Chapter 43
He untied my feet, then my hands. Midway through untying my hands, his phone rang. He ignored it, continuing to untie the ropes. Once freed, wary, he looped the rope around my neck.
“Come on, let’s go upstairs.” He pulled me up.
I noticed his phone continued to ring. I guessed Evan and Zach might have located him, perhaps nearby.
He led me upstairs. The lights in the hallway were off. He grumbled, pulling out his phone; it was still ringing. After hanging up, he used his phone’s flashlight.
I observed: a straight hallway, windows on both sides. The glass was broken on one side. The wind from that window, and the orientation of the entrance door downstairs, told me that side was the ocean–my only escape.
Feigning weakness, I stumbled toward the window. He lowered his guard, just as he was about to open a door, I quickly slipped the rope from my neck, dashed to the window, and jumped without hesitation.
“!” Zoey stared, dumbfounded, as I plunged downwards. Only after the splash did it fully register; he rushed to the window but saw nothing. She actually jumped into the sea…
His phone rang again. He answered; Zach’s voice was on the other end, saying they couldn’t find me and that he was dismissing the entire management of the branch office and the factory.
Zoey hung up, immediately calling Ann Maxwell, fanning the flames, deliberately provoking her.
Ann Maxwell hung up, angrily throwing her phone onto the passenger seat. Zoey smirked; he knew she was enraged.
He peered back toward the sea.“Beauty, you killed yourself. Don’t blame me.”
Evan arrived at the factory, followed closely by Julian. The meeting room was in chaos, filled with factory and company personnel. As soon as Evan entered, everyone fell silent.