Chapter 120
Chapter 120
“Lassa, the orders we’ve been receiving and the deadlines outweigh our capacity. There’s a lot of pressure right now because we need to deliver them all on time if we want to ensure customer satisfaction,” the man in front of her informed her.
He was in charge of production across all the sewing factories of TT Fashion, which were spread across the entire country, with some on other continents.
Thalassa bit her lip thoughtfully as she looked at the stats showing the ratio of orders to production capacity. She finally looked up at the man.
“Andrew, talk to the procurement team. I need more factories set up–enough to meet the demand. Also, instruct the managers of all the factories to offer the workers as much incentive as possible. Increase each seamstress’s salary by 10%.”
Andrew blinked in surprise. “But the seamstresses are already getting above–average pay for their work.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Thalassa said flatly.
Andrew cleared his throat. “If you don’t mind me making a suggestion, Lassa… We’ve never had demand like this before. People are more eager than ever to buy from us. This is the perfect time to increase our prices. It won’t affect the orders in any way, and it will also maximize our profit.”
When he finished speaking, Thalassa reclined in her seat. The whole point of TT Fashion is to make quality- designed clothes accessible to the average person. Why should I worry about maximizing profit when my company is already raking in billions?”
The man’s expression sank. “I’m sorry.”
Thalassa sighed. “Please just go ahead with the instructions I’ve given. Thank you.”
“As you wish. Please excuse me.” With that, he walked out of her office.
A few minutes later, a knock sounded on the door. Thalassa called out for the person to come in, thinking it was
one of her employees.
It was Clark, wearing a casual blue button–down shirt and denim jeans. “Sorry, Juana wasn’t at her desk. That’s why she didn’t inform you I was here,” he explained.
“It’s fine. Please come in.”
“No, I can leave if you’re busy.” Then he muttered under his breath, “This wasn’t a good idea anyway.”
Thalassa frowned, noticing his expression. He was usually lively and smiling, but today, there was something sad about his demeanor.
“What’s wrong?”
Clark seemed to hesitate before letting out a sigh. “I just needed someone to talk to.”
Thalassa got up from her seat and rounded her desk to stand by his side. “You can talk to me.“–
She pointed to the couch against the wall of her office. He sat down, and she joined him.
“What’s the matter?”
It took him a few seconds to start speaking. “My mom, she was a raging alcoholic with mental problems. Growing up, she was always in and out of the mental hospital. Until she committed suicide five years ago.‘
Chapter 120
Thalassa briefly placed her hand over his. “I’m so sorry, Clark. I didn’t know.”
Clark smiled, but his expression remained somber. “Yeah, it’s not a story I like to share because it’s very painful for me. In university, I’d taken a small course in psychology, but that hadn’t been enough to help save my mother. When I moved to Ireland, I joined a community dedicated to helping people with a history of mental health issues through emotional support. I couldn’t save my mother, but wanted to make a difference in someone else’s life. That’s where I met Melissa.”
“She was a sweet woman, troubled after losing her entire family in an accident, but still sweet nonetheless. I fell in love with her. We got married. We were together for months. I thought everything was perfect. I thought I wouldn’t lose her like I lost my mom. But I was wrong. She also committed suicide by overdose.”
Thalassa stared at him, unsure of what to say. “Oh, Clark. You really don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
He was obviously trying to act strong, but she could see his eyes glistening with tears. “No, I want to. I need to get it all off my chest. About a year later, I met Anna. I tried my best to stay away from her because I thought I was the problem, and I didn’t want to go through what I’d gone through with my mother and Melissa. But Anna had fallen in love with me, and she needed me. I had also fallen for her, so I decided to give it a go, hoping that things would be different this time. I was wrong. She killed herself too.”
A single tear rolled down his cheek before he bowed his head. “Maybe it’s true. Maybe I’m the problem. Everything I touch dies.”
“No, Clark. Don’t say that. It’s not your fault,” Thalassa said, placing her hand on his back and rubbing soothing circles on it.
Suddenly, they heard a muffled commotion outside the office.
“Mr. Miller, you can’t go in. I’ve been given clear instructions by the madam not to let you in.” It was Juana’s voice. “No. Wait…”
The door burst open, revealing Kris. Thalassa shot to her feet, her face scrunching in anger.
“What are you doing here, Kris?” she demanded.
Without replying, Kris stormed into the room toward Clark Seizing him by his collar, he pulled Clark to his feet, glaring daggers into his eyes.
“I demand that you stay away from Thalassa..”