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In Wife 21`

In Wife 21`

Chapter 21 


I have been back at school a little over a week.. The past two days I have noticed a man.. in the library.. in the coffee shop.. by the tennis courts. Right now, I am watching him.. eyeing a girl.. standing next to the food truck

I texted Axe.. letting him know what I was observing. I looked over past the commons and I spotted Slash.. nonchalantly making his way towards the food truck. It’s hard for my guys to remain unobtrusive.. over six feet tall.. muscles for days. Tattoos.. long hair.. and biker cuts. It always makes me giggle

Slash walked right up to the girl and turned on the charm. I never took my eyes off the man.. watching his body.. his eyes. I saw anger flare in them.. his jaw clenched.. Every muscle bunched in anger. I texted Axe he could be our guy.. he’s super pissed right now

Slash had quietly explained to the girl what we believed was happening.. she volunteered to be bait.. just to see if he bites. I hear her say loudly Well.. it was really nice meeting you. I look forward to our date tomorrow night.. let me put my number in your phone.I nearly laughed out loud at the deer in headlights look on Slash’s face

Chapter 21 

She handed his phone back and sald Oh my.. Look at the time. I really have to go. I have to catch my bus to get to work.She had cleared the courtyard when Axe picked up her tail.. 

The guy took off at a slow jog.. moving in the direction the girl had gone. I texted he was in the move.. same direction as the target

I stood and slowly made my way in the same direction.. By the time I reached the corner, I heard a loud scream and took off running. I reached them just as Axe knocked the man out and Slash was holding the girl.. whose name turned out to be Lynn.. in his arms

Axe hugged me and said Good call, Queen! Let’s get this scumbag to the hole!I laughed and said All in a day’s work..Then I called Venom

He picked up Baby! You’re calling me early today.. What is the occasion?I giggled and told him We’re heading home.. Have a present for you. It may take a little work to get it to open up.” 

I could hear the smile in his voice You’re so good to me. Snake and I were just complaining about having nothing to do.. so I sure hope my present is fun.” 

I laughed outright and said I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. But Slash has a new girlfriend.Slash yelled Hey! Go easy now!Making me laugh harder

Clupter 21 

We arrived at the clubhouse and Venom met us at the car Get this scumbag to the cells.. Gizmo. I want you running this guy’s face against the surveillance videos.. go back several months. I need to know if he has a set pattern he follows. Baby.. would you come in and debrief us all?” 

I walked inchecking on Maddox.. He’s actually thriving in home schooling.. he can work at his own pace.. He’s nearly moved up an entire grade

I found the guys in Venom’s office.. and sat down in his lap.. I noticed the guy two days ago. Maybe three. He was scanning the crowd.. I saw him.. nearly lurking.. in the library.. the coffee shop. He was in the administration buildings.. and over by the food trucks. Always.. without fail., his eyes on pretty blonde girls. He had been keeping pace with three.. that I saw. When I was out on the tennis courts.. I saw him meet another.. older guy.. midthirties.. maybe. Brown curly hair.. mustache.. he was taller than our guy.. so close to six feet. He was wearing dark glasses. Our guy handed him what looked like a flash drive, but from the distance.. I wouldn’t swear to it.” 

Venom said Gizmo.. can we get security footage from the areas Queen mentioned?He nodded Piece of cake.. Piece of chocolate cake..Weirdo

He turned to me Baby.. what about the guy put him on your radar? What raised suspicion?I smiled Body language.. He didn’t have a book in the library. Wasn’t researching.. or even looking for a book. Coffee shop on the second day, he sat at a table with a cup of coffee.. but not drinking it. His eyes didn’t 

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Chapter 21

waver from thè blonde he tried snatching today.. but I dropped my coffee on the way to class, so an hour later.. I ran back to grab another macchiato before my lecture. He was still there.. same cup.. different blonde.” 

Axe said That would do it. I wonder why no one else noticed. Can’t wait to see security footage.I grinned I only noticed because I planned on it. I was looking for anything suspicious.. and that guy fit the bill.” 

Venom said So.. Slash.. what’s your girlfriend’s name?Slash said Lynn.. Wait. No. She’s not my girlfriend. I was just.. She was.. we didn’t.. Oh! Fuck you guys!” 

We were all laughing so hard.. It was adorable. Who knows? Maybe they can work it out. Being the wife of a biker requires a strong constitution. You have to be prepared for anything. You have to be ready to fight.. to kill.. Even to die. It’s not for everyone

A loud piercing scream rent the air.. and I was on my feet at a dead run in seconds.. reaching the front room to see Maddox dragging Tammy across the floor by the hair of her head. She was screaming bloody murder

Maddox! Explain!I snapped.. He turned to look at me and.. in such a mature manner, replied Let’s let her tell you.. shall we?I nodded Agreed. Tammy.. let’s hear it. This should be good.. getting your ass kicked by a ten year old!He muttered almost eleven.I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing

Tammy looked at Venom.. she always does that.. instead of looking at me. Like she expects him to be on her side. It was amusing at first. Now it just pisses me off

She whined That kid wouldn’t let me watch my show. He kept turning the TV off. Said he was doing homework. I don’t know how he was even doing it. I had the fucking remote! But every time it got to a good part.. he would shut it off.” 

I looked at Maddox.. who kept his head down. I have a feeling I know how he was doing it.. but I’m not saying shit. I asked Why did you scream like that? What the fuck is wrong with you?” 

Again with the looking at MY man.. Bitch really will be bald! She whines even louder I told him to stop.. I just wanted to watch my show. He wouldn’t stop so I slammed his laptop shut. And he yanked my arm to him so he could grab my hair.” 

She turned her eyes to Maddox.. almost pleadingly. Interesting. I sternly said Now Maddox.. your turn. The truth.” 

He looked up.. trying not to cry. Now I’m worried. She had the TV really loud. I asked her three times to turn it down. She didnt. So I downloaded a remote on my tablet and did it for her. She got really mad. She kept saying mean things. Mostly about you. But when she said she knows my dad killed our mother and she was going to write him a letter.. I lost my temper

I don’t know what happened. I was listening to Maddox recount what had transpired between Tammy and him. Then Venom 

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was pulling me off a bloodied unconscious Tammy

In Wife

In Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
In Wife


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