Chapter 186
I dodge Bianca’s attack at the last second, my pulse pounding in my ears. She stumbles off balance and reaches out, finding nothing but air. I take advantage of her vulnerability, driving my shoulder into her back and propelling her forcefully into the wall with a sickening thud.
The building shudders at the impact, the ground feeling unsteady as if it might give way beneath us. Bianca cries out in pain and anger, blood streaming from her nose as she turns to face me. I quickly swipe the blood from my face, clearing my vision just in time to meet her furious gaze.
“You’re in for it now,” she growls, spitting blood. “I’m going to tear you apart.” She struggles to regain her footing, her
movements unsteady.
Our struggle continues as we circle each other, both panting and bruised. The sound of our heavy breathing fills the air as we size each other up. Bianca lunges forward with a snarl, aiming a low kick at my knees. I jump back just in time, narrowly avoiding her strike.
“Nice try,” I taunt, darting in with a swift jab that grazes her cheek.
Bianca hisses in response, lunging again with a series of quick strikes. I block and counter, our movements a blur of motion and intensity. The room feels too small as we clash, each blow landing with a resounding thud that echoes off the walls.
Her eyes almost glow in the dim light, hungry for revenge. Her
Chapter 186
1288 Vouchers
teeth grind together as she twists her body, avoiding my punch and countering with a swift hook to my jaw that sends me stumbling back. The pain is harsh yet I manage to keep standing there’s still strength left within me despite the wolfsbane.
Bianca gives no signs of slowing down; if anything she seems revitalized by landing an attack on me after being thwarted every time so far.
Despite the wolfsbane coursing through my veins, I knock her hand away and deliver a punch to her stomach. She doubles over with a groan, gasping for breath but she recovers almost instantly. Her retaliation comes in form of an elbow strike heading straight towards my face.
I stagger back from the force of it; blood bursts hot and slick across my cheekbone as pain explodes at one side of my face. The stale scent of dust and blood clogs the air as Bianca surges towards me with a burning rage in her eyes. Despite my vision blurring from the wolfsbane poisoning, I see it all too clearly – a calculated attempt to land in one devastating punch that could turn the tides heavily against me.
But my instincts are faster, more attuned than hers. My muscles coil tight like a spring before launching out with unnatural speed and strength born out of desperation. The floor vibrates under us, and she even looks worriedly at the
Adrenaline surges through my veins, heightening every sense. I can smell the coppery tang of Bianca’s blood and hear the ragged sawing of her breath. Feel the power thrumming in my own limbs as adrenaline burns through the wolfsbane.
Chapter 186
200 ouchers
She comes at me again; clawed hands outstretched, a banshee shriek tearing from her throat. I block her wild swings, countering with a sharp jab to her windpipe–Bianca chokes and gasps, staggering back.
I press forward, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks. Striking her again and again, grunts and cries piercing the air. A satisfying crunch as my foot connects with her ribs. Her agonized wail as my fist smashes into her jaw, snapping her head back.
Bianca staggers, arms flailing, eyes unfocused. I hammer one final blow to her temple with all my strength. She crumples to the floor.
I stand over her limp form, chest heaving, knuckles throbbing, and my breath ragged. A savage thrill shivers through me at the sight of her broken face and unconscious body.
But as I take a closer look at her, I begin to feel a rush of guilt and regret. This wasn’t how I wanted things to end. I didn’t want to hurt Bianca like this.
But it was either her or me. She had come at me with everything she had, fueled by her rage. Shaking my head, I push those thoughts away. It’s too late for regrets now. I hate violence but sometimes it can’t be helped.