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In Wife 27

In Wife 27

Chapter 27 


We have had a busy several days Venom and I had gone to Blood Moon scared to death of what we were walking into. Surprisingly, they were happy to see us. The pack itself was in great shape.. its members were not as well off. So, while Venom was setting up for the ceremony, was getting provision baskets ready for the remaining families

Venom had just decided he would pull the Alpha title.. believing the Goddess was telling him something. I can understand that. She is allseeing.. and Her will be done

The next day, I was busy ordering the things I wanted for Maddox’s birthday.. I had already sent out invitations. And the Valkyrie and I had prepped food. I was picking up the cake, after the interviews were done

Like I said.. busy several days.. I had just gotten a cup of coffee.. and sat down when Slash let the first girl in. She was bouncy. She would bounce up and down after every question

Slash said She was fun.after she’d left. I laughed. I won’t hire her. She’s a people pleaser.. but she struggled with staying focused. Slash brought in the next girl.. She was a single mother.. looking for a second job I didn’t want to give her a 



Chapter 27 

second job.. 

288 iVouchers 

I asked How many kids do you have?She answered three and their father took off a year ago. She is about to be evicted because she only makes enough money to keep lights on and food for the kids

I told her I don’t want you to take a second job. Your babies need time with you.. at home. But I will offer you a one time deal.. I own a house.. here in town. You and children can live there rent free for one year. You pay the utilities. After the year, we can negotiate a fee.” 

She gasped Are you for real?I responded Yes. Your babies need you home at night.I wrote the address on the back of my business card. Then I wrote her a check for a thousand dollars. I told her This is the address.. this is my phone number. Call anytime there is a problem. And this… This is to buy some new bed linens.. and stock the kitchen with food.” 

We interviewed three more.. and hired one. Slash said Last one of the day coming up.I laughed and told him Thank Goddess! I don’t know when I’ve talked so much!” 

He opened the door and let her in. She was pretty.. in a girl next door kind of way.. strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. A smattering of freckles across her nose

As soon as she sat down, I asked her name. She said Pam Spiresand my head popped up to look at her again. I smiled, as 



Chapter 27 

288 iVouchers 

I texted Venom.. I asked Why would you like to be a member of our team?” 

She went into a spiel of being in the service industry for many years. She’s a people person. Happiest when she’s busy. Believes in helping fellow employees.. She isn’t looking for full time and my cute little diner caught her eye

I laughed a little.. everything she had just said was a lie. But I have to stall while we wait.. If I hire you, you will have to be shadowed by a veteran server for a week. We all help out here. I am a firm believer in If you can lean.. you can cleanNever let me catch you doing nothing. I don’t expect any of my workers to constantly ask what they can do. If something needs doing.. Do it. I reward incentive. I will never expect you to do anything I would not do myself. I do not tolerate disrespect.” 

Axe walked through the door and I mind linked him to block the other door.. wondering why Venom only sent him. Pam said Oh.. those rules are simple to follow. I already said I like to stay busy. And I don’t mind helping where I’m needed. I would never think to disrespect you. My momma didn’t raise no fool.” 

She giggled.. and I’m thinking yeah.. she kinda did. I hear the bikes of my guys pull into the parking lot.. and watch the color drain from her face

I said Your sister says Hi.Slash cracked up.. Axe unlocked the door and let Venom and Snake in The ten men who rode with him fanned out around the building.. looking for signs of the 



Chapter 27 


288 Vouchers 

Venom walked over and grinned Here we were.. looking all over for you.. and you waltz right into our arms. Now why is that?” 

She tried saying she really is just looking for a job.. that she didn’t know it was my diner until she saw me. Venom said I call bullshit.. but it’s all good. You don’t even realize you’re a sacrifice. Slate was convinced that I would immediately kill you for trying to kill my mate. He’s not going to rescue you.” 

She sneered Yes he will come! As soon as he figures out where Lam. Wherever you take me.” 

Venom laughed Oh.. this is fun. You keep telling yourself that, okay?I looked at her and whispered I sure hope you know what collateral damage is, little girl. Because that’s what you are.” 

Venom pulled me into his chest and I just breathed him in to feel his love healing me. Sometimes.. when I am reminded of that day.. that’s the memory that sticks. And now he’s done it to Pam

Venom told Gizmo Find her trackers.. and extract them. Don’t worry about anesthesia.. she was going to kill Queen in cold blood.” 

Gizmo ran a wand thingy over her body.. they found three 



Chapter 27 

288 Vouchers 

external ones.. and two injected. One in her left buttock and one in her right boob. She screamed like a stuck pig when Axe made the tiny incisions to remove them 

Slash said should we transport? Venom shook his head no I want Slate to know. Pam? The Colonel knew I would do exactly what I just did. He knew.. because he trained me. And it’s exactly what he would do. Or he would just kill you outright. Still think you aren’t a sacrifice?” 

I spoke quietly I’d lay odds he’s got his eye on something a little younger.. a little firmer.. After all.. that’s what he did to your sister, right?! But you! What you did was far worse. Wasn’t enough to fuck her husband.. you had to finish breaking her. She’s disowned you now.. so, looks like you lose all the way around

A man will cheat.. It’s a given, when some little slag is waving her pussy under his nose every day. Bet he’s practically stopped fucking you.. and on the rare occasion he does.. he doesn’t take his time.. he isn’t gentle. He’s little more than a two pump chump with you, now. What’d you do? Get too clingy? Talk about marriage? Kids? Or use the L word.. Ask any cheater out there walking.. he will always say it was his partner’s fault.. citing one of those reasons.” 

She screamed Richard loves me! He loves me! You’ll see! He’s coming for me.” 

Venom grins Okay. But it looks like it ain’t going to be today.” 


Chapter 28 

Chapter 28 

In Wife

In Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
In Wife


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