Chapter 87
His eyes sparkle with mischief as he grips both my wrists in one hand, holding them against the bed. His free hand settles on the strip of wax. “If that’s how it is…” He tugs it off in a swift motion.
My victorious laughter echoes through the room as Soren grits his teeth and lets out a string of curses that would make even a sailor blush. Despite the pain, there’s a twist of amusement in his eyes, indicating that he might be enjoying this mad game just as much as I am. “Hmm, now what to do with you?” he ponders, examining the sticky strip. My eyes widen as he hovers it above my face.
“You wouldn’t dare,” I gasp, trying to wriggle free from his iron grip. But the gleam in his eyes tells me he’s deadly serious. Slowly, with a wicked smile, he lowers the wax strip down onto my brow.
“An eye for an eye,” he murmurs, holding the strip down onto my skin. “Or, in this case, a brow for a chest.” My attempts to plead and wriggle out of his hold are futile as Soren just grins at me, clearly enjoying the revenge.
“Wait!” I managed to say before he could rip off the strip. But it’s too late. He rips it off, and I squeal and squeeze my eyes shut. Only no pain comes. He laughs, and I pop one eye open to see him holding the strip, but it’s only the clean side up.
“You asshole, I thought you were really going to remove my eyebrow!” he laughs harder.
Chapter 87
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“No, but you should have seen your face!” he laughs. I glare at him. “Why would I remove your eyebrow when I have to be seen with you!” he chuckles.
“Are you done with your revenge?” he asks.
“For now…” I warn him.
“For now?” he asks before scratching his chin.
“I think I can change your mind,” he ponders, and I arch a brow at him, but he smiles deviously, letting go of my wrists and bearing his weight on his arms; I’m suddenly very aware of his body pressed against mine.
“And do you plan on doing that?” I murmur, caught off guard by the abrupt change.
“I could always kiss it better?”
“Hah, and why would I let you do that?” I retort, crossing my arms over my chest. His eyes briefly drop to where my arms. are folded. When he realizes I’ve caught him staring, his mouth turns into a smug grin.
“Well…” He places a hand on his chest, feigning hurt. “I am wounded, and here I am trying to make you feel better…”
“Your chivalry is touching.” I roll my eyes but can’t hold back a smile. His fingers gently brush the skin just above my brow where he could have removed it.
“Is it working?” he asks softly and leans in, his face coming closer. My heart hammers within my chest, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I refuse to break eye contact, the air between us crackling with anticipation as he leans closer. His
Chapter 87
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soft scent hits me, making my stomach flutter just as the door bursts open and Max rushes in. “Your back!” he squeals, looking at me while his father hastily climbs off me. Max looks. between us both, then at his father’s chest.
“What happened to your chest?” he asks.
“He caught the mange. I was helping put cream on it,” I tell Max, and Soren gapes at me.
“Can you still tuck me in?” he asks hopefully. I glance at the clock, not realizing how late it was when we got back from shopping. Peering at the window outside, it is dark, the sun having gone down now.
“Sure, I’ll be in in a minute,” I tell him, and he bounces excitedly just as Alaric passes by.
“There you are, boy; how are you supposed to save me from your grandmother if you keep running off.”
“I want Bree to tuck me in, but she was helping Dad with his mange.” Alaric straightens abruptly, looking at Soren.
“I thought only dogs caught that?” Max mutters, walking out
of the room.
“Me too; I hope it’s not contagious,” Alaric mutters, following after Max.
Chapter 88