(The Remains of Summer) Chapter 13
Chloe’s face drained of color. She pleaded with him, but he remained
Finally, she let go of his leg, her head bowed. Then, she laughed, a harsh,
bitter sound.“Ethan, do you really think I killed Amelia?”
She looked up,
her eyes blazing with defiance.
“You were the one who wanted me, who threw me on your bed.”
“You were the one who showered me with gifts, who paraded me in front of
your friends and family, telling them you loved me and would give me everything
but your name!”
“You were the one who left her alone, night after night, to be with me!”
“You were the one who let me get pregnant!”
“I only dared to taunt her because you let me! Now she’s dead, and you blame
it all on me!”
Ethan’s face was a mask of fury. He was about to speak when the door
His mother rushed in, pulling Chloe to her feet, then slapping Ethan hard
<<The Remains of Sum…
across the face.
“Are you insane? Chloe is pregnant! What if something happens to the baby?!
Ethan turned, his cheek stinging.“Baby? I don’t want that baby.”
His mother gasped, then turned to a servant.“Take her to the hospital for a
“Stop!” Ethan shouted. He wasn’t finished with Chloe. He reached for her,
but his mother blocked him.
“Take her! Now!”
The servants hurried Chloe away.
“Mom! What are you doing? She killed Amelia! She can’t just leave!”
His mother slapped him again.“She didn’t kill Amelia! Amelia had no
backbone. She did this to herself!”
“Chloe is carrying our grandchild! What if something happens to the baby?”
“And Ethan, now that Amelia’s gone, you need to marry Chloe. It won’t be
long before she’s showing too much to fit into a wedding dress.”
< (The Remains of Sum…
“Enough!” Ethan interrupted/Stay on the
He turned to leave, just as his sistare ranked in.
“Mr. Carter, we have a problem”
News of Amelia’s death had devastated their fantee, They refused so
believe she’d died of simple depression, Digging for dues, they wantsaka
video clip, accidentally leaked in a fan group chat, Audio from Chloe’s
Ethan’s voice clearly identifiable.
The internet exploded.
More evidence surfaced, confirming Ethan’s infidelity and ita devastating
impact on Amelia’s mental health. It became clear that Echarl’s affair had driven
her to suicide.
Leaked photos, videos, and text messages painted a damning picture of
Ethan’s betrayal and Chloe’s cruelty. The public’s outrage was palpable. They
imagined Amelia’s despair, her final, desperate act.