Chapter 70
After a small pause, he nodded his head. “Good to know.”
Before I could get another word in, the waiter came in and dropped a dish before us. “Bon appetite.”
I felt a warm feeling bloom in my chest. It was my favourite desert, blueberry pie with a good helping of cream on top.
“It’s okay if you don’t exactly like me,” Quentin continued. “But I want you to enjoy your dessert. Ordered it just for you.”
I nodded slowly before turning to the pie. It was much easier to focus on the delicious–looking pie than on Quentin’s eyes.
As I put a bite in my mouth, the taste of the pie overloaded my senses. It was simply too good. I continued to dig in, letting myself relish the sweetness of the pie.
“You have something there.”
I raised my head to see Quentin staring at me. “What?”
“You’ve got something…” His voice trailed off as he reached a hand to the side of my mouth and wiped off the cream that had gotten on my face.
I opened my mouth to speak when another voice cut me off.
My eyes widened as I turned my head. Askhan. He was standing by the door of the restaurant, wearing a long trench coat.
“You’re running around when you know it’s dangerous to go out on your own now. You know we haven’t resolved all the problems yet.” Askhan said, his voice gentle yet firm.
Even as his hair and clothes looked organized, his feet were still tin the form of wolf claws which meant he had rushed out in a hurry without bothering with shoes.
I was really in for it now.
Lung’s Deadly D
Chapter 70
It had come out as more of a question than simply saying his name. He crossed the room without a word, making his way towards us while ignoring the looks from other patron he got.
“What are you doing here?” I asked again, when he stopped before our table.
Quentin didn’t bother with a greeting or anything of that sort, simply opting to stare him down. Askhan turned to me briefly.
“I should be asking you that Thea.”
“His royal highness. How nice of you to grace us with your presence.” Quentin said, not bothering to hide the mockery in his tone.
Askhan’s eyes narrowed on him. “If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought you had a bit of reasoning but it seems your head is always going to be stuck in your ass.”
“She asked you a question,” Quentin continued. “What do you want here? I believe you weren’t given an invite so I have no other assumption to make about why you’d be here.”
Askhan’s eyes narrowed on him even further as he gently moved past me to face Quentin. If looks could kill, Quentin would be six feet under.
“Is your business failing so bad that you had to use Thea?”
Quentin frowned. “What?”
“You want to get media attention and so you decided to use Thea just so they wouldn’t focus on the
failing of your business. That’s disgusting behaviour.” Askhan fixed him a disgusted look.
I turned to Quentin, secretly hoping it wasn’t true. My trust had been dashed once. I didn’t know if I could handle going through that again.
Quentin looked irritated now. “I only wanted to ask her some questions. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Like that explains anything.” Askhan scoffed.
“I don’t remember owing you any explanation whatsoever.” Quentin retorted.
Askhan’s eyebrow twitched. “How about I explain to the management why your face got boxed in?”
Luna’s Deadly Deception: How She Made Her Alpha)
Chapter 70
I noticed his hands tightening into fists by his side. If Quentin had been annoyed before, he looked
“You pretentious asshole.” He glared at the prince. “Why don’t you say that again?”
They continued like that, going back and forth in their argument. They were both oblivious to the internal turmoil I was going through just watching them.
My chest was starting to hurt the longer I watched them argue with each other. I wanted this to end. Hearing them throw accusations at one another did not make me the slightest bit happy.
On top of that, some other guests at the restaurant were starting to stare. I didn’t like that. Without thinking, I slammed my hands on the table. They both stopped immediately, turning to look at me.
“That’s enough.” I said in a calm but clear tone.
I turned to Quentin. To think I was slowly beginning to consider opening up to him. I should have
known it was too good to be true.
Never in my life would I have thought that he’d be trying to divert the media’s attention by making
scandal news and roping me into it.
“Thea,” He said in a soft tone.
I didn’t say anything, just fixed him with a long stare for what felt like eternity. Without a word, I slowly made my way towards him.
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