Chapter 71
His thumb brushes the side of my breast, his gaze dropping. My cheeks warm at his touch, my body reacting to his closeness. His thumb brushes over my hardened nipple. I know I should pull away, but my body seems to have a mind of its own when it comes to him. My breath hitches as he leans closer, his warm breath tickling my ear and his eyes darken.
His aura rippling out and washing over me. He steps closer and his hand hits the shower wall behind me making me look up at him to find he isn’t in control, not fully. His instincts have taken over.
“You’re gonna be the death of me if you keep reacting like that.” he groans, his voice a husky rumble. My brows pinch when I catch a whiff of the pheromones I am letting off. Though I am shocked it’s something that would affect him given he is Lycan and I am werewolf. His hand moves to my hip, and he dips his head, scenting me, his nose running down the column of my neck.
I can feel his hardness pressing against me, straining against his wet pants.
“We should probably get out now,” he suggests. “Or I may give into instinct.” he tells me and I am suddenly acutely aware of his bare chest pressing against mine.
“Yes, definitely,” I tell him. He steps back quickly as if stung.
Normally, I’d be mortified by such an intimate encounter, but
Chapter 71
strangely enough, with Soren it feels just right.
1 288 Vouchers
Soren helps me to step out of the shower, his hand warm against my wet skin. I shiver involuntarily, though it has nothing to do with the chill of the bathroom air. He wraps a towel around me and steps back, his gaze averted politely. It’s so gentlemanly I almost laugh again as he grabs his own.
He opens the door after ensuring that Maribel is nowhere in sight, and we both step out into the bedroom. The air is cool against my skin, causing goosebumps to erupt once more. I quickly move towards the dresser, pulling out fresh clothes while keeping my back turned to him.
Meanwhile, Soren is doing the same on the other end of the room. Only once we’re both dressed do we turn to face each other, and there’s an awkward tension hanging in the air.
“Um… thanks for… you know,” he murmurs and I raise an eyebrow at him.
Soren tugs at the collar of his shirt, clearing his throat.
“Yeah, no problem,” I tell him, twisting my hands in front of me nervously.
“I should go do some work while evading my mother.”
“And I should go find Max.” I tell him, he nods once then quickly leaves.
The door closes behind me with a soft click, leaving me feeling relieved and embarrassed in equal measure. My thoughts and emotions swirl inside me like a tornado, making
Chapter 71
focusing difficult.
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Bree has taken over my mind for the past few days more than I want to admit. I tend to find myself watching her with Max when I should be working. She has become a distraction in the best way. But in a way that also frightens me, this sham I created stupidly for my parents is making it feel too real. And after the shower incident moments ago, now I can’t get the image of Bree naked and wet out of my head.
The vulnerable yet defiant look in her eyes as they met mine. The way her chest rose and fell with each breath she took was intoxicating, matching the rhythm with the pounding of my heart. Feeling the heat of her body press so close to me, so inviting, so pure. The flush of her cheeks when she, too, noticed my closeness, her curves I tried to ignore, her scent that steamed the room. I was glad when my mother finally left, only to watch her step out of the steaming shower, her skin flushed and hair clinging to her face by the water droplets.
It was a hauntingly beautiful sight. But it’s not just her physical form that haunts me–it’s that look in her eyes, that spark of untamed joy laced with a streak of defiant wildness. It’s as if she’s daring me to come closer, to claim what was just within reach yet so far away, knowing I can’t take that from her.
She doesn’t want me