Chapter 112
Chapter 112
“Tina?” asked in surprise.
Jane nodded. “That’s why I came up here
Tina was my cousin and we’d been close for as long as I could remember. She was what you’d call a himbo, a beauty that had heads turning wherever she went but no brains whatsoever. The only worry she had all day was whether her mascara look good or if the needed to line her lips more
She loved shopping and trying out every beauty product and their subsequent releases, Undortunately, she always tried to get me to go with her.
Even though I would love to humour her at times, I had responsibilities and that simply meant I couldn’t always go with her as she would have wanted
Back when I was in Magnus, I didn’t have any contact with my family. They’d pretty much shunned me since then. All except Tina
Tina had always used every opportunity to communicate me as best as the could. And that was something I really appreciated.
“Okay then.” I smiled. “Sounds like a plan”
By the time we reached the shopping center, it was already well past afternoon Jane got out of the car first before I did. I made sure to lock the car doors before we made our way into the complex
Sure enough, as soon as we entered, we found Tina seated in one of the cafe. I waved a hand to her, hoping she’d see me.
As soon as her eyes landed on me, they widened. She broke into a smile, waving back with just as much excitement.
“I’m so glad you could make it.” She giggled in excitement.
“Wouldn’t miss it.” I sent her a smile,
“Oh really?” She pouted “You never even have time to shop with me these days.”
I laughed. “Come on, Tina
“But you know I’m right.” She huffed, folding her arms while pouting like a child.
“Well, I’m here now.” I spread my arms out. “Feel free to use me as you so please”
Tina’s pout dropped and she jumped with excitement. Before I could get another word in, she was already pulling me towards one of the clothing stores in excitement.
We spent the better part of the day making purchases on designer bags and other things that interested us Jane picked up a couple of routers and some web cams she needed. I for one was pretty glad for the distraction.
I could already feel my heart getting lighter at the prospect of being so carefree with my girls.
“No way. That’s her?”
My mood soured upon hearing that voice. I knew who it belonged to all too well. Tina was the first to turn. And then Jane.
“Oh my goodness. It is her. The never that this bitch has.”
I finally turned to see
Ito see Bella glaring down at me. There was a girl standing beside her, equally having the same nasty look on her face.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, not bothering to hide my irritation.
u? So shut the hell up.”
“What’s it to you?” The other girl shot back. “You’re not the owner of this shopping complex, are you?
Tina was already sensing the tension. “Let’s get out of here.”
Chapter 112
Before she could move, the other girl had sidestepped her and gotten in her way to fast now. We’re not done talki
I turned back to Bella who looked like she was enjoying every single minate of this. When the noticed the look on my
“What’s wrong?” She showed my shoulder.
| “Cat got your longue?”
Another shove
Her smirk grew into something cruel. “Or ae you just so retarded that you can’t say anything?
She pushed me harder this time, making me hit the wall shumilder first I winced, feeling the pain of my injured arm increase even farther
“Let me introduce her to you.” Bella pointed at the girl by her side. “This is Madison Askhan’s favourite and next in line to be the princess consort
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” Madison folded her arms. “Do tell, is there some specific reason why you’re here shopping? way of getting all the things you need to run for crown princess?”
Bella piped in. “It’s not like she stands a chance. You’re stupid if you think you can aspire for that position, Thea”
“What did you say? Jane stepped forward. She looked really pissed.
Bella ignored her and continued. “You apenly rejected the Queen Luna’s invitation and disrespected her.”
My eyes widened in surprise. Was that why she started this pageant? As a way to spite me for what I did?
I was so distracted by what Bella was saying
that I hadn’t even noticed Madison sneaking up behind me.
7 our of outfits? Or is this your
“Not so fast.”
Tina stopped her before she could do anything. She may act like a bimbo but she wasn’t one to be underestimated
Tina had been a gamma warrior before. When Madison tried to attack me, Tina caught her punch and proceeded to slap her hard across the face.
Bella tried to attack as well bur Jane was faster, putting her down before she could do anything. Just then, I heard an all too famiharvoice
“What’s going on here?”