Chapter 16
I sigh and just keep him attached to me as I stand next to Seth and Leon.
We’re in age order, first Aston, Blake, Chris, Evan, Seth, Me, Leon, Lee, Cory, Joe and Jack then Tom, but he’s not there as he’s with me…and the reason Seth’s in front of me is as he’s older by an hour.
Mom looks to me because I’m holding Tom but I shrug at her as it’s not like I can make the little guy go stand at the
end of the line.
She nods and looks to Aston “That’s Aston.” She says and Astons smiles
“Blake-” She points to Blake “Then Chris, Evan.” mom says pointing to each of them and Chris and Evan I see wink slyly at the April.
“Then the first set of twins, Seth and my only daughter Lexi..” Mom smiles at us.
“Then Leon, Lee and Cory.” Mom says “Then the second set of twins Joe and Jack..” Mom smiles “And lastly Thomas” She says pointing back to me as I’m holding Tom…who has strangely hid his face in my chest.
I frown looking down at him, he’s suddenly gone shy.
Mr and Mrs Dean smiles “Nice to meet you guys too….such a lovely family” Ruby says
“Pfff….you won’t think that in an hour, I’ll bet” I hear Evan mutter and I snicker as Seth elbows him in the ribs…luckily no one else heard…I think.
“Okay…kids…..lunch be ready in about half an hour” Mom smiles “Go get to know each other” She smiles and I faintly snort. No mom, that’s the last thing we should do.
I lower Tom to the ground, placing his feet on the floor and un–wrapping his arms. He allows me to do so but the moment he’s standing again he clings to my legs.
I groan “Tom….let go…” I plead glancing up slightly to see the little girl Morgan coming this way.
“Look Tom….you’ve got a friend” I say prying his arms from around my legs.
He realises and looks to the smiling girl “Come play, I’m Morgan” She smiles holding her hand out, aww.
Tom glancing up to me as for permission I smirk softly and push him forward “Go on” I say and he smiles and grabs Morgan’s hand and they go off together, cute.
“Naww, would you look at that” Seth’s voice says beside me and I look up to see him smirking “Only if it was that easy at our age” He jokes and I laugh.
“Lexi, honey” Mom calls and I turn to see her waving me over.
I groan slightly but go over..
Fingerprints of Betrayal
Chapter 16
“Sweetie make April welcome, don’t let the boys scare her off would you, you know how they can get Mom says and I smirk slightly remembering the last things they’ve done.
I look across to where April’s standing smiling slightly at me her dark blue eyes showing something else though
“Hmmm sure” I mumble, though I can’t promise it.
Mom smiles and I mentally roll my eyes….I don’t like making friends, probably because I’ve never really had to.I go over to April cautiously and she smiles at me “I like your top” She says looking down at it.
“Urr….thanks” I say raising an eyebrow, does she actually mean that?
She smiles wider it seems like and glances over at my brothers then back to me “So, what’s it like living with so many brothers?” She wonders glancing back at them
I frown slightly “Great” I say. It is. although they can get extremely annoying.
She smiles again “So….urr…where’s your dad?” She asks and I feel my stomach knot.
I narrow my eyes slightly and look away from her…who asks that? It’s none of her business.
“Ur…..gone” I mumble and she looks confused waiting for me to explain
I sigh slightly annoyed “He died” I say looking back at her……god why does she want to know.
Her expression dropped and her mouth formed an ‘o‘ shape “Oh gosh…I’m s-” She says but I cut her off shaking my
“No…don’t say that…you didn’t even know him” I say getting slightly pissed now. I’m sick of people saying that. What have they got to be sorry for? They didn’t have anything to do with his death.
I turn from her walking back towards Seth and the others who are now talking to Hayden and the younger
“Seth..” I say and he turns as I come nearer and looks at me then glances behind me and smirks slightly knowingly….I already don’t like her…and I know she’s following.
“Oh, oh Lex….come here” Evan says smirking and I eye him suspiciously
“Why?” I narrow my eyes. Going near Evan is always bad news.
He mocks hurt “What…you think I would do something to my dear little sister” He smirks
“Yes…yes, that’s exactly why” I say crossing my arms and hear Seth chuckle.
Evan rolls his eyes “Fine then…don’t” He sticks his tongue out at me.
“Childish much” I mutter
“What?” He glares
Chapter 16
I smile sweetly “Nothing” I smirk and he narrows his eyes but then looks away.
I smirk and glance around noticing Cory and Lee sat on the grass together and then Darren standing a few meters away shyly.