Chapter 109
He swept me off my feet and gently carried me towards the sofa. In silence, he set me down and turned his gaze to my arm.
“It’s healing pretty nicely.” He noted, nodding his head just a little.
“Yeah” I sighed. “I’m glad for it. Don’t know how much more coddling I can take.”
My attempt at a joke didn’t get so far. He wasn’t really smiling as he watched me. His eyes were focused on my arm before he finally turned to regard
“I appreciate what you did for me that night. But please, don’t ever put yourself in danger again. Not for me, or anyone else. Okay?”
I nodded. “Okay”
“Good.” He smiled. “I hold you to that promise.”
I could barely say anything in reply. The only thing could focus was on his eyes. Askhan was an incredibly handsome man. No doubt he was well aware of that. But damn I couldn’t turn away even if I wanted to.
His eyes lingered on me, like they couldn’t quite move even if he himself wanted them to. The room felt oddly warm. Or maybe it was simply his gaze. There was a way he looked like me with his eyes. Like those alone were enough to completely leave me undone
His gaze dropped to my arm. I swallowed down, wondering what could be going through his head at that moment.
He mumbled something underneath his breath before gently reaching for my arm. I didn’t say anything, simply letting him bring it towards him.
A small gasp loft my lips as he placed a small kiss on the back of my hand. Then he moved to my arm the part that had the injury.
He started with slowly taking the bandage off before examining the wound carefully. Then slowly, he ran his tongue up the length of my arm.
It felt strange.. yet odilly arousing. His warmth tongue continued to run up and down the length of my arm.
A part of me wanted to hate it, the feelings that welled up in me with each slow and tortuous movement of his tongue
But I’d be lying if I said that to myself.
His eyes raised up to meet mine, and then he stopped. “It should heal much faster from now.”
I swallowed, trying to pretend my cheeks weren’t the colour of a tomato. My whole body felt hot with a flame that Askhan had lit up in me.
“The king and queen have been looking for me.” He said calmly
My brows furrowed in confusion. “Why?”
“It’s not something I can say right now as I have to leave immediately” He explained.
He looked tortured, having to say
Hay those w
words. I didn’t know what else to say to him. Do I ask him to stay with me? Flout the concerns of his parents
and keep the company?
“I understand.”
He nodded, eyes lingering on me for what felt like eternity. I’d meant every word of what I’d said back then.
“I see you again?” Askhan said, has voice holding a tinge of hope.
With my lips pressed together, I slowly nodded my head. When he finally got up to leave, I didn’t stop him
As the door slammed shut, I couldn’t help the small pang that welled hereath my heart. The Queen Luna and Alpha King would only be looking for him
Tuna’s Deadly Deception: How She Made Flor Alp
Chapter 109
The consort selection
sit time already? Maybe they’d already found a suitable match for him. A better chuckle left my lips. I was in no position to be upset or even sed about this. After all, I’d rejected the offer back then.
The sound of the doorbell pierced through my thoughts. Askhan? Without a second thought, I went straight for the door.
All happiness and excitement I had vanished when I saw who it was Quentin stared back at me, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
“What?” He chuckled drily. “Not the handsome prince you were expecting to see?”
I scoffed, turning away from him and heading back into the room. Quentin followed immediately, not giving me a single breathing spare.
“Saw him leaving a couple of seconds ago. What’s wrong? Lover’s fight?” He didn’t bother hiding the mockery laced in his voice
“What’s it to you?” I levelled a glare at him.
He laughed, a cold look in his eyes as he regarded me. “Just who do you think you are? You really thought you’d be his princess?”
I smiled, not the slightest hit moved by his words. “I didn’t want to see you anyway.”
“Oh yeah?” Quentin scoffed, following after me even as I tried to move away from him.
ok at him. “What is wrong with you? I thought you’d have left already.”
I sighed, turning back to look at
“Well I haven’t.” He cut in “The conversation we were having yesterday, let’s continue with it.”
“No.” I shut him down immediately.
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