Chapter 15
“Pfff…well they will be scared by the time they leave” I mutter but she doesn’t hear but Seth does and he smirks.
It’s true, whoever comes over to our home, leaves possible scared for the rest of their life… something we do. It’s rather amusing actually. “Oh…and they have five kids” Mom says as she leaves the kitchen.
“Five?” I say eyes wide.
“Wow. Going to be fun.” Seth smirks as we finish the washing plates.
Five kids, including all of us? Well. This will be fun.
It’s nearly one o’clock now and we’re all waiting in the big living room at moms orders.
I’m wearing the same, shorts and the top but have put on the chain locket with the picture of me and dad in it on, I’m going to wear this all the time.
“Oooh, I hope they’ve got a hot daughter” Evan smirks and I smack him on the head.
“Jeeze…is that all you think about” I scold.
He smirks rubbing his head “Damn sis…you hit hard” He murmurs and I smirk at him, that’s what you get from living with these animals for 15 years, you’ve got to learn how to defend yourself.
“Hmm…hope so” Chris says to what Evan says and I roll my eyes, gosh, god help them if they do have a daughter
their age.
Suddenly the doorbell rings echoing though out the house which makes me jump…I wasn’t expecting it to be that loud. I hear mom hurrying to the door “Kids….be polite…no tricks” She warns before I hear the door open and we all murmur and smirk…yeah can’t promise that mother.
I hear my mom’s voice then another then footsteps coming into the house.
“Right kids, come into the garden where we will introduce you” Mom calls and hear footsteps walking through the hallway then go out into the garden.
My guess she wants us out there because there’s too many of us to stand in the hall way by the front door. We all get up and head to the kitchen…me behind holding Tom’s hand and making sure the twins don’t run off.
Tom suddenly tugs on my arm and I look down stopping walking.
He reaches his arms up giving me puppy dog eyes.
I sigh knowing what he wants and scoop him up of the floor smirking slightly and balancing him on my hip, little lazy boy. He holds on, with his arms around my neck resting his head on my shoulder swinging one of his legs
Chapter 15
happily. I step out the patio’s door into the warm sunshine and garden that’s huge, which includes a pool that I am very excited about.
I hear voices and walk to where my brothers are stood and see my mom in front but not anyone else. I walk up to them going to the side where mom sees me and I catch eye of the our neighbours.
A women with brown hair and dark blue eyes smiling. A man with blonde hair and brown eyes next to her. Then a tall guy that looks like his dad with blonde hair and dark blue eyes, he looks to be around Chris’s age.
Then to the guy next to him who makes my heart thump harder, now he’s seriously gorgeous. His dark brown with blonde highlights hair stuck up in placing and makes you want to run your hands through it and his warm dark brown eyes that matches perfectly with his looks.
Next there’s a girl that looks about my age with shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, and has a innocent smile on her face but there’s something off about it. Then there’s a cute boy with blonde hair and brown eyes, that looks shy because he’s slightly standing behind his that girl, his sister. Then there’s a sweet looking young girl maybe a bit older than Tom, with long brown hair and dark blue eyes and a grin looking like she wants to play.
“Kids, this is Ruby and Owen Dean and their children.” Mom says smiling
Ruby and Owen, some names to the man and the woman.
Ruby smiles “And this is my eldest, Hayden” She says with her hand on the tall guy with blonde hair and dark blue
He smirks and nods at us in a sort of welcoming way.
“Then Noah, my second eldest.” Ruby or Mrs Dean says motioning to the gorgeous tanned guy, dark brown hair with highlights in. He’s not bad to look at I’ll admit, but the way that smirk is creeping onto his face makes me think feel a little on edge.
“And my daughter April.” She says for the girl with brown shoulder length hair. She smiles sweetly and I have no doubt Evan and Chris have big smirks on their faces right now. Boys.
“Then Darren.” Ruby says to the little shy boy with blonde hair who shyly smiles, aww.
“Then Morgan, my youngest” Ruby smiles at the little girl with long brown hair who’s smiling at us and waves, I smile slightly, aww she’s cute.
“Nice to meet you guys” Mom smiles then looks to us, that look we’ve seen too many times when we meet people so we know what to do. We move so we are in a line of age order, we always do this when we have to be introduced, I kinda got used to it, but there’s one problem now. Tom won’t let go.
Chapter 16