o far away) Chapter20: Desperate Measures
Ethan had been receiving calls from people claiming to have seen Clara,
demanding money for information. He knew many were scammers but still paid
them. He clung to any shred of hope.
He met numerous women. They were all dressed up and offered to
accompany him. Ethan brushed them aside. No more fraudulent calls. His phone
became silent again.
Then, one day, Ethan collapsed at home. The housekeeper found him
unconscious and called an ambulance.
His parents rushed to the hospital. The doctor gave a grim
prognosis:“Dehydration and malnutrition. He’s not in immediate danger, but he‘
s severely depressed and has suicidal tendencies.”
Ethan’s mother fainted. Ethan’s father, holding back tears, signed the forms
and arranged for treatment. Once Ethan was stable, they recorded a video. Ethan‘
s father, whose face etched with age and sorrow, begged Clara to return and save
<<Go far away) Chapt…