Chapter 205
“Your tail is quite fascinated with smacking me in the head,” Soren tells me with a shake of his head.
I sigh heavily. “Why does it keep doing that, I am not even shifted!” I snarl angrily at it. Soren chuckles.
“I think it is cute but annoying when I am reading.” I roll my eyes at him.
“Yes, until I put on a dress and it decides to flash my ass to everyone!” I smack my tail and it then smacks me back, making Soren snicker. The angry snarl that leaves me as my teeth elongate is savage but before I can angrily chomp on it, Soren’s hands grip my face.
“No biting!” he tells me and I scrunch up my face at his words.
“I want to chop it off!”
“And that also won’t be happening, you’ll learn how to control it eventually. Now leave your tail alone, if anyone is lobbing it off it will be me.” he laughs letting me go. I growl and reluctantly let it go from my death grip.
“I was thinking tonight we can go for a run?” he says, settling back on the bed.
“A run? Isn’t that a bad idea after today?” I ask him.
“Only way to control your urges is to shift as much as possible, but I can’t have you do that during the day or around Max, so I’ll take you for a run tonight. I’ll have Damian
Chapter 205
push the guards back further, you’ll be perfectly safe.”
“I’m not worried about me, I am worried about…” I start to complain when he speaks over me.
“You can’t hurt me.” he warns and I know that, but I am worried about what would happen if I escaped him and ran into someone else.
“And you won’t get past my guard either so no more excuses, we’re going.”
I huff, slightly annoyed that he has answers for all my excuses.
“And what if I don’t want to go tonight?” I try, giving him a tired look.
Soren merely raises an eyebrow at me, “Aubrey, don’t be stubborn. This is for your own good, I will drag you there kicking and screaming if needed.”
I sigh in resignation, a part of me knowing he’s right. My grip on shifting is slippery at best, and dangerous at worst. If I didn’t gain control soon, there would be repercussions.
“Fine,” I give in, only to have him chuckle in response.
“Now get dressed we need to go have dinner soon, you’ve slept the entire day away.”
“I wonder who’s fault that is,” I retort and he smiles.
“Get dressed.‘ is all he adds.
“Can’t I eat up here, I don’t want to go down and have
everyone stare after today’s embarrassment.” Soren sets his book aside and rolls on his side to stare at me..
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Chapter 205
“Everyone here has been where you are, they understand, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Now put some loose clothes on, we leave after dinner,” he tells me. Reluctantly, I force myself up and head for the closet, finding a loose fitting airy dress, I slip it on, and groan when I notice in the floor length mirror my tail trailing behind me.
Soren, catching my groan, glances over at me where I see him still lying on the bed. His eyes fall upon the offending appendage jauntily wagging behind me and he chuckles.
“Relax, it’s not even poking out of your dress.” He grins and I turn to scowl at him, about to retort when the door to our room swings open, revealing Damon.
“Dinner is being served,” Damon says as he leans on the door frame, in his typical all black uniform. His eyes wander over me and down to my tail. He raises an eyebrow. “Interesting choice of accessory,” he comments. I glare at him and he only smirks.
“Leave her alone, she is moody and already doesn’t want to go to dinner.” Soren snaps. Damian chuckles, shaking his head and wanders off.
I grab the errant tail, carefully tucking it up under the dress. If only it would stay put. I wonder if we have duct tape, I could strap the damn thing to my leg.
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