Chapter 4
Delaney ~
Here we sit. Maddox and I. In the principal’s office.. again. Maddox has a bloody nose and the other kid is holding his arm.. giving me the impression he may have a dislocated shoulder.
The principal sighs “Miss Quinn. There seems to be a pattern starting. Your brother can’t go around yanking other students arms out of sockets.”
I nodded.. asking “What preempted this altercation?” The other boy.. larger and more of a bully type.. says “He jerked me out of my chair at lunch. Me and my friends were joking around and apparently Madman didn’t like it. punched him with my good arm after he hurt me.”
I looked at the principal “I assume you have video surveillance?” He shook his head “The cafeteria cameras aren’t online yet. That’s scheduled to happen today.”
I nodded and said “Convenient. Maddox.. what happened?” The door opened and a woman walked in. Fuck! The mayor’s wife? That means that boy is the mayor’s son? Deep doo–doo, my lad.
Maddox quietly said “He and his friends were talking smack about Valerie. They had hurt her this morning on the way to
Chapter 4
school and were laughing about it. I don’t know all they did to her, but when she got to class, her arms were all scratched up.. and she had bruises on her face. When I asked her about it, she just told me to leave it alone or it will get worse.”
I asked “Has this happened before, Maddie?” He nodded and said “I thought she was being abused, at home.. but turns out she’s abused on her way to school. And Bert there.. with his three friends, thought it was funny to brag about it, at lunch.”
Valerie is a sweet, quiet girl that hangs out with Maddox and Hunter. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to hurt her. I’m beginning to see why Maddox acted in defense of his friend. I am pissed.
I looked at the principal and said “Perhaps you should be asking why four of your students think it’s okay to bully and physically harm another student.. a little girl, at that.. on her way to school.”
The principal said “If it happens off school property, I can’t do anything about it. I can’t investigate what I don’t know is happening, Miss Quinn. Rest assured I will get to the bottom of it.” I can accept that.
The boy’s mother said “We are here to address the abuse my son has suffered at the hands of this bully.” I snapped “Lady, my brother isn’t the bully in this room. You need to take a long, hard look at your self–entitled, spoiled rotten son. Ask yourself what YOU should have done differently! That boy of yours is headed
CA 13.
for a fall.. and it won’t be pretty.”
She snarled “Your brother dislocated my son’s shoulder. I should press charges! Then, let’s see how you act! You expect me to believe what he said my son was joking about? Where’s your proof?”
I demanded the principal bring Hunter and Valerie to the office.. along with the other three friends of Bert. Then I said “If Valerie doesn’t have any marks on her, Maddox will apologize and I will cover Bert’s medical bills. If she does have marks.. your son will apologize to her.. and I want a guarantee it will never happen again.” She agreed.
By the time all the other kids arrived, Bert was squirming in his seat. He was nervous about what might be said.. Interesting..
Valerie’s little face had a scratch above her eyebrow.. and several bruises on her cheeks. Her arms were scratched, all the way up both.. from her forearm to her shoulder. I pulled her to me.. and into my lap. I miss this so much. Maddox only snuggles now if he’s sick.
I asked her to tell me what’s going on.. she quietly starts “I don’t know what I do wrong. They always follow me to the bus stop. When it’s time to get on the bus, they never let me. I usually end up having to walk to school. I’m always late to first period. Today, I really needed to ride the bus to get my science project to school in one piece. They wouldn’t let me. They busted my project.. and shoved me into the thicket. The briars scratched
me up and now I am failing science.” She began crying and the whole time she spoke, I watched Bert’s mother.
She asked Valerie what she does to provoke the boys and I lost my shit. I yelled “Are you shitting mme right now? You’re THAT guy? You’re the person who accuses an assault victim of asking for it, aren’t you!? I see where your son gets his bullying tendencies. How dare you insinuate this little girl could do or say anything that would warrant being accosted.. molested… and abused by FOUR boys.. each one much bigger than she is! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
The principal interjects “Regardless, Miss Quinn. There are repercussions. Restitution must be met. I am suspending Maddox.. pending further investigation since he initiated the contact. Three days.
I stood and said “I see. So.. punish the hero.. let the bully go free. I am finally aware of what greased wheels mean. I want to be there when you realize riding in the mayor’s pocket is too confining. Mrs. Alden.. feel free and try suing me for your little punk’s medical bills. You will lose! Bert. I haven’t heard any apology! Today was the very last time you ever lay hands on Valerie again. I will be bringing her to and from school from here on out. Maddox. Let’s go.. we have a three day vacation to do whatever we want.. but we will be increasing your training to three days a week. Valerie may need you again.”
I took Valerie’s hand and opened the door.. ushering Hunter and Maddox out.. the principal said “Miss Quinn.. I can’t allow you to leave with these other students.”
Chapter 4
I sneered “Call their parents. They already know.” I had texted Hunter and Valerie’s moms when I found out what was going
- on.
We stopped for ice cream before took the kids home. We had Valerie laughing and much happier, when I walked her inside her house. Her mom is single.. and works really long hours. I
explained to her what had been happening with Bert and his little gang. Then I let her know I would be picking Valerie up from now on. She was relieved and just clung to her little girl, as she cried.
Back at the diner, I got Maddox situated with my laptop so he could complete school assignments. His teachers had agreed to not dock his grades because they felt he was being unjustly punished.
I glanced up, as the bell dinged to see Venom and two others walk in. I brought water to the table and started to place menus down, but I was told they didn’t need them. Simple. Coffee with burgers and fries.
I grinned and said “You’re becoming a regular and this order is becoming your usual.” He shrugged, smiling “I am a creature of habit. And these burgers are pretty damned good.”
I laughed and said “Let’s make it happen, Cap’n!” Not realizing that was his actual rank in the Marine Corps
Chapter 5
Chapter 5