The Party
Friday night, I’m sitting huddled next to Jonah at Westmoreland High, watching the football game.
Ava decided not to come with us. She said she was still trying to get with a guy from Christ College and is going to their game instead.
“That’s a touchdown, right?” Jonah asks as Oliver catches the ball and everyone cheers.
“Yup,” I answer, clapping along.
“We’re going to win!” he exclaims, looking at the scoreboard. There are ten seconds left and Ridgewood has won by far.
Once the final whistle blows, Jonah and I rush down to his car to wait for Harry.
“That was actually really exciting!” he exclaims as we sit on the hood of his car. “I feel hyped.” He laughs.
“Wait until Harry gets here.” I join in with his laughter, knowing Harry is going to be like a hyper bunny.
“Did you see us?” Harry exclaims, running up to the car and sliding to a stop with the biggest grin plastered on his face.
“You played great!” Jonah exclaims, opening his arms and hugging Harry.
“Get in here, babe!” He doesn’t give me a chance to reply before he’s pulled me into their hug, which is pretty much just me being squished between them.
“Come on. We’ve got a party to go to!” Harry hollers, giving us one last squeeze before he lets go. “Where’s the party?” Jonah asks, climbing into the driver’s side.
“Some rich kid from Christ College is throwing a huge party at their house and invited all the schools,” he replies.
“I need an address.” Jonah chuckles.
After Harry finally finds the address, Jonah pulls up outside a fucking mansion. It seriously looks like a prince should be living here.
“We’re under strict instructions not to fuck with Greendale or we’re never invited back,” Harry explains as we walk up the drive.
“I’ll try my hardest to behave,” I tease, looking at all the people.
“It’s you I’m warning.” He laughs, throwing one arm around my shoulder and the other around Jonah’s. “Let’s get fucked up!” he yells, deepening his voice.
And that’s exactly what we do.
I don’t know how long it’s been or how much I’ve had to drink, but I do know when I stumble into the kitchen, I find a familiar face.
“Ava!” I exclaim, wrapping my arms around her lazily.
“Lily!” she exclaims back, hugging me. “This is Jack.” She introduces me to a tall guy with dark hair.
“You’re tall.” I hiccup, making him laugh.
“Maybe you’re just short,” he replies. “This is my buddy, Killian,” he says, nudging the blond guy next to him.
“You are more beautiful than Ava said,” Killian smiles down at me, giving me the shivers. The bad kind. Not the Mason kind.
“Babe!” Harry yells, making me turn my head to see him walking—well, stumbling—toward us. “Sorry, boys, I need my girl back,” he slurs, grabbing my wrist and dragging me away.
“That guy gave me the creeps,” I say as he pulls me into another room.
“What did he do?” he asks, stopping and becoming tense.
“Just said I was beautiful, but there’s something about him,” I explain.
Harry searches my face for a moment before nodding and continuing to drag me somewhere.
“Jonah’s too drunk to play, and I need a decent partner,” he explains like I would know what the hell he’s talking about. But when I see the beer pong table I understand.
“I suck too,” I try to remind him.
“I also may need a girl,” he blushes, pointing to the people at the other end of the table.
I look over and see Liam and Brittany both staring back at us. Brittany gives me a sad smile while Liam starts whipping his head around like he’s looking for someone.
“Mase! Come fill in for me! Gotta pee,” he calls out, and my whole body tenses.
If Mason comes to play, his new girlfriend will probably be right by his side, and I don’t know if I can emotionally handle seeing that.
“Hurry up then.” I hear him sigh before walking up to Liam’s side by himself.
“You ready for an ass-whopping, Cooper?” Harry taunts, and Mason looks up from the table, his tired-looking eyes widening when he sees me.
“We’ll see, Sinclair.” He smirks, ripping his eyes away from me.
“I’ll start.” Brittany smiles, throwing the ball in her hand toward our cups, but it bounces off the rim and misses, making her pout.
“Your turn, babe,” Harry says, shoving the ball into my hand, and I do the exact same thing Brittany did, making Harry groan.
