Chapter 68
The car came to a stop and Askhan was the first to get out. He made his way to our side of the car and helped us with the door.
Emma was the first to hop out before I stepped out after all. She hurried over to Askhan who was more than willing to take her in his arms.
“Let’s head in.” He sent me a smile before leading the way into the palace.
Emma remained perched close to Askhan as he showed her around, pointing out all the places in the palace like some sort of tour guide. I watched the interaction between them, unable to hold back the smile on my face.
“You needed to see your mother when she was a little girl.” Askhan laughed.
Emma’s eyes widened. “What was mommy like?”
eyes glinted mischievously as he turned back to Emma. “She was a fighter. The strongest among all the female Alphas we had. Back then, she used to protect all her friends, no matter the
Emma turned to me, a look of awe in her face. My face was starting to hurt from how hard I’d been
“You’re so cool, mom.” Emma beamed.
I laughed. “Oh, am I?”
She nodded her head vigorously and began to demonstrate how I must have fought off all the ‘bad guys‘ back then.
I told Askhan I’d like to stay in the parts of the palace where I’d lived when I first came to the Alpha
Palace. He was more than willing to let me stay where I wanted, bidding Emma goodbye even
though she tried to cling to him.
“That’s enough now.” I said as the door slammed shut. “Let’s get you to bed.”
“But I’m not tired.” She whined.
“Doesn’t matter. You need your nap else you’ll be all grumpy, and no one likes a grumpy munchkin
Luna’s Deadly Deception: How She Made for Aloka
Chapter 68
now, do they?”
I attacked her with tickles, her laugh sounding like music to my ears. She tried to run away but I had
her trapped in my grip.
“Alright, alright.” I stopped with the tickles, wrapping my arms around her. “Let’s get you to bed
now, shall we?”
She nodded her head, a rosy colour dusting her cheeks. I led her to bed and tucked her in, making sure she was asleep before I left her side.
Now alone, I took the liberty to check through all parts of the palace. It felt like such a long time ago
when I lived here.
I’d stayed here for the better part of my life before I finally got married. This place held so many memories for me. The better part of my teenage years had been spent here.
As I scoured through the rooms I’d once stayed in, my eyes landed on a bracelet. It was a crystal
bracelet I’d gotten during my early adult years.
Quentin had given me the bracelet.
I held the bracelet up, examining it in my hands and marvelling at the way it seemed to glimmer in the light.
At that time, Quentin had been cold and detached, a stone wall that couldn’t be broken no matter
He never showed any emotion to anyone. Regardless of this, he had always been very patient with
- me.
The sound of my ringtone broke me out of my daze and I picked it up. It was Quentin. I let a curse
under my breath.
Was he reading my mind through Luna?
I never thought something as simple as making a phone call could make me feel so stressed. Clearing my throat, I put the phone to my ear.
Luna’s Deadly Deception: How She Made Her Alpha
Chapter 68
“Hey Mels.” Quentin’s voice came as smooth as silk over the phone.
Hearing him call me that nickname shouldn’t have had any effect on me whatsoever, yet hearing my name on his tongue sent this weird feeling through me.
When we were young, Quentin used to call me that in private. The epithet seemed to awaken certain memories, but I compressed them all to a place where they could not cloud my judgment.
“Hi, Quentin.” I answered calmly. “What’s up?”
There was a small pause before he finally spoke. “Just wanted to check in with you, see how you’re doing.”
“Oh, I’m good.”
The grip on my phone was tighter than normal. A part of me wondered what was the real reason he’d called me. It didn’t make sense.
“You and me, The Steig. What do you say?” he asked.
The Steig was a renowned, high–class restaurant, known for having the most delicious and sensational delicacies. This restaurant was one of my favorites before I got married.
I rolled the words over in my head, my heart beat speeding up as I thought about it. He wanted us to meet up for some reason best known to him.
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