Chapter 0017
I frowned, meeting his gaze in the mirror.
“It’s perfect for you,” he said softly. “Do you like it?”
“I think it’s more a matter of if you like it ”
“You’re wearing it.!
“I’ve never really cared much about what I wore.” I shrugged. “So long as it was neat and presentable.”
He hesitated. “… was that before or after you
… met Lucas?”
I blinked, glancing at him. Suddenly, my chest felt tight. My eyes were burning, I could hear someone speaking to me, but I couldn’t make it out. Images flashed through my mind. The smell of alcohol drifted through my nose, and the pain surged through me– ripping and cutting like glass. I felt sick, and my strength started to wane.
I pressed my lips together and clenched my jaw against the cry of pain that wanted to escape me. I could hear Lucas and Nora’s voices again. It felt like the bond was breaking all over again. Wedding bells chimed in my head. I could hear his vows.
Fidelity and love…
For as long as the moon shines….
My stomach lurched from the pain. I shook, trying to keep standing, but I couldn’t.
“I should get out of this,” I said as evenly as possible. I turned back toward the dressing room, moving as quickly as I could. I don’t remember closing the door behind me. I don’t remember anything when my knees buckled and I slid to the floor trying not to damage the dress, trying not to pass out, trying to hold on to what little dignity I had left.
I ended up in a ball, curled into myself, leaning against the wall, my heart pounding against my ribcage, and my fist shoved between my teeth, fighting the urge to scream.
It would pass or I would pass out. Those were my only options.
My shoulder throbbed from where the bullet had been.
I closed my eyes, trying to push the memories away, but they refused to leave. My soul was screaming, replaying every moment of betrayal: the cruel joy in his eyes and voice when he’d seen the mark, the way he’d disrespected me in public, the fact that he’d shot me….
A whimper escaped me as the pain intensified. My vision started to go spotty, so I closed
my eyes.
Chapter 0017
Goddess, please just let it pass.
The door creaked open unexpectedly. I sucked in a sharp breath and seconds later, I felt Theodore’s warm hand on my shoulder. His body pressed closer to me, warming the air. I shivered. When had I gotten cold?
He pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around me before pulling me toward him.
“Stop,” he whispered, tugging at my wrist until I could stand to pull my teeth out. “It’s not that kind of wound.”
I wanted to ask him what he knew about it, but couldn’t trust myself to speak.
“If you want,” he said, his voice low, “I can give you a new bond.”
Everything in me screamed.
“No,” I bit out.
I didn’t even have to think about it. I couldn’t do it. Not again, let alone with an indiscriminate playboy. I’d rather endure the pain of it a thousand times over than form a new one. I was already in a complicated mess with him. I didn’t need to give him any more leverage to manipulate me.
“I’ll,” I paused, swallowing through the pain. “Be. Fine.”
He said nothing, but he moved away. I swallowed the whimper of loss at his warmth and tried to stop shivering. I heard the door close as I tried to reach for some semblance of peace. Meditation. Disassociation, whatever I needed to block out this pain until it was over. I pressed my fist to my chest, pushing on it as if it would help the throbbing pain of the bond.
“You may never cease to surprise me,” Theodore said.
I looked up, shocked that he was still there. He got on the floor beside me and pulled me into his arms. His presence was warm and solid, but he didn’t try to force anything. He didn’t say a word to me but pulled me into his lap. I wanted to resist, but I couldn’t. My hands clenched in his shirt, gripping tightly until all I could smell was him. All I could feel beyond the pain was his warmth.
Then, the pain started to fade.
Today’s Bonus Offer