Chapter 204
“Yes, but they don’t know what became of Aubrey, they don’t know she has been changed or that I am still taking her as my Queen, they probably assume I had her killed, for now I need them to believe it.”
“That’s why you had the remaining staff commanded not to mention her or her change.” I nod. So far it has worked, though Bianca has been trickier, though she is commanded not to contact anyone, still Rhett would know she is alive, she is one of his pack members and would have felt her death.
“And this meeting?” My mother asks.
“It won’t be a meeting, it will be our wedding. I want to make sure everyone knows I don’t care about whatever crimes she is accused of, that she has immunity because she is mine.”
“You’re going to ambush them aren’t you?” She laughs softly.
“Are you sure Aubrey will want her wedding turned into a circus?”
“The ambushing will come at the end, once she is safely tucked away. Then I plan on taking down the council.”
“And King Alaric?”
“Will be no more.” I tell her.
“So what do you need me to do?”
“Help plan the wedding of course.”
Chapter 204
1288 Vouchers
“I do have previous preparations organized so I can reach out to the caters…
“No, I don’t want word getting out. We’ll organize it here and we have enough staff and kitchen staff to organize an event this size, but I need Aubrey to be safe around, I can’t have her hunting staff. I’ll organize Damian to rescreen all staff. We’ll select those we need, I don’t want to run the risk of word getting out. About her condition or the wedding before I am ready this time.”
My mother flicks her long hair over her shoulder and rises. “I suppose I better organize it myself then. We have lots of planning to do.” I watch as she walks to the door and leaves.
Feeling the bed move slightly I see Aubrey squirm and I sigh when I notice her ears sticking up on her head, her claws coming out in her sleep hooking into the mattress. I gently tug one of her ears, wondering how long it will take for her to get the shifting under control. She purrs leaning into my touch making me laugh, as I caress her ear between two fingers. I massage her pointy ears only for the blanket to lift slightly.
Lifting it I peer under the blanket to find her tail is thumping under the blanket excitedly. Whatever she is dreaming about has her excited as it swishes under the blanket or maybe it’s my touch that is causing the reaction. I drop the blanket and push her over slightly so I climb in next to her. The moment I do the bond senses me and she wriggles closer until she is practically laying on top of me. I stroke her hair and her pointy little ears.
Chapter 204
1 295/Vouchers
His calling knocked me out, and Goddess only knows how long I have been out for, but when I come to, it’s to him muttering under his breath. “I’m half tempted to cut it off and use it as a feather duster.” he chuckles and my eyes flutter open to see him swat at something. He is propped up on his pillow, reading beside me.
“What are you reading?” I ask groggily, rolling over. I reach for the bottle of water I know is always on my bedside table.
“Trying to read would be correct, I am not getting much reading done.” he mumbles as I unscrew the cap. My mouth is dry and I drink the entire bottle in two gulps before huffing that I need to get another when I feel a sharp tug on my
I growl, turning to find Soren has my tail which is eagerly smacking his face. An embarrassing squeak leaves my lips as I jerk away from him. He lets my tail go and I grab the bastard of a thing, it has a mind of its own I swear. I snatch it with two hands and the tip swishes from side to side while I growl at it.
Chapter 205
Chapter 205