Chapter 23
Delaney ~
It took another two hours.. and four more broken fingers.. but Gizmo had two names to work with. Vincent Nabors and
Christian Stevens.
At school today, the girl that was nearly abducted came to talk to Bianca and me.. asking a million questions about Slash. I told her what I know of him. Then I asked her “Have you ever been around a biker’s clubhouse? Or even the members when they’re on a run?”
She shook her head no and Bianca told her “Being a biker’s old lady isn’t an easy task. It’s a lifestyle. It takes a strong woman. They don’t just ride bikes.. being a biker is a lifestyle. Ride or Die means literally to them. That being said.. if Slash wants to pursue you.. and it’s something you want.. I say go for it! I did.”
Her eyes got bigger and bigger, as Bianca spoke. I actually expected her to walk away.. so it was a little shocking when she said “If he texts me, and asks me out.. I’m definitely going.”
I smiled and wished her luck.. as headed to my psychology profiling course. Bianca headed to criminal justice. She’s going. to be a lawyer.. as she says.. or a paralegal if I can’t stick the full eight years.
Halfway through my lecture, Ashley texted me from the diner.. asking for a meeting. I texted back I would be there around three. I texted Venom and let him know.. in case he has a hankering for burgers and fries.
I walked into the office, at the diner.. Ashley was sitting there with her head in her hands.. I said “Ash? You okay?” She started to cry and shook her head “I’m moving back home.. I need help with lan.. he’s a handful.. and between work.. and trying to finish my CNA classes.. it’s too much. My parents are coming to move me home tomorrow.”
Thugged her and said “I will miss you.. but I get it. I will start looking for your replacement.. It’s not like I’m in a time crunch or anything.” She said she was sorry and I laughed at her… “I was kidding.. it’s fine. Ian and your mental health are more important than being short handed.”
Venom and Maddox met Axe and me for burgers and fries. I told him what was going on with Ashley. “I may have to work a few shifts until I can hire someone. Hopefully, they won’t require too much training.”
He smiled and took my hand “I don’t want you to spread yourself too thin, baby. You could always go back to online courses until clinicals. It’s just a thought.”
I smiled back “It’s a good thought. I have Maddox’s birthday in a week.. It will take probably a month to get another server up to par. Actually. It’s a great thought. I will arrange it tomorrow.”
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After dinner, we had Church to discuss what Gizmo had found so far. It will be awesome to start breaking down this trafficking ring.
I was sitting on Venom’s lap.. waiting to hear what Gizmo had found out.. Axe asked “Did you get the ad out for a new server?” I nodded and told him “Depending on how many responses get.. will determine how many I hire. With summer break right around the corner, I may hire a few.. Shorter shifts, as well as more hands on deck for dinner rush. We are always really busy when school is out.”
Venom smiled “That’s a good idea, baby. It gives them work experience.. and keeps them out of trouble.. Idle hands and all that. Snake.. talk to George at the garage and Ink.. maybe they can put a few kids to work.”
I grinned “That’s so thoughtful. I had to turn away a lot of kids last summer.. I just didn’t have the revenue to support it. I’m in a better place this year. Hopefully there are plenty who want to earn a little money.”
Gizmo said “Let’s get started.. got a lot of ground to cover. Let’s start with our little buddy, Chad. He comes from money.. His. family are from Des Moines. Apparently.. the boy got a girl pregnant over there.. and when his parents demanded he do the right thing.. he took off. Reckon the right thing in his mind was running away. The Edwards are old money.. Textiles.. and prominent faces in society. The first time Chad was arrested.. Daddy made it go away. The next several times, Mom paid for
attorneys and paid all restitution ordered.. Apparently the line in the sand was Chad refusing to take care of his baby momma. They disowned him and sent him on his way. He has no real skills.. and is always looking for a quick buck. Making him a prime candidate.. ripe for plucking by this kidnapping ring.”
I asked “What if we contact his parents? Speak with them about what they can do about forcing him to go home?”
Gizmo shook his head “I doubt they would do much. His kid is a boy. I think they consider their grandson their do–over opportunity..and are grooming him to be the perfect puppet.”
Gizmo continued “Vinnie and Chris are childhood best friends. Grew up in the backwoods of Kentucky. They got jobs on the North Dakota pipeline and did good.. for awhile. They fell in with some bad people.. started taking drugs.. and now, here they are.
“I ran down the original ad on sinsofthefather website. It’s fairly self explanatory. There’s a copy of a screenshot in the folders I placed in front of you all.
We went to Oakville to check out the warehouse behind the Koffee Klatch. Completely abandoned.. everything cleared out. So.. either they got wind Chad was captured.. or he lied. I made sure we left fifty men in town. They’re main job is to observe and report back. I did leave orders to bring Chris and Vinnie in.. if they show up.”
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Venom said “That’s a good plan. Axe.. I want you to have another chat with Chad. He had me convinced he was telling the truth about that warehouse.. but could be wrong. Gizmo.. did you get any information off his cellphone?”
He shook his head “Not at first glance.. but it’s running through a program to retrieve all the deleted data. I will know more then. I am also still going through the flash drives he had in his house. There will be more information at our next meeting.”
Venom then asked “Has anything been found on this Ace character? Any video feed from the college we can work with?”
Axe told us “He’s careful.. He knows where the cameras are.. and avoids them.” Venom turned to me “Can you describe what you remember about him, again?
I smiled “He’s a little over six feet tall. Athletic build.. Dark brown curly hair.. shaved sides.. longer on top. Mustache. That’s about it. He had on dark glasses.. Oh! He was wearing Armani… if that helps.”
Gizmo said “It does help.. a little. An Armani would run a few grand.. so he has some wealth. He pays the klepto–trio.. always in cash. I have a feeling he’s a front though.. for the actual culprit. The money man.”
Chapter 24