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In Wife 26

In Wife 26

Chapter 26 


The gun shipment we had confiscated from Slate’s house were turned over to Captain Max.. useless.. but returned

I had ordered the club to be ready for our move.. luckily, I would just be incorporating this property into the Blood Moon territory. Essentially.. the pack no longer exists. We will remain a motorcycle club.. of wolves… and the pack members that existed.. that were left.. were mostly women and children. Some elders.. the warriors all perished. They all swore fealty.. and it’s now pretty much a done deal

I had to purchase two hundred more acres, in order to make sure the territory is all one large area.. I had already ascended to Alpha.. my full power has exploded over all of us. I suppose the Goddess has decided I avoided my destiny as long as She could allow. And She just bent me over and rammed it home.. without any Vaseline! I’m feeling the burn 

Delaney is at the diner today.. interviewing for staff. She has decided she will only be there twice a week from now on. Her Queen duties take up a lot of her time. She has found so many inventive ways to punish Tammy, it’s comical. Like right now.. Tammy is scrubbing all the tile grout lines in bleach.. with a tooth brush.. 



Chapter 26 

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Maddox’s birthday party is tomorrow.. I have had the pool set back up.. and I ordered him a motorcycle.. a smaller ladies model.. but I want him to start learning now. Delaney wasn’t overly happy about it.. but she agreed he needs to start learning. We discussed what would transpire if and when he wanted to become a turned. I am impressed with how adamant he is.. more every day

Axe and Snake are running down a lead on Ace. We learned through video surveillance around the town of Trenton Falls what he looked like. Facial recognition spit out a name.. Nathan Asbel. After the name.. an address followed. And that’s where I sent my guys today

I didn’t tell Max that I would stop hunting the Colonel. It would have been a lie. He nearly killed the love of my life.. I won’t let that slide. He seems to have gone dark.. since the bombing. That doesn’t fool me. I know the man. I know how his mind works. And that means he is plotting.. he is working on a plan

Marcus Walters is thirteen months away from his first parole hearing. I am still debating whether he will survive to attend. I am undecided because,. regardless of what he has done.. he is still Maddox’s father. Delaney is supposed to attend the parole hearing to state her reasons for or against.. as she is considered his victim. Maddox is still too young. I plan on having a conversation with the man.. before the hearing, though

Dylan and Jessalyn have stopped eating at the diner.. apparently because they can no longer get under my mate’s skin.. little did they know.. they couldn’t if they tried. She didn’t 



Chapter 26 

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care enough to be bothered

Gizmo smiled Well.. getting all your ducks in a row, I see. Good plan.. We can attack the situations in a formal order.. we know Slate is planning something.. We know the kidnappings that are happening are tied to trafficking.. I want to run something by you.. Bounce it off your brain, and you tell me if I am way off base.” 

I grinned.. having a feeling I know where this is going. He said Now.. hear me out.. What if.. and it’s a big if.. but. What if this Nathan is exmilitary? He carries himself with military pride. His haircut.. his overall physical preference screams it. I am still trying to run down the man’s history. But.. if he is military.. what are the odds he knows Slate?” 

Well. Fuck! That is most definitely not where I saw this going. I thought he was going to ask about bringing in some more computer techies to help him with all the new security we need

I told him Slate? Trafficking women? It’s not much of a stretch.. considering he has become a thief.. dealing weapons.. human trafficking isn’t too far out of the realm of possibilities.” 

Gizmo laughed See? That’s what I’m thinking, too. I’m going start running the trail.. if I can trace the money.. we will find a thread.. hopefully when we pull it. the bad guys all fall out.” 

I agreed and told him Find some people to help you.. our security is going to have to accelerate to meet our needs. Hire 



Chapter 26 

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whomever you need. Blood Moon was rather well off.. so money isn’t going to be an issue.” 

He nodded I will get started on that right away.. What about cameras? Infrareds? Motion sensors? Motion detectors? What about fencing? Are we going to fence us in?” 

I told him Absolutely.. state of the art. I want electric fencing.. fifteen feet high.. Topped with concertina wire. Every other fence post.. a camera. I will take no chances with my family. No fucking way!” 

He said I heard that! Queen protected at all times. No doubt about it.” I laughed.. because she has wriggled her cute little self into every single membershearts. Except Tammy’s.. that is a relationship born in hell

Axe and Snake made it back only three hours after they left.. that never bodes well. I met them at the door.. Leading them to my office.. I said Reportas I sat

Snake said He was gone.. probably several days. We may have spooked him. It’s a possibility they have moved to another small college town.. which more or less makes it someone else’s problem.” 

I slammed my palm flat on my desk It is our problem. I committed to finding these women.. and time is running out.. Gizmohit the dark web.. search for any foreign peoples advertising for blonde haired blie eyed brides. I have a feeling 


Chapter 26 

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that is why they are snatching those particular aesthetics.” 

Axe asked Where’s Queen?When I told him she was at the diner.. he said he was heading out. I tried telling him Slash was with her.. but he takes his job seriously

Chainz knocked on my door and I told him come in. Prez. I just can’t keep watch over that woman anymore. Three fucking hours. Three hours and she’s still scrubbing the bathroom.. on her fourth toothbrush. Slobbering.. tears running down her face.. caterwauling like a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs. Please.. just shoot me. It won’t be as painful.” 

I was trying to catch my breath from laughing I can’t shoot you. You’re too valuable. Stick a couple prospects watching her ass.. I would rather not waste your particular brand of expertise on babysitting.” 

His entire body sagged in relief and I laughed again. That bitch still has eighteen months on her two year contract

I received a text from Delaney. Send backup. I jumped up and said Let’s go! Walking through the clubhouse, I pointed to the members I wanted.. all twelve of us mounted.. burning rubber for a half mile

Queen needs me

In Wife

In Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
In Wife


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