Chapter 119
“Yes, your highness.” They bowed to him and immediately dispersed to go and carry out his order.
For a moment, he simply stared at me without doing anything. Then slowly, I felt the warmth of his body wrap around mine as he took my unconscious
body in his arms.
It took a lot of control to remain still as he hoisted me into his arms and straightened up. He began walking out of the dining room and made his way outside, with me still in his arms,
The warmth of the sum already let me know where we were. Then he stopped. My heart thrummed against my chest as he leaned closer to me.
“Princess. You’re not unconscious at all, are you? Do you really want me to carry you all the way through the Alpha Palace?”
My eyes immediately snapped open at his words. When Askhan looked down and saw that I was already awake, a small smile spread over his face.
“There you are.”
I rolled my eyes and tried to move in his arms. He didn’t release me or even lessen the grip he had on my body.
Would you be so kind as to let me down, your highness?” I plastered a sickly sweet smile on my face.
“Of course, my lady.” He smiled, slowly dropping me to the ground.
I dusted off my pants and shirt before fixing him a pointed stare. It felt a hit annoying watching him wear that smile on his face. He looked all too happy for the current situation we were in
And he didn’t seem to mind that I was sending him such looks either. After a while, he let out a breath
“For a second, I thought you were just going to let me carry you all around in my arms.” He said.
Teyed him “Is that you complaining?
“Oh, I’d be more than glad to do that” He grinned.
I simply hummed, trying my best to put on a nonchalant front. It ended up failing badly when Askbar’s smile brightened even more.
I couldn’t help the smile that slowly rugged at my lips the longer I watched him. He really was a beauty to look at.
“I’m supposed to be mad at you.” I folded my arms, sending him a weak glare.
“Even you know you can’t manage that.” Askhan had a small smile on his face now.
It was like whenever I looked at him, a small feeling of warmth would bloom in my chest. I looked around, taking note of the neatly groomed trees that lined the pathway of the Alpha Palace. The place really was a beauty to behold.
“How do you feel now, Thea? He asked.
I turned back to him. “More or less fine.”
There was a frown on his face as he stared at me. “You fainted.”
“People faint all the time.” I shrugged. “I’m not the first person this would be happening to.”
He didn’t look all too pleased at my attempts to deflect the whole thing. “Not for no reason.”
Before I could react, he had already placed a hand on my check. My heart continued to thed against my chest as he gently caressed my chin,
There was a look in his eyes, like he was searching for something in mine, I chalked it to him simply wanting to make sure I was okay. After all, what other reason could there be for him acting like that?
Chapter 119
“I’m fine, Askhan Really. I tried to say.
“You still haven’t told me how or why you fainted though. He fixed me a konwing look.
My mind immediately went back to cookies that Mody had offered me. They had looked oddly perfect when she had given me. A perfect mask for the sinister plan that she had laid out for me.
He frowned. “What?”
“Your sister.” I simply said. “I ate one of the cookies she made and that was when it started. I started feeling uncomfortable and somehow I ended up losing consciousness.”
“So this happened because of Mody?” He asked.
I nodded. That’s about it.”
I could see the invincible gears working behind his eyes as he processed what I’d said. When he finally focused back on me, his eyes softened up just a
“I’m glad you’re fine now.” He said in a gentle voice.
My cheeks immediately
ly warmed up at his words. I hated how his words always managed to have such a big effect on me.
I’d have thought he’d still be cold and emotionless to me but now, it seemed the better part of our conflict had already passed.
I didn’t think it would have been resolved so conflict and yet, here we were. He was still watching me, like I was the only person that mattered to me.