Chapter 24
The car, a sleek, black, gleaming Rolls Royce stops before me and the windows dowly glide down to reveal Caesar’s frowning face.
“Amaya, what the heck are you doing in this neighborhood?” He growls, his voice dripping with annoyance.
I wrap my fingers around the handle of my bag tightly, biting my lips to mask the pain and discomfort I still feel from my ruptured stitches.
“I don’t think that should be any of your business.” I say defiantly
“Get in the car. Right now.” His tone brooks no arguments.
I blink in surprise at his audacity.
“I’m a free citizen of the United States, Caesar, incase you’ve forgotten. I have the right to go wherever I want, whenever I want, and you’re not in any position to order me around.”
I watch in horror as Caesar lets out a curse and steps out of the car himself, expensive suit and all.
Before I can say “Jack,” he covers the distance between us and leans over me, those burning black eyes instantly setting me aflame.
“Do you realise that you’re on Bunters Street, Amaya? Do you know how many people, especially women, get mugged and even killed around here on a daily basis?”
I swallow thickly, trying hard to distract myself from his perfectly curved lips and that sharp jaw. My eyes stray over his shoulder and my heartbeat accelerates when I notice the shabby and dilapidated nature of the street.
Dang! He’s right. That’s why the passers–by were looking at me weirdly earlier.
I swallow and return my gaze to him, lifting my chin.
“I was perfectly fine before you arrived. I’m not going anywhere with you.”
Caesar keeps his eyes on me for a long, long time. At some point, the pain from my rupture becomes so unbearable, I almost give up and scream like I really want to. But I don’t want Caesar to even sense that I’m in pain. I’ve got a feeling that if he does, I might never get to submit my CVs today.
His eyes narrow suspiciously as they take in the sight of my teeth pressing against my lips. Before he can utter a word. I duck underneath his arms and try to escape. Emphasis on “try.”
a moment, I forgot I was dealing with an alpha who’s gifted with super speed.
ake two steps. I freeze.
Caesar grabs my arms before I can take
My heart is pumping so wildly, I’m pretty sure it’s working overtime. With one slight, forceful pull, Caesar slams me against his chest and wraps his arms around my waist to keep me there
feel the steady
I don’t know what I find more intoxicating; the fact that I’m directly pressed against his chest and I can beating of his heart, or the fact that his scent–pure man and dangerous wolf mixed with expensive cologne verge of driving me crazy.
Jeez. Am I attracted to this man? Goddess, no. That would mean disaster.
is on the
12:56 Tue, Dec 3 GB ·
Chapter 21
I’m saying this for your own good, Amaya. You’re not safe here
I narrow my eyes on him:
“You do realize that what you’re doing right now is stalking and harassment, right? I could report your to the police”
His cheeks lift in a smirk. “The police? I’d love to see you try”
For a moment, I forgot this man has enough money to influence the authorities in his favour. But I can’t give up
“Fine then. If the police refuse to help me, I’ll make publications that will damage your entire reputation if you don’t stop this madness. Imagine what would happen if I mistakenly leaked to the media that the farmous Caesar Manchester harasses and stalks women! You’ll be ruined. Your family’s reputation will be in shambles.”
Caesar stares at me for the longest of seconds. Finally and i
surprisingly, he releases me and steps back.
“You’re delusional if you think I’m afraid of a little attention from the media. It won’t be the first nor the last time that has happened. For your information, I generate not less than fifty million dollars from damages the court awards to me after suing all their arses every year.”
I’m rendered speechless as I watch him backtrack to his car and get into the backseat, Goddess, he has such wide, powerful shoulders.
“If you’re not afraid of bad press, why did you let me go then?” ask breathlessly.
He slams the door and gives me a searing look.
“I’m leaving for your own good, Anaya. If you try to sabotage me through the press, it will only turn around to affect you and your babies negatively. The press are dangerous and information–hungry dogs and they won’t leave you alone until they get what they want. You will never be able to handle them by yourself.”
