, and I have no fucks to give
about anything anymore.
Every nightmare of mine has come true.
He’s done it, done exactly what I thought he was going to do.
Weaseled his way into the kids‘ lives and is now going to make living here in my little sleepy town a literal hell by sleeping with every female on heat.
I’m so done with him that I can’t even be upset, at this point I’m just numb.
The kids are playing video games and lying all over the floor. We had pizza for dinner. Well, had pizza and pasta, but who’s counting calories on a day like today.
Deb’s name lights up the screen of my phone. “Hi,” I answer.
“Just checking in on you.”
“I’m fine.” I sigh, not a drill, I really am fine. I’ve cried all the tears I have over this man; I will never
Chapter RT
shed another one.
Fuck him.
“While the kids are having their sleepover, do you want to go out tomorrow night?”
“Where to?”
“We could go to that new cocktail place and, you know, have a bender.”
“I do need a bender.”
“Okay, it’s on.”
“Benderville tomorrow night.” I smile.
“I’ll pick you up at seven, dinner first. Wear heels, we’re dressing up.”
“I love you.” I smile gratefully. “What would I do without you, Deb?” “Hmm…probably live in a much inore exotic place than you do.” “Facts.” I smile.
I hang up feeling better. A night with my bestie is just what the doctor ordered.
I sit and stare at the field. I haven’t watched a second of the game, but damn it, I will not take my
eyes off it.
I don’t know what the hell this fool is playing at, but he’s really winding me up.
It’s one thing to piss me off so badly that I imagine his grisly death, but to come and sit on the other side of Lucia, who is next to me for the entire game today…is unforgiveable.
He has his arm over the back of her chair and every now and then it grazes my
Each time, I pull away as if I’ve been burned. They’re chatting and laughing and I’m listening to him schmooze her in.
No wonder the kids are in awe of him, he’s going all out to impress them.
“Would you like a hot dog?” he asks Lucia..
“Yes, please.”
And drink
“Coke please.”
“Are you allowed to have soda?”
His eyes flick over to me for confirmation, and I stare at the field as I continue to ignore him.