Chapter 35
I glare down at him, noticing Max’s giggling on a lower branch.
“You could have said you were afraid of heights,” Soren laughs. I look at the ground, a wave of fear washing over me.
“It’s not the height I’m afraid of, it’s the fall,” I reply, watching as King Soren tips his head back, his eyes shining with laughter. He’s enjoying this too much.
“Don’t worry, Bree. I’ll catch you if you fall.” His words are light and teasing, but I feel a pang of warmth at his sentiment.
Determined not to let myself get carried away with all these strange emotions swirling inside me, I begin to make my descent.
“You’re taking forever,” Max whines from a lower branch waiting for me. I glare at the boy who sticks his tongue out at me when Max leaps from the tree, and Soren catches him effortlessly. “Are you sure you’re not part monkey?” he asks Max, tickling him while I try to unlodge my heart that leapt into my throat at his actions.
Max laughs and wriggles free and peers up at me.
“I think she is stuck,” Max snickers.
“I’m not, I am calculating where to place my feet.” I tell him though right now I have become one with the tree, my hands not wanting to let go of my current branch, the ground seemingly getting further away.
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“Just be careful,” King Soren calls up. “And remember, if you fall… try to land on your feet.”
“Very funny,” I retort, but my heart flutters at his concern and then at the distance to the ground I am not even halfway down yet. I’m gonna die, I’m gonna fall and break my damn neck all because Max thinks I am part feline.
“Admit it, you’re stuck, aren’t you?” Soren chuckles, looking up
at me.
“And if I am?” I call down, trying not to fall to my death.
He moves closer to the tree. “Do you want me to come up and get you?”
I laugh. “You, come and get me? And risk hurting your royal self? Definitely not.”
He folds his arms across his chest, a smirk playing on his lips. “Suit yourself then. Don’t say I didn’t offer.”
As I attempt to descend, Max and Soren laugh at my expense. But then, as I step onto a branch, Soren suddenly yells, “Bree, not that one!”
I glance at him, only for the branch to give way. I fall my hands scrambling for something and I just manage to grab a branch lower down leaving me dangling, my heart racing.
“Let go, I’ll catch you,” Soren calls up to me.
“I’ll crush you. I’m not a small child, my king. Maybe get a ladder?” I suggest, panic now setting in.
“Daddy is strong, he can catch you.” Max calls out and I scoff.
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“Max, go force her down,” Soren instructs and my eyes widen in horror when I see the boy start climbing the damn tree with a mischievous grin on his face.
Max starts climbing towards me. “I think you’re right, he is part monkey,” I say, watching him approach with a mix of admiration and terror.
Soren laughs. “Max.” King Soren nods his head toward me.
“No, you stay right there Max while your father gets a ladder!” I shriek when he starts walking along the branch.
“Max, no. Go play on that branch.” I urge but he just smiles while I panic. I’m gonna fall. I know I’m gonna fall.
But Max doesn’t listen and comes toward me and starts prying my fingers off. “Max, don’t you dare,” I warn, but it’s too late.
My blood curdling scream echoes through the courtyard as I fall and I see Max peering down at me like he thinks this is funny. I brace myself for the impact of the hard unforgiving ground, my heart leaping into my throat and my stomach out my ass at the sensation of falling. Yet at the last second Soren catches me. His arms are strong, warm and secure. “Told you I‘ d catch you,” he murmurs, and I become dead weight in his arms with relief I am alive.
“You’re an asshole.” I tell him before I can stop myself only to jerk myself to my senses. I just called the King an asshole. Yet why is he smiling like he finds this amusing. Shouldn’t he be screaming off with her head, or to the dungeons?
He steadies me against the rough bark of the tree, his strong hands gripping my hips. I can feel the heat radiating off of his
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body, and it sends a shiver down my spine. His face is inches from mine. He leans in, his breath hot against my cheek, and I feel a jolt of electricity shoot through my body.