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In Wife 12

In Wife 12

Chapter 12 


It took roughly three weeks to train Gina in managing the diner.. and we FaceTime every day at closing. Maddox and I are all moved into the clubhouse. We decided our house would be used when we needed a break from club life.. or just a getaway for family time. And I am falling into the every day routine of running the clubhouse

Except today. Today, I have a headache.. the same headache I get two.. sometimes three, times a week. And it’s sitting in front of me, whining in a nasally pitch that she wants to go back to the rules that Venom had in place because wearing clothes all day instead of lingerie is too hot.. too itchy.. too uncomfortable.. too icky

I groan Tammy! This is your last warning! If you come to me one more time. One more stupid complaint about clothes, I will have you whipped! You are required to wear clothes all day, every day while there are children in the house. It requires little effort to act like a decent individual. Have a little pride! After ten p.m. you can wear your skeevy little pignoir the rest of the night. I will not compromise on this. If you do not like it, you can buy out your contract. Or I can arrange for another Bike President to purchase your contract. Before you choose, know that that’s a crapshoot.. very few presidents are like Venom. Most are exactly opposite. They don’t treat women well.. 

especially whores.. even beat them.. Some force their girls to always be naked.. have sex anywhere..even in public. Don’t regulate how roughed up their girls areBut.. totally up to you.” 

She huffed out and I let out a sigh. Deciding I needed a cuddle, I went to Venom’s office. He was on a call, so I just climbed into his lap.. while he chuckled

Hanging up, he said We have to go to strategic commandGizmo has recovered quite a bit of information. Tammy yammering again?I noddedstanding, I pulled him to his feet. She doesn’t like my new rules.. so be prepared for a requested audience. She has it in her mind.. she can persuade you to pull rank on me.He laughed She hasn’t figured out you’re MY boss, yet?I just grinned at him

Walking downstairs to strategic command.. I told him We will be done by three, yeah? I promised Maddox we would practice batting and hitting. Although, he would be sooo much happier if it were you teaching him baseball As he is fond of telling me everyday. According to my brother, I am a married woman now and should be doing more girly things. He’s becoming a misogynist.” 

He busted out laughing and said I would most certainly love to teach him baseball. I will make sure we are done by then.. or taking a couple hour break.” 

I clapped my hands and said Goody! I can go over to the farm and check on the progress of the battle simulator.He laughed 

again Way to do girly stuff, my love! You take Axe with you. Hey! Why do I feel like I’ve been played?” 

I giggled and said I really didn’t plan it.. I was just whining about my brother.We reached the room and everyone was already there. I told Axe where he had to go today

We found out the mole was the supposed sister of the girlfriend of one of our members.. Turned out she was actually the VPS woman of the Black Crows. The girlfriend had gotten 

permission for the girl to come to our claiming. The irony was she didn’t use her own phone to call the Crows. She used the girlfriend’s

I asked Have we questioned the girlfriend? Why did she lie about the girl being her sister? How do we know the girlfriend isn’t in on it? How long has she been dating Slash that she has enough clout to gain permission to add a guest?” 

Venom responded All valid points! Get on that, Axe. I find myself curious now.Axe pulled out his phone and texted Slash to bring his girlfriend to the club tonight to answer some more questions

The President of the Crows rides a blue Indian Chief. No information on who he is. He never shows his face to anyone outside his club

I asked Wouldn’t it have been unusual for the President to be on a kidnapping mission.. ?Venom said I would do it. If the 

target was important enough..and I needed to see it done right.” 

My jaw dropped open and I said Yeah.. But you’reYou! And not everyone is You.He laughed and asked What the fuck does that even mean?” 

Men! I rolled my eyes You are You! Combat experience.. versed in covert actions.. excellent marksman..actual Leader of men! So it makes sense you would go. Pretty Boy Floyd and his bright blue bike doesn’t strike me as being a warriorA wannabe bikermaybe.. A wiker? Anyway, his bike was new.. brand new.. and his leathers had probably only touched skin for the first time that day.” 

Gizmo said Luna! You’re a genius! All I have to do is search for the purchaser of a brand new Chief. That may take a couple days.. but I will find it.” 

I said Look for buyers who come from money. He’s going to be young.. pampered.. he’s probably been given his way his whole life. A troublemaker.. but any criminal charges will be deep sixedso you need to search sealed juvie records. He probably started rebelling in high school and carried it over.. He’s also probably between the ages of eighteen and twenty two.” 

Everyone was staring at me.. mouths open and I groaned.. Whattt? It’s a psychological profiling course I’m taking.” 

Venom took me into his lap and whispered I love how smart you don’t know you are. It makes me so proud of you!” 


Axe asked Why doesn’t he show his face, then?I told them That’s easy. His face is recognizable and he can’t risk being spotted. Momma and Daddy would probably cut off his monthly allowance. Scandal is to be avoided! The Horror!” 

Axe and I have arrived at the farm to meet up with the programmers and technicians for a test run. I asked How many levels?The programmer responded Six.. on three different skill levels.. easy, medium, and difficult.” 

The technician said I recommend everyone start out at level one.. easy. He programmed every level with a difficulty level. even hardened warriors will enjoy. They can build on 

advancing.I nodded and said Okay.. I’m suiting up. Axe you wanna go after me?” 

He grinned Fuck yeah! I can’t wait! This is awesome.I laughed and jumped inside the room.. pulling the door closed.. Level one simulation was forest and feral wolves. I had to kill five of the six to advance. I killed all six. Axe killed five

I told him we would have a rematch! We had to get home.. Sheriff Johnston was meeting with us at six for dinner and a conversation

We welcomed the sheriff and he asked we call him Johnas we sat down to dinner. Axe was telling Snake about the simulator and everyone who overheard wanted to try it. I laughed and let everyone know I will put a signup sheet on the bulletin board.. Once all your names are there.. I will create a schedule so that 

everyone has an opportunity. It’s a great training tool.” 

After dinner, John excused himself to get his briefcase so he can provide us accurate information on what evidence he has. Gizmo is with us so he gets all firsthand information for researching

We don’t know what we are going to be hearing.. but Venom wants all hands on deck

In Wife

In Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
In Wife


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