Chapter 121
Chapter 121
Thalassa gritted her teeth, fuming. “What is this, Kris? Let him go!” she demanded.
Kris refused to release his grip, his eyes boring into Clark’s but Clark’s eyes only seemed to mock him as he remained still, not trying to defend himself.
“Kris!” Thalassa hissed, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him away.
“Lassa, I’m so sorry. I tried to stop him. Should I call security?” Juana asked in a panic.
“I know, Juana. And no, I can handle this,” Thalassa responkled before turning her blazing eyes back to Kris.
“Do you always have a penchant for violence, Kris? Because this isn’t a very good look,” Clark pointed out calmly.
Gritting his teeth, Kris shoved Clark away, causing him to hit the couch with a thud. A hand shoved him back on the chest.
“What is wrong with you? How dare you lay a hand on Clark?” Thalassa raged, smacking her hand on his chest.
The smack didn’t hurt, but the fact that she was defending this man infuriated him.
“I’m trying to protect you,” he gritted out.
Thalassa snorted. “Protect me? When did I ever ask for your protection, Kris? And what exactly do you think I need protection from?”
“That guy isn’t what he seems, Thalassa. He’s dangerous. You need to get him away from you,” Kris pleaded.
“Dangerous?” Clark let out a curt chuckle as he got back on his feet. Thalassa feared another physical altercation would occur, so she planted herself firmly between the two men.
“Don’t make me laugh, Miller,” Clark scoffed. “You think I’m dangerous? Says the man who didn’t care about destroying Thalassa’s hard work just to protect his mother
“I didn’t do anything!” Kris gritted out, then looked at Thalassa. “This model… Carmen, or whatever her name is… where is she? Bring her here, and let’s see if she’s bold enough to accuse me to my face.”
“She no longer works here,” Thalassa informed him. “Did you really think I would keep her around so she could continue to do your bidding?”
Kris blew out a breath, forcing himself to calm down a bit. He spoke more quietly. “Think about this, Thalassa. I’m not an idiot. I know there are cameras in your display room. Why would I send someone to destroy your dresses knowing she would be caught by the cameras?”
Her nostrils flared as she glared at him. “Don’t pretend with me. You know very well you hacked my CCTV cameras and disabled them so they wouldn’t capture anything.”
“Then how was she captured destroying the dresses?”
He could’ve just started with the fact that he knew it was Clark who told her to install a separate camera, but he remembered what he and Millie had discussed, so he didn’t want Thalassa to know it was Millie who had told him.
“I gave Thalassa the idea to install an additional camera,” Clark gloated. “You say you want to confront Carmen. That’s easy. She might not be here, but her address is certainly still in the company’s book, so we can all go to her house to see whether she won’t accuse you again to your face. I mean… unless you’ve done something to intimidate her.”
Kris’s lips pulled from his teeth in a wry smile. “You say that with so much confidence, Morgan. As if you’re so
Chapter 121
sure we won’t find her there. Why is that?”
He wasn’t stupid. He knew Clark had probably hidden the model or sent her away so she wouldn’t ruin his plans.
Clark’s expression faltered a bit, but he quickly recovered before Thalassa turned to look at him.
He cocked his head, his eyes fixed on Kris. “If you want to say something, then stop being such a coward and say it to my face.”
Kris scoffed with a shrug. “It’s nothing, really. I’m just thinking about how strange it is that the display room had enough cameras, yet you conveniently suggested Thalassa add another. People don’t just think about that. Unless you already knew the cameras were going to be hacked, of course.”
“Tell me Morgan, how did you know?” He questioned, his pointed gaze challenging.