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In Wife 32

In Wife 32

Chapter 32 

We turned right at that bar.. Duffy’s.. and followed the road to the storage building.. It was called Buck’s UStore It. This series of buildings.. unassuming.. in the middle of nowhere. I spotted the one with the bars on the windowsat the same time rapid gunfire was laid down. I ducked behind the bike and yanked my Epsilon out of its holster. Venom had hit the dirt in front of the bike.. and rolled for cover on the side of the building.. already holding his glock

He yelled out Sound off!I heard our men.. checking in. I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Thank you, Goddess.. for looking after my guys

Axe and Snake laid down ground cover for me to make my way to Venom.. and we scoped out a way to enter. I said Why don’t we ram the doors where they are shooting? It shouldn’t cause too much damage tonthe transport.. the brush guard should take the brunt of the impact.” 

Axe nodded..That could work!Spider said I got it.. Give me some cover fire.. and I will get us inside.He jumped into the van.. and we all got in position to keep firing at the door as we followed the van to its destination

When he rammed the doors.. the entire place imploded.. we jumped through the opening.. firing at anything that moved our direction. When the smoke cleared, five men laid dead..and we began our search

Twenty minutes later.. we had fourteen women in vans.. 

I was 


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checking vital signs, while Manic was passing out drinks and sandwiches

They all had minor injuries.. a few had some serious bruises.. Mostly, they were suffering from malnutrition and dehydration. Two were severely dehydrated.. so I started a glucose drip.. hoping to get their electrolytes to level out

Venom called Sheriff John.. told him there was a need for a cleanup crew and he was welcome to come to the club and interview the women. John tried saying he wanted the women at the station. Venom flat out refused.. telling him the women have been traumatized enough

Manic come racing up to me Queen.. Queen! Spider took a round to the chest.I grabbed the med kit and ran to where they had laid him down. I ripped through his shirt with my scissors to see the wound was in his upper shoulder.. and not his chest. Thanking the Goddess again.. I used a local anesthetic and removed the bullet. I stitched the wound closed and put his arm in a sling

We made it back home and I had Doc check the girls all out.. and Spider was told to take it easy a couple days and he should be fine

I was tired.. but feeling accomplished. I sat down at the VIP table with Venom.. and Maddox untied my boots.. pulling them off my 

feet.. I sighed so loud everyone chuckled

Spider.. feeling no pain.. on his third beer.. and his painkillers had kicked in.. He loudly slurred Hey! Someone should take my boots off too!” I laughed and said Yeah.. it ain’t gonna be Maddox.” 


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He whined Awwwcome on! I got shot!Maddox grins So? At least you aren’t pregnant.Everybody cracked up


Sheriff John showed up the next morning.. and took statements from the women. Ten of them opting to return to their homes. Three had asked to stay with the club. We don’t usually allow that.. but, for the time being, I will 

Vicki is being released today and Snake drove Delaney to pick her up. My generous mate has taken her under her wing.. and is very protective of her. So.. at the moment.. we have four human women requesting sanctuary.. and we are going to have to break the news that we are wolves, soon

A knock at my office door opened to reveal Tammy.. she asked permission to speak to me. I mind linked Axe to get to my office. No fucking way do I ever have a woman in my office alone. Fuck that.. No bitch is going to try and lie about me

I stood in the open doorway.. waiting for Axe. As soon as he arrived, I asked What can I help you with?” 

She said I am not being called on very much anymore. Delaney has blackballed me and is making the men stay away from me.I held onto my temper.. and didn’t do what Torin instinctually wanted to. Her throat is still intact

In Wife

In Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
In Wife


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