hapter 95
I throw on my boxer shorts and slink into bed. I lie on my side and watch her for the longest time.
Bruising is not her best look, I have to admit, but to me…she is perfect. Her long hair is splayed.
across her pillow and her dark lashes flutter as she breathes.
real–life angel…my angel.
To her regulated breathing, I feel myself drifting into the abyss.
Beside her at last.
“Oww,” Violet cries.
I jump awake. “What?”
“You hit my arm when you rolled over.”
“Oh.” I wince. “Sorry.”
“What are you doing in this bed?”
“I…” I rub my eyes as I try to wake up. “I thought you might need something.”
“I don’t need you hurting me.”
“Sorry, sorry,” I mumble. “Go back to sleep.”
She exhales in frustration, and we lie in the darkness for a while. “Now my hand is aching.”
I roll over and look at my phone. “You can probably have some painkillers now, you were meant to have them in half an hour anyway.” I get up and grab the pills. She sits up and takes them.
“I need to go to the bathroom.”
I lift her and take her to the bathroom. Fuck…I was in the deepest sleep then. I wait for her and then carry her back to bed and lie back down and close my eyes.
a Billionaire After Divorce
Chapter 95
“Gabriel,” she whispers.
“Huh?” I jump awake.
“You’re breathing too loud.” “What?” I screw up my face.
“Roll over, you are keeping me awake.”
“But I can’t sleep on that side.”
“Go to the couch, then,” she growls in an Exorcist voice.
“Fuck’s sake, calm down.” I roll over and put my back to her and I’m so uncomfortable, this is not my sleeping position at all. I try to lie as still as I can so as to not disturb her.
Eventually, I close my heavy eyes.
I jump awake. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Your phone alarm is going off.”
“Oh.” I forgot to turn it off. I switch it off.
“How could you forget that?”
“If I knew, I wouldn’t have forgotten.” I close my heavy eyelids.
someone yells from a distance. “Mom.” I keep dreaming. Shut up, kid.
I jerk awake. “Fuck.” I stumble out of bed; Lucia is full crying now and I kick my toe on the bedpost and go hurtling toward the wall.
Ahhh…my toe has been dislocated.
stop being so the king noisy,” Violet grumbles, “You’ve woken up
“She woke me up.“1 hop around. “My toe is not okay.”
“I don’t give a fuck about your
“Obviously, I limp into Lucia’s room. “What’s wrong, baby? She’s crying, and I sit beside her. “Did
o have a bad dream?” “Yeah”
“It’s okay.” I stroke her hair.
“Can you lie with me, Daddy?”
“Okay.” I scooch up on the side of her tiny single bed and smile as I close my eyes,
“Gabriel!” Violet yells from the other room. I jump awake.
“What now?”
“I need you.”
I throw the blankets back. This is the worst night’s sleep of my life.
I go to step and my toe radiates pain… “Ahh, fuck.” I limp back to Violet’s bed. “What?”
“Don’t what me,” she snaps, “You said you were looking after me, don’t what me.”
I imagine myself throwing her out the window. “What is it, Violet?”
“I’m thirsty.
“Go drink your water.”
“It’s all gone. I need some cold water.”
“From the fridge downstairs?”
“Do you mind?”
“Time” I limp down the hall and stairs in the darkness. The room glows from the refrigerator light as Lopen it. I glance over and see my keys sitting on the counter.
Maybe I could sleep in my car?
I fill the glass with water and make my way back upstairs. I pass Violet her water, she gulps…and gulps and gulps..and gulps…jeez.
“Don’t try me,” she snarls.
I grit my teeth and get back into bed. She’s testing my last nerve. I close my eyes.
“I need to go to the tollet again,” she whispers into the darkness.
I slap my hands over my eyes. This can’t be happening.
“That’s what happens when you drink like a fucking camel, Violet.” “That’s it. Go home.” Don’t tempt
me, woman.
I flick the blankets back and pick her up. “Perhaps I should put a catheter in.”
“Perhaps you should shut your mouth.”
“You’re not a great patient.”
“Yeah, well… You’re not a great nurse.”
I hobble with her back to bed and lay her down, then stumble into bed.