That said, the window slides back up
and the car zooms away, leaving me on
the quic
quiet street in a cloud of dust.
By the time I make it to Macpherson Engineering, I’m exhausted
My once heat–curled hair is sweaty and limp. I’m sure that half my make–up must be drenched in sweat. I stepped on dog poop and coupled with my rupture pains, I feel very rubbish in addition to my already rubbish day.
“Hello, good morning.
moment I walk into the
Macpherson Engineering, it’s quite obvious that the entire establishment screams class and power. The reception alone is huge as hell and one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Acres and acres of gleaming white marble stretch as far as the eyes can see, and there’s an aristocratic silence in the air. Even the sounds of the receptionists fingers against the keyboards screams “class.”
“Hello.” One of the receptionist, a pretty blonde smiles warmly at me. “Good morning and welcome to Macpherson Engineering. How may I be of service, please?”
“Hello. I’m here concerning the job advertisement posted by the company.” I ruffle through my tote bag and produce my CV, stretching it to her across the gleaming wood of the huge counter.
“This is my CV. I want to apply
for the position of Secretary
says the blonde as she goes through my “Okay, That’s great. I’m Misha, It’s nice to meet you.” CV.
Just then, another lady, dark–haired this time and snobby as hell, walks up to Misha and without sparing me a glance, says;
12:56 Tue, Dec 3 HS
Chapter 24
“Why did you accept her GV2 Haven’t you seen her appearance!
1 blink in absolute surprise.
My entire face heats in shame as Misha raises her head, gets to her feet and gives me a proper onceover. Judging from the slight twist of her lips. I’m pretty sure she’s not impressed by what she sees, but she’s too polite to say anything judgemental.
My throat tightens with a mixture of pain and shame as I look down at my shirt, my thrifted, fitted skirt, panty hose and flat shoes. I know I look nothing like a former Supreme Alpha’s wife who once used to live in luxury and only wore luxurious brands, but I don’t think I look that bad.
My hurt intensifies when Misha immediately sets iny CV aside.
“Um, Miss…” she looks nervous.
“How and why did the security guard even let her in?” The newcomer sneers at Misha, not even bothering to hide her disgust this time.
“What position are you applying for?” She asks me,
It’s at the tip of my tongue to tell her to go fuck herself, but I cast my pride aside because I’ve got children to feed. I need this job.
“I’m applying for the position of secretary.” I say boldly.
My boldness disappears down an invisible drain when Dark Hair bursts into very condescending laughter.
“I thought… I thought you would even go for a position that’s more suitable for your appearance. How can you look like that and believe you’ll ever get the chance to work here as a secretary Oh, please.”
Anger shoots through my veins like a bloody geyser. Instead of telling Dark Hair exactly what I think of those plastic breasts on her chest, I control myself and turn to Misha.
“Um… that’s my CV. I hope to get a response from you soon.”
Apparently furious that a “peasant” like me has the audacity to ignore her, Dark Hair gets in my line of sight and snaris;
“Looking like that, with those awful clothes and awful red hair, you’re lucky if you even get appointed as the toilet cleaner, I’d take my CV and leave if I were you.”
To my absolute horror, tears prick my eyes but I blink them away, angry that I even let this bitch’s words get to
I’m beautiful, I know I am. And no one will tell me o
After thanking Misha, I walk out of the company’s revolving doors with my head held high, even if my chin slightly wobbles
So what if Dark hair thinks I’m not worthy of the job? What if she doesn’t like my hair? What if I cannot afford luxury clothes right now? This will not be my story forever. Her horrible opinions do not define me. Period.
I thought the day couldn’t get any worse, but the next two companies have female workers who are even worse than Dark Hair. To make it all worse, some of the male workers over there are snobs, too.
I’ve been called “unfitting for the job,” “physically unattractive” and “horribly dressed” more times than I can count. By the time I’m done submitting CVs, I’m disheartened, exhausted and hungry as hell, having not eaten anything for breakfast this morning because I felt too sick.