“I told you I suck!” I sass.
“I forgot how bad though,” he whines as Mason sinks the ball into one of our cups.
Harry picks the ball out before downing the drink and throwing the ball and of course landing it.
When we both have five cups left, thanks to Mason and Harry, Ava and her new friends walk up to the table.
Harry’s arm instantly wraps around my shoulders, pulling me into his side as he glares at Killian.
“Who’s winning?” Ava asks, giving the evils to Jonah over the table.
“It’s tied,” Harry snaps as I make eye contact with Mason for the first time tonight.
I flick my eyes toward Killian, hoping he understands he makes me feel uncomfortable. Mason’s eyes slowly move to him before he visibly tenses too.
“Gotta see how my beautiful girl is doing,” Killian laughs, winking at me, and that uneasy feeling fills me again.
“She’s not interested,” Harry snaps again, holding the ball up with one hand, still not letting me go.
“Oh no! Whoops!” Brittany interrupts, making everyone look at her then the five spilled cups in front of her. “I’m such a klutz. Oh well, game’s over,” she sighs dramatically, making me giggle.
“Yeah, you are,” Ava snaps.
“I said no fights tonight, remember?” Jack sighs.
This is his house?
“Let’s go! Play truth or dare,” Ava smirks, looking at Brittany still. “Unless you’re too scared?” she taunts, and I see Brittany’s blue eyes twitch.
“Fine. Come on,” she replies, grabbing Mason’s arm and dragging him with her.
“Oh, I gotta see this,” Harry laughs, taking me and Jonah with him.
We’ve ended up in what looks like a guest bedroom, sitting in a circle on the floor. Somewhere along the way, Liam and Jock have joined our group as well.
There are two bottles of vodka sitting in the middle of the circle for whoever passes.
“I’ll go first,” Ava announces, sitting with her back straight. “Harry, truth or dare?” she smirks.
“Dare,” he answers immediately.
“I dare you to kiss the person you think is the hottest in the room,” she continues to smirk, and I have to fight my eye roll.
“Easy,” he shrugs before planting his lips against Jonah’s while Killian’s face scrunches in disgust. What a fucking asshole. “Liam, truth or dare?” he asks once he’s pulled away from Jonah.
“Truth,” he replies with raised eyebrows like he wasn’t expecting to be picked.
“Who was the last person you had sex with?”
“Brittany,” he says, sharing a smile with her.
“You two are together?” Ava asks with a frown as the bedroom door opens.
“Ooh, do you have room for two more?” Leah’s annoying voice asks before she and Oliver squeeze in between Jock and Jack.
“Mason,” Liam says, clearing his throat. “When was the last time you had sex?” he asks, not taking his eyes off him while Brittany looks at me.
“Second to last day of summer vacation,” Mason answers casually, and Brittany’s eyebrows shoot up.
I bite my lip, partly because I’m happy he hasn’t slept with anyone else, and partly because I remember how amazing that night was.
“You,” Mason says, pointing to Jack, who quickly says his name and chooses dare.
“Do a body shot off Kingsley,” Mason says, fighting back a smile.
“I’m not gay,” Oliver quickly says, making Harry grunt.
“You can pass,” Mason says, holding his hands up before pointing to the bottles.
Both boys quickly grab a bottle each and take a swig before putting them back in the middle.
“Killian, truth or dare,” Jack smirks.
“I dare you to kiss Lily.”
“Pass,” I snort, grabbing a bottle.
“Come on, beautiful, it’s my dare,” he says, leaning toward me.
“I suggest you not do that,” Jock warns, pushing his shoulders back. “She’s scary when she’s mad,” he whispers loudly.
“I am not,” I snap, taking a large gulp of the burning liquid.
“I was there when you were yelling at Oliver,” he counters.
“You yelled at him again?” Leah gasps, and I roll my eyes.
“He deserved it.” I shrug.
“She poked him in the chest so many times I thought he was going to fall over,” Jock explains dramatically, making Mason and Liam chuckle while I