Chapter 10
Chapter 10
“What’s the job?” He asks calmly.
Mom’s face lights up “A manger of the firm set in South Carolina” She smiles “It earns a hell of a lot more
money…..and they’ve even set us up a big enough house for double the size of our family to fit in..” She smiles wider at it and I feel my face fall slightly.
Mom deserves this job. It’s better than what she has, we can’t stand in the way of it. It’s her dream to become a
“When we leaving?” Blake asks behind me
Mom’s face falls now and gulps “Tomorrow.” She whispers but we all hear and explode again
“WHAT?!” We shriek
Mom takes a deep breath “I know, I’m sorry. But I only got news of it the other day and had to make a decision then and there.” She tries to explain while I’m fuming
Moving is bad enough….but TODAY!?
I don’t really have friends here, my brothers scare them away, but that doesn’t mean I still want to leave.
Washington’s my home. I’ve grown up here. Lived here all my life.
Dad’s buried here.
got a lump to rise in my throat. No we can’t leave. We can’t leave dad.
I stood up from Blake’s lap watching mom.
“I’m sorry it’s short notice, but this is really a big opportunity…I’ve got to take it.” She says watching us all.
I frown “No” is all I say before I run out the living room up the stairs to my room slamming the door shut behind me sinking to the floor.
I know mom needs this job, she wants this job. But I’m not leaving dad. Where would I go if I wanted to see him?
Nowhere…that’s where.
I’m not leaving him!
About an hour later I was laying on my bed staring at the picture on my bed side table of my dad, me and Seth (my twin) on our 13th birthday. The last birthday we had with him.
It’s getting dark outside now, it’s about 9 o’clock.
I heard a faint knock on my.door, a special one that I know straight away who is knocking. It’s mine and Seth’s knock.
Fingerprints of Betrayal
Chapter 10
I sat up in bed as he opened the door and slipped in to my darkened room coming over to my bed.
I shuffled over slightly and he sits down next to me on the bed and instinctively I rest my head on his shoulder. He doesn’t need to say anything, he knows what I’m feeling. Ever since we were little we just have this weird twin thing and can always connect to the other, and know without talking what they feel.
He slips his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him into a sideways hug and I feel tears bubbling up in my eyes so I squeeze then shut as he rubs my arm soothingly.
Just then there’s another knock on my door and in come everyone else. We always do this when something’s wrong – like when dad died – we all crowd into one room.
Thomas comes bouncing to the bed – he probably doesn’t get what’s happening and jumps on it coming to me and sitting right in my lap.
I smile and wrap my arms around him breathing in his washing powder smell.
Joe and Jack slump into my beanbag chair squabbling over who gets more room.
Cory, Lee and Leon flop on the long chair sofa seat I have and Evan, Chris, Blake and Ashton sit on my bed the free side of my double bed.
I rest my head on top of Tom’s floppy fluffy black hair.
“You know….I hear South Carolina has got some hot babes” Evan says smirking trying to lighten the mood.
“Oooh…yeah…hot babes in bikini’s” Chris adds.
I smirk softly and lift my head up “Trust you guys to just think of that” I smirk
“What’s babes?” Toms asks innocently and we glance at each other and burst out into laughter.
“Oh. Tom…they are..” Evan says pausing.
“There nothing you should worry about.” I say leaning down to him kissing his check and he giggles as I tighten my
“Mom wants us to pack.” Ashton says after a while “We leave tomorrow.” He says
“Ugh…we better not have to get up early.” Evan groans and I roll my eyes at him
“Lexi…” Tom’s voice says sounding sleepy
“Hmm?” I say looking down at him
He yawns, turns his body, so he’s sitting sideways on my lap snuggling up to my stomach “I’m tired..” He says quietly and his eyes flutter close.
I smile and stroke his hair telling him to sleep.
Fingerprints of Betraval
Chapter 10
“Naww…you’re gunna be a great little mommy when your older” Evan mocks smirking and I shoot him a look.
“Pfff….that’s if she even gets a guy first…with all you scaring anyone who talks to her off” Ashton comments smirking slightly, though it’s true. So very, very true.
“Pff…as if we’re let some dirty guy touch our baby sis.” Chris says with a straight face. “She’ll properly die lonely” He smirks and I glare at him and Blake hits him on the head for me…thank you.
I glance over at Joe and Jack to see they have fallen asleep too on the bean bag chair and Cory is dropping off.
“What about Charles.” I question frowning
“Oh, he’s going come visit us when we settle, and stay for a while” Ashton says.
“Oooh…with Daisy?” Evan asks his hazel eyes lighting up
“Yeah, damn, she’s ho-” Chris states but gets whacked again by Blake
“Dude…that’s your brother’s girlfriend” He says frowning “Don’t say that”
Chris smirks but I can tell he’s thinking things in his head.
About another hour later, Tom, Joe, Jack, Cory and Lee are all asleep. Tom’s curled up next to me on the bed…he doesn’t take up too much room and we were going to fall asleep any minute now.
“Hey Lexi.” Seth whispers as I’m led down on my bed now with the others drifting to sleep.
I turn my head to him laying down next to me “It’ll be okay you know.” He whispers “We can say bye to dad before we go.“….see he knows what’s on my mind without me actually telling him.