I don’t know how I do it, but I manage to drag myself to a good looking coffee shop and sink into one of the chairs neatly arranged outside for customers, trying to put on my big girl pants and not burst into tears.
Chapter 24
ue, Dec 3
I’ve just been seated for three seconds when I feel the hairs on the back of my neck prickle with awareness. Someone’s watching me I ran feel it.
I snap my head upwards and look around, but nothing seems out of the ordinary. Pedestrians are walking about and minding their businesses as usual. Why do I feel so watched?
I rest my head in my hands, trying to relieve my headache and hoping that the feeling will go away. It doesn’t. If anything, it becomes stronger.
Just when I feel like I can’t take it anymore, someone taps on my shoulder and I jerk upwards, my body already tightening in defense mode.
“Hey, Miss. Calm down. It’s just me.”
I blink rapidly, taking in the tall, gorgeous blonde–haired man before me.
“Mr. Pierce! You scared me.”
I lower my hands and lean back in my seat, heaving a sigh of relief.
Pierce sinks into the chair opposite me and props his face on one open palm, staring intently at me. Despite being from
– a combination of a nice woodsy scent and male cologne. another pack, he smells so good
“What are you doing sitting outside here all alone, Miss Amaya
1 force a smile. “Um… I was just applying for jobs around the area so I decided to rest awhile before heading back to the inn.”
He nods, his blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight. I run my eyes over his perfect features, marveling at his beauty.
While this man exudes a bright, sunny beauty. Caesar’s gorgeousness is dark, dangerous and untouchable. Caesar’s eyes are always as cold as ice, while Pierce’s are just like a ray of sunshine
Suddenly, Pierce gets to his feet and waves me into the shop:
“Come on in. I own this place. Let me treat you to something.”
I blink in surprise:
“Really? Um, you really don’t have to. I’m okay.
My voice trails off when he walks forward and leans towards me, pinning me with those bright blue orbs.
“I know this is a rude thing to say, but you look exhausted, Miss Amaya. Let me treat you. Come on.”
He holds out a hand to me and after hesitating for only a second, I put my hand in his. He gently urges me to my feet and leads me into the cafe.
Just before I follow him inside, I risk a glance at the street over my shoulder and my heart jumps when I see a black, tinted car slowly drive past the cafe.
“I have a situation report, sir.” Henry sa
y says the moment he walks into my office
I’m currently working on a project for a very important client and I do not want to be disturbed
“Tell me later. I’m busy right now.” I say without looking up
12:56 Tue, Dec 3 GIB
Chapter 24
“Sit, it’s about Miss Amaya
1 drop the iPad in my hands, instantly forgetting about the project
“Yes? How about her?”
“She was just spotted by one of our men going into a coffee chop with a man whom I suspect is Mr. Pierce, the owner of the mn she’s staying at.”
I don’t know why, but for some reason, my blood heats with anger. Henry walks to me and places his iPad on my table. swiping through pictures of Amaya seated outside some kind of coffee shop
“Stop there.” I order when I see a picture that heightens my rage
“Why is he standing so close to her?” I mutter underneath my breath.
There are even pictures where he’s holding her hand and she’s fucking smiling at him.
“Take it away.” I growl
Amaya has never smiled at me. Never. And I didn’t know I wanted to see her smile at me so badly until I saw pictures of her smiling with another man.
“Sir. I’m sorry to ask, but are you… jealous? Henry asks out of the blue.
The question hits a very sensitive nerve deep in my heart. Am I jealous?
This nerve wracking frustration and burning anger at seeing Amaya with another man is quite alien to me. I’ve never felt this way about the random women I’ve fucked,
Is it jealousy?
Refusing to just sit here and keep thinking aimlessly, I get to my feet.
“Where’s this coffee shop located? Inform the driver that I need to be there as quick as possible.”
“Yes, sir.
“And Henry?”
“If you want to keep working for me, I suggest you stop asking irrelevant questions…”