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In Wife 11

In Wife 11

Chapter 11 

Chapter 11 Married.. Mated..Marked.. Backwards 


I am furious.. pacing my office.. I looked at Axe While you were on the run.. did you pick up any chatter from the three MC’s you visited? Any scuttlebutt that may shed some light on why in the fuck another club is riding our territory?” 

He shook his head Mostly just rumors out of Trenton Falls.. That place is headed for trouble. A biker gang has taken up residence outside of town.. Black Raven or some shit.. but the ferals are prospecting.. and law enforcement has issued a dusk to dawn curfew on all females between twelve and thirty.” 

I groaned Well.. I guess we know why the sheriff wants to meet with us. We talk with him.. then I will consider protection. Right now.. I want information. Get me everything you can on those. blackbirds. Someone from this club fed those bikers information. I want the who and the why within the hour! Confiscate all cellphones.. and tablets. Get them to Gizmo.. He can tell me who was contacted recently.. even if call logs were deleted.” 

They weren’t moving fast enough to suit me.. and Torin roared Move your fucking asses! NOW! Those fuckers went after my mate! They will PAY!My entire body shook in shock. Torin just 

claimed Delaney as our mate. Is that possible

I looked at her in shock and she shrugged Iris already claimed you both. I don’t know what it means.. but I’m okay with it.. if you are.I grinned so wide my ears felt it and replied I am more than okay with it! I am over the moon. My mate! My woman! My wife! Life doesn’t get any better that that!” 

I grabbed her up.. wrapping her legs around my waist and kissed her.. before sitting down with her straddling me. Snake chuckled A queen.. A Luna.. We are all over the moon! WellMaybe not…. Tammy….Making us all laugh

I asked her How did you know the Indian’s leathers? You sounded impressed.She smiles I was.. That kind of gear screams wealth. Whoever rides that Chief.. has money. A lot of it. That bike was decked out. All the bells and whistles.. so, at least a hundred grand. I know this.. because I looked at Chiefs.. before buying Olga. I also recognized his leathers.. because my boots are Balenciaga.” 

I looked down and realized she was indeed wearing them. My girl has expensive tastes. Good to know. She grimaced I don’t. I just needed boots that would last a long time.. and, in doing research.. these fit the bill. I would never spend two grand on a pair of boots out of hand.” 

Color my ass confused. I looked at her and said I didn’t say that out loud, baby. How did you know what I was thinking?She shrugged and looked confused.. I have no idea. I thought you 


said it.. It didn’t sound like a mind link.. and we don’t have that established yet, anyway.” 

When she went out to find Maddox to get ready for our claiming.. I sighed.. resting my head in my hands. Snake. She feels like my mate. That paints a big red target on her back.. not to mention a shining beacon on the fucking club. Things are going to get hairy around here for awhile.” 

He chuckles Captainlife around you has always beenexplosive. Speculating will get us nowhere. We don’t worry until worry is all we got left. Ain’t that what you always told us? This ain’t any different than any other mission we’ve had. Everybody safe.. everybody protected.. We do what we do, brother!” 

I nodded.. he’s right.. You’re right. We fight with might. We fight with right! Let’s break it down before we tear it apart!Standing up, I told him let’s get ready! I am being claimed

I stood at the apex of a double line of bikes.. facing each other. Forming the bridal aisle. As Delaney stepped out on Maddox’s arm, they revved their engines with every pair she passed

My club went all out. This is the highest honor a club can give an old lady. They are telling her she is accepted as my woman.. and as their second

They both reached me and Preacher read the oaths of claimthen I looked into her eyes and said Delaney Quinn.. there has always been that little something that kept me wanting to be 

near you. Since the day I met you. That little something.. blossomed to something huge. I love you. I love your mind.. your humor.. I love your laugh.. and the way your right eye crinkles when you do. I love how feel when I am with youeven though I absolutely hate the way I feel when I’m not.. I love how you just get me.. how you already understand before I have uttered a word. I love how you love and care for our brother. You are my every wish come true. So, Delaney Quinn, would you do me the greatest honor of my life and become my wife? Will you marry me?As I dropped to one knee.. holding my mother’s engagement ring

Maddox squealed at the same time as she did.. and together they screamed YES!Best moment of my life.. so far

We went through Maddox’s ceremony of becoming my actual brother.. and he bounced on his feet in excitement the entire time. I have never watched anyone have such a proud moment in my life

We danced for hours.. and when it was time to call it a night.. I gave her an out. Baby, we don’t have to do anything tonight. We can wait for our wedding night. I will respect that.” 

She wrapped her arms around me and said This is my wedding night. Everything else is just paper. This date will be our anniversary. I don’t want another wedding. Mine was beautiful. Impossible to match.. much less improve on. As far as I’m concerned, we can get married on the steps of the courthouse, tomorrow.. You are my husband. In my eyes.. I am your wife. So, I want it all. I want my wedding night to be what dreams are 

made of. I want to wake up in the morning in the arms of the man that I love.” 

I grinned You mean to say you want me? You want to make love with me?She giggled and nodded.. I growled Wish you’d told me sooner! I wasted hours on that dance floor!I lifted her into my arms and ran for what is now.. our room

I had us undressed and under the covers in a couple minutes. My hands traced over the body I had fantasized about for months.. My imagination did Not do it justice. Everywhere my hands roamed.. my lips followed. She let out the sexiest moans and sighs and I fell in love all over again

She was ready and I lined my dick against her entrance.. I whispered I’m so sorryand entered her as far as I can go.. just staying still until her pain eased and she adjusted

She tapped my butt and told me to move. Which I did. Gladly. There is no better feeling in the world than the love of your life wrapped so tightly around your dick. She screamed she was cumming and marked me.. Sending Torin into a frenzy of orgasm.. as his canines sunk into her neck, too

My body exploded.. sparks. Everywhere our skin was touching.. ignited into the actual tingles of our bond. We are each other’s second chance. The Goddess has given me the greatest gift I could have ever dreamed of

Delaney whispered You’re my mate! You’re really mine! I love 

you! So much.. thank you for waltzing into my diner needing a burger!I laughed It wasn’t the burger that kept me coming back, my love!” 

Married.. MatedMarked.. Backwards.. but job well done

In Wife

In Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
In Wife


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