Chapter 11
I smile slightly in the dark and slightly nod my head.
Yeah we could….but it won’t be the same…we’ll be millions of miles away (Okay maybe not that much but still) from him, and I won’t be able to sit at his grave anymore.
I close my eyes trying to push all the thoughts out my head and let sleep take over me.
It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay. I try to just focus on Seth’s words.
It’s be okay.
But Will it?
I roll over as I stir awake but keep rolling and suddenly land on the hard floor with a thump.
“Ow!” I groan rubbing my head and opening my eyes as I hear laughter around the room.
“Ahah, epic fall sis.” Evan laughs standing up and I glare at him.
“Yep, totally” Seth smirks.
I shoot them looks as I get to my feet with the blanket tangled around me.
“KIDS, are you up?!” Mom shouts sounding like she’s coming down the corridor.
“Yeah.” We mumble back as they too get to their feet.
“Well get packing…..we are leaving at six!” She calls back
I whip my head to the clock it’s 8am. We’ve got ten hours to pack everything we have ever owned? That’s impossible. There are eleven of us! Why did mom tell us on such short notice!
“Right!” I shout “Everyone out. I need to pack my shit.” I say, pushing them out the door as they mumble “Okay, okay….jeeze.”
Tom’s the last to leave and I close my door and go to my closet to change first.
I look through my clothes, I’ll admit, I’m not a girly girl. Hell I live in a house full of boys, the only female influence I have is my mother…so it’s not really a surprise.
I pull on some lime green skinny jeans, a light blue t–shirt with colourful patterns that match. It’s a weird combination, but I like it. Bright colours that you wouldn’t usually put together. Perfect.
The next few hours are stressful. Boxes after boxes, roles and roles of tape. I hate packing. It really is not my thing. Mom set us a time limit, claiming we better have every, if not most of all our things from our room packed up by noon. That way it gives us plenty of time to sort the rest of the house. I was pretty much doubting that we would have everything packed in time, and I don’t think we will however thankfully mom told us to not worry, anything that’s
Chapter 11
not packed up will be sent over once we selle in so if we have to, just pack the majority of essential things we need.
And in my case, that means most of the things in my room, Suit cases, duffle bags and boxes hold the majority of my belongings from clothes, shoes, photos, little items that I have kept for memory sack and even the odd stuff toy that I have had from when I was little. Everything, I can’t just leave things here to be sent over in a few weeks. No. That
won’t do.
Halfway through the afternoon, the house is messy, Boxes litter every place, everyone’s rushing to gather the last things they so desperately need and can’t wait a few weeks without. It’s a crazy mess and I don’t even think anyone
has eaten..
Finally. At quarter to six everyone is ready, Bags packed and all our essential and must needed things are being listed into a big truck and surprisingly we all have everything we need for the long ass trip we are about to take.
“Okay kids, it’s time to go.” Mom calls, “Come get in the taxi’s” Mom orders as the last of our luggage is loaded
There’s two six seater taxis waiting for us, mom goes in one with the younger ones, Tom, Joe, Jack, Cory and Lee. While Leon, Seth, Me, Evan, Chris, Blake and Ashton in the other…well that’s actually seven but we all squish in.
And before I even have a chance to breathe it seems like we are moving. The car rolling down the driveway, our old house disappearing further and further away. All the memories from my fifteen years…..going.
At least I didn’t have to say goodbye to any friends, there was no one. But there was someone else..
Dad. I didn’t get to say my goodbye to dad.
After half an hour of lame jokes, random conversation, bad smells (That no one will admit too) we finally arrive at the airport. Being stuck in a taxi with seven of your brothers is just plain torture. I swear it felt the longest ride of my
As soon as the cab stops I jump over Seth’s lap and out the door, sighing in relief as I finally get to breath.
After everyone is out we met with mom and the others boys that pulled up next to our taxi and then make our way towards the airport entrance. Thankfully all our luggage is being sorted so it’s not like we have to take every piece with us so that’s good. How it’s being sorted and being flown with us I don’t know…Mom has sorted that, or well the job Mom is moving to have sorted, apparently they are helping us out with the costs and all, which I think they should as they are the ones making us all move.
“Alright, kids, don’t run off.” Mom warns us, especially towards the younger ones and I know she wants us to keep an eye on them.
Entering the airport it’s so much bigger than I would have thought. Lining up in a queue and showing tickets and passports seems to take forever, there’s even a slight moment of panic when we can’t find one of the boys, but it’s all good, we all get thought…eventually.
Now we are all sat on the hard plastic chairs waiting with other people surrounding us. Well actually I’m not sat on the chair, I’m sat on Blake’s lap. It’s much better than a chair.
Fingerprints of Betrayal
Chapter 11
Seth is sat on mine and Blake’s left, Leon sat to our right and opposite us on more seats with a gap in between us sits, Evan, Chris, Aston and Lee. With mom, Cory, Joe, Jack and Tom near us too but we are the ones who are talking most…not caring who’s looking.