The plane landed. I didn’t linger, nor
did I look back at Karry. He remained
frozen in place, his legs leaden. He just watched me disappear into the crowd.
Celia, in a crisp white shirt, appeared,
waving to him.“Karry, I’m here to pick you up! How was your business trip? Did you bring me anything?”
Karry found Celia’s sudden
appearance odd, especially her referring to his trip as a “business trip” and her
casual request for gifts. The strangeness
He remembered that since six years
ago, when he drove Celia way after
discovering she had framed Emily, she
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had never been seen again.
He didn’t understand. But he had one
clear thought: he refused to be a puppet.
His legs, previously immobile,
unfroze as Celia approached. He walked
towards her with coldness in his eyes. He
seemed to have understood why Emily
would leave. Now, he wanted to try
something different.
Celia chattered incessantly, her voice
grating on his nerves. He stopped, his gaze
sharp and emotionless.
“Shut up. You’re annoying.”
Stunned, Celia paused, her face.
falling.“Karry, what happened? Are you
tired? Let’s go home.”
D 12:07
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She reached for his hand, but he
walked away. She tried to talk, but he
ignored her.
Their driver opened the car door for
them. Karry closed his eyes, trying not to
look at Celia. He didn’t see her sad eyes,
or did he see the resentment simmering
beneath it.
Celia seethed inwardly. “Emily, you
bitch. Even in death, you don’t let him go.”
Karry had been distant to Celia since
Emily’s death. Before, Karry had never
said no to her. She’d felt a connection, a
genuine affection between them. She
used to believe that Emily had helped her
a lot, but in the end she believed Emily
had manipulated everyone.
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Celia felt helpless. She hated Emily,
but Emily was dead and had become
someone Karry would never forget. There
was nothing she could do.
Soon, she realized she was wrong.
The car stopped outside a villa, but
Karry didn’t go inside. He walked in another direction. Celia followed. “Karry,
where are you going?”
He didn’t answer. She trailed behind him, noticing something amiss. He was heading towards the Kane residence. Since Emily’s death, Karry’s relationship.
with the Kanes had soured; he hadn’t visited them again. Why would he go
there, fresh off a “business trip“?
The Kane residence wasn’t far, and
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they arrived quickly. Emily was already home, surrounded by her parents. She was recounting her life in England. Then, the doorbell rang.
A servant answered; her eyes
widened upon seeing the visitor. Ignoring her, Karry barged in.