hapter 85
Chapter 85
Dejected, I hang up and call Mark. “Hey,” he answers.
“Where is Violet?”
“Let me find out. I’ll call you back.”
With my behind resting on the counter, I wait in the kitchen, the room lit only by the overhead fan light. My phone rings almost immediately.
“She’s in a cocktail bar called Mimosas. She’s with her friend Debbie.” “Who’s on tonight?” I reply.
“Tommy and Pearce.”
I think for a moment. “Has she seen them before?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Send them in.”
“Do…” He hesitates. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“Don’t question me. Just fucking do it. I want to know every detail of her night.”
“They’re to stay out of sight…unless.”
“Unless what?”
“Unless she’s talking to another man.”
“Then what?”
“Then they move in and await my instruction.”
Chapter 85
I hang up and glare at the wall.
If she’s talking to someone else tonight, it’s fucking on.
3 a.m… I sit on the couch, my feet up on the ottoman, a scotch in my hand.
Anger in my soul.
I’m playing nice and letting her have her night out, I’m not moving in even though Violet has been approached by five men tonight.
Luckily for her, she’s waved them away…lucky for them too.
My phone vibrates in my hand. “Yes,” I snap as my heart races.
“Violet has just arrived home in a taxi; she’s safely inside.”
“Yes, sir.”
I close my eyes in relief.
“Good.” I hang up and inhale sharply. This woman’s got me crazy.
I pull into the driveway just on 4 p.m.
The kids are happily chattering on in the backseat, but my mood is somber.
I feel like I’m dropping my heart off at the bus stop and I won’t be able to pick it up again until Thursday when I come back.
The more time I spend with them, the harder it is to leave.
It’s like I have this ache in my heart for all the time I’ve lost. When I first found out about the children, the time that had passed seemed irrelevant.
Courted by a Billionaire After Divorce
They were six, it was what it was
But now I know how much joy spending twenty–four hours with them brings me.
Six years is insurmountable.
I turn the car off and drag myself from the car, the kids slowly get out and I hear the front door open. I glance up to see Violet standing on the front veranda.
Ace you tired..because I fucking am.
See you on Friday.” I force a smile
I bend on one knee and Lucia hugs me tight. “Goodbye, baby,” I whisper as I hold her longer than I
She steps back, and my eyes search Dominic’s. “Can I have a hug?”
He steps forward and gives me a rigid weird arm hug and immediately pulls out of it.
My heart sinks, and I force a smile.
“See you Friday.”
“Okay.” He puts his backpack on and turns to go inside. I glance up and Violet has gone.
She didn’t even say goodbye.
I wait for them to walk inside with my heart in my throat. Don’t go.
I open my emails and exhale heavily. The days go slow in New York, the nights go slower.
I’ve got a sore heart and a thumping dick.
The highlight of my day is at 8 p.m. when I call the kids to say good night.
Alessio pops his head around the corner. “We getting lunch?”
“Yeah.” I close down my computer. “I need to grab a few things while we’re out.”
“Like what?”
Courted by a billionaire After Divorce
Chapter 85
“You never shop in stores.” He frowns. “Where’s your stylist?”
“Long story.” I roll my eyes. “Let’s go.”
Half an hour later, we walk through the department store in the men’s section.
Alessio looks around at the clothes. “Why are we here?”
“I need to buy some new clothes.”
“From here?” He winces. “Why?”
“I need to get some clothes that are less designer and more…” I twist my lips as I try to think of the right word. “Lumberjack.” “What?” He screws up his face in disgust. “Dominic doesn’t like my designer suits.”
His eyes flick up in surprise. “Are you sure he’s a Ferrara?”
“Don’t you remember what it was like being six, you just want your dad to fit in and be like all the
other dads.”
“You have never fitted in,” he mutters dryly. “Trust me, you don’t fit in with the lumberjacks either.”
Chapter 85
Chapter 86