Chapter 42
No, no, no mother has to be here! She had to see the birth of her grandchildren.
“Ma’am, it’s the babies!” Ruth screamed.
“No, it can’t be.” I’m due next week, and Dante’s mother is not here. I can’t do this alone.” I burst into tears. To be honest, I know it’s not good for the babies, but I wanted Dante’s mother to be there. If Dante wasn’t here, at the very least, his mother should be. I shook my head as another thunderous wave of pain slammed through me.
“Evelyn!” I overheard Ruth calling Evelyn. “Bring the car; Madam is in labor.” I went inside the car, screaming like a child who had no idea what was going on. I was pulling my hair as if it would alleviate the pain.
“Breath, ma’am,” Ruth screamed. I was constantly inhaling and exhaling, which seemed to help with the pain I was feeling. I was transferred to a private ward. Dante’s mother was already there, much to my astonishment. Seeing her made me cry. She hurried over to me and wrapped her arms around me.
“Breath, Lola, breathe, baby, you’re going to be OK.”
“I’m afraid I can’t, Mother. It hurts so bad.” Then the pain struck me once more. I screamed and reached for my stomach. When I closed my eyes, I had the distinct impression that the world was coming to an end.
“Look at me.” I stared at her with a horrified expression on my face, and she said, “I’m going to accompany you into that room and hold your hand until it’s all over. Do you hear what I’m saying?” I gave a nod.
“Emily!” Mother called.
“How are you, Lola? In this game, your children defeated me. They arrived earlier than anticipated.” Both of us laughed. I was escorted into the room, where she examined me. Mother clutched my hand while she wore a medical gown and cap. Emily and another doctor both said it was time, and I agreed with them.
Mother gave me a glance. Emily instructed me to part my legs, and I glanced back at my mother.
“You are going to push, push those little Dantes out as though you are punching him in the face. Are you ready?” She asked, and I nodded. “Now let’s punch Dante in the face.” I gave another nod. “Now, push!” She yelled, and I pushed. I shook my head. “Punch him, Lola! Punch his stupid face!” she yelled. I clenched my teeth and pushed, then I heard a cry. “It’s a boy!” Emily yelled. I could feel my wall expanding. I locked my gaze on my mother and pushed again, tightening my grip on her hand. “It’s a baby boy!” Emily screamed once more. I’m now concerned. Am I giving birth exclusively to boys? Am I not having a little sister? It was as if Mother had been able to read my thoughts.
“You never know, you might end up with a miniature Lola this time.” I grinned and squeezed her hand tightly. I overheard another wail. “My God, my God! She is stunning!”
“She?” I asked, and Emily gave a nod.
I was the happiest mother on the planet. Dante’s mother was the first to hold them all. Well, all of them look alike, with the exception of my little girl. I’m not sure I’d be able to tell the difference between the boys. My baby girl looks like her brothers. It’s a little sad that I carried them for nine good months and they came out looking like Dante.
Fingerprints of Betrayal
Chapter 42
I entered the grand hotel and found Candice waiting for me in one of the corners. It’s more as though she’s embarrassed to be seen with me. To be honest, baby girl, I’m game. I know about your Jackie Chan boyfriend. Playing with her would be a lot of fun. It’s obvious that she adores Jackie Chan, but how did she manage to trick me? I’ve now lost Lola. It was because of this woman that I lost her. I opted to stand in the reception area in order for her to see me and approach me. However, Candice remained immobile. I know what she is doing. She wants me to reserve a room and meet her at the elevator. Why wasn’t I able to see through these activities previously? She has always acted in this manner toward me. She is adamant about not being seen with me in public yet claims to love me. If that is the case, then I will make sure that your martial arts boyfriend sees you with me. That’s a promise, and I’ll keep it. I continued to pretend I didn’t see her and started to glance around, then I walked out of the hotel. I know she’ll come after me, but I don’t have time for her. I noticed her sprinting for the entrance, but I asked Lev to continue driving. It may take me an eternity to locate Lola, but I will never love another person as much as I have loved her. What am I trying to convey? It has always been her. Lola was and still is my first love, but I ignored my feelings for her and ended up losing her. Lola, my Lola I know you ran away from me, but I’ll find you, Bunny! I promise. That is a promise. I glimpsed Lev’s reflection in the mirror as he drove. I’m sure he had something to say,
but I’m not sure what.