Chapter 176
“Last time? “I can’t stop myself from speaking, I am curious about the details, besides the more I know the more
information I can give Soren, and I can tell Bianca loves to gloat like she has already won, so she won’t see the danger in blurting out their secrets, she already has.
“The queen, do you not pay attention to anything, you are a terrible eavesdropper.”
“That makes no sense, Rhett wasn’t an alpha back then?” I remind her. And she huffs annoyed.
“Exactly, he should have been. His father refused to give him the pack. So Rhett went to the council and complained. They told him he had to wait until was handed down or he had to challenge his father. Naturally his father was pissed learning this but still refused despite him being old enough. Rhett was a laughing stock. His father believed he was too immature,” she tells me, and his actions right now are proving his father right he is going to get his pack slaughtered at this rate.
“But then one of the council elders stopped him as we were leaving the council. Told him that could change if he spoke to the vampire king. I guess you can imagine our shock when we learned vampires existed. Did you know they kept it from the public worried it would cause hysteria or wars?” she states looking as shocked as me when i learned they existed.
“Anyway the elder introduced us to him, he needed cargo moved and picked up, Rhett cut him a deal. So he just needed the pack handed down to him first and then we could plan
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out the rest.”
“The rest?”
“Taking over the council of course,” she quips. My brows furrow.
“Anyway Rhett started to build a relationship with the king, working for him but then his father found out.”
“That still doesn’t explain what that has to do with Soren’s queen!”
“She stuck her nose where she shouldn’t. Rhett’s father was quite close with the king, he delivered supplies to the castle regularly back then. Rhett knew she’d be an issue.” I nod slowly, but know if I press more she’ll become suspicious sol momentarily divert the conversation back to her hoping she’ll give me more information.
“So what are you planning to do, once Soren finds out and comes for me. Rhett marking me won’t change that.” My voice is more forceful now as I try to think around the pounding of my skull and burning agony of my wrist twisting in the binds. My wrists are burning so badly, I bite my tongue, my blood making my hands slick as they bleed as the rope cuts in.
Bianca laughs, turning to face me, her lips curling into a cruel smirk. “You don’t get it, do you? Soren’s too naïve to see it. He didn’t even realize that his precious wife was investigating the council or that Rhett’s trucks were carrying the rogues into his castle when the shipment was dropped off. And the queen too stupid to realize the danger she was in, she should have known when it was Rhett driving and not his father. She thought she could expose the truth, but all she did was sign
Chapter 176
her own death warrant.”
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My breath hitches in my chest at her words. “So that is why he killed her, the queen was investigating the council?” I ask, barely able to keep the tremor out of my voice.
Bianca raises an eyebrow, looking at me with twisted amusement. “Yes, and the corruption within the council twice she filed against one of the elders, both times he managed to falsify her claims. Made her look like an idiot even Soren thought she was panraoid,” she tells me.
“Which elder?” I ask and she laughs.
“Nice try, I see what you are doing not that it will help you in anyway. It’ll only get you killed like it did her. She should have minded her own damn business. But like the entitled bitch she was, she had to run to council elders and her husband. She was getting too close, asking the wrong questions. She didn’t know when to stop, and that’s why she had to go.“