Chapter 0016
Chapter 0016
1 fell silent, staring at Theodore. It was… romantic in a way, but also spoke to exactly how spoiled he’d grown up. He sounded younger than I’d ever thought the infamous Theodore Nightshade of being. He was only two years younger than me, but right now, he seemed more like a teenager and a brat.
I shook my head. “For future reference, I appreciate someone who values other people’s time more than grand gestures.”
He blinked at me, and I had a feeling he didn’t even understand what I was talking about.
“Still… I appreciate your effort.” I nodded toward the seats. “Shall we?”
He hesitated a moment before nodding, but there was a thoughtful look on his face.
and even
We took seats as the staff hurried around pulling every dress they had. I felt bad and exhausted already. Telling them I hated most of them would make me look terrible, even if it was true. I’d have to try on at least twice as many as I would have usually.
There was also the fact that this was more about Theodore’s tastes than mine. When they finally stopped moving, I glanced over them, holding back my expression before looking at Theodore as he looked at each of them.
He gestured to eight different ones. “Try those on.”
Eight out of what was probably at least fifty? I shook my head, giving one of the staff members the most apologetic look I could manage before following her to the dressing
Two of them were a no as they didn’t even fit, nor did they make those dresses in my size. Theodore looked outright disappointed.
Three of them were relatively nice but reminiscent of the dress I wore to marry Lucas. Theodore said no to those immediately, and I was grateful.
I wasn’t the tune
type to care much about clothes, but I didn’t need those memories haunting me more than they already did.
The next two were nice, but I could tell he wasn’t overly impressed by either of them.
Then, we got to the last one. First, it was extravagant as hell. I would have never have. picked out this dress for me. The lace was far too delicate, all the beaded work felt too fragile, but the silhouette was flattering. It hugged me in the right places, and once they’d gotten me into it, I had to admit that the man had an eye for fashion.
I stood in the full–length mirror, noticing the way his eyes trailed over me, seemingly
stunned, speechless, and awed.
“You picked it out. Did you not think it would look good?”
He blinked and said nothing, but I didn’t know what to think of that.
For a moment, I wasn’t standing in a boutique in Midnight. I was twenty–one again, standing in a different boutique, trying on a different wedding dress. My father was still alive, smiling proudly from where Theodore sat, his eyes misty and happy. I remembered how happy he’d been to be there. How he’d wished my mother had been there to see me
He’d told me about their wedding preparations with a wistful smile and tears in his eyes, and it had soothed my worries about this all moving so fast.
My parents had known each other for a year of real courtship before they were married. When they’d met at the altar, they were already in love, but Lucas and I were closer to strangers, yet I believed in our fate.
I had been so young, so hopeful, and so naive. I had been lying to myself honestly.
My father may have wanted a man to run the pack, but he’d also wanted to walk me down the aisle before he died, and I—no matter how much I resented him at times– couldn’t take that from him.
“You don’t look happy.
I pulled myself out of my thoughts. His voice was just behind me, and he was staring into my eyes through the mirror. We looked… good together, a better visual match than Lucas and I had ever been in any case. Something about the height difference and the size of him standing just behind me.
“Just… thinking.”
“Not about the dress.”
“I’m not sure how I feel about you thinking of him standing here with me.
I chuckled at that. “Don’t be a brat… We were married for seven years. We took oaths. I’m not nearly as much of a cold–hearted bitch as most believe.”
He blinked. “I have never heard such a rumor about you.
Chapter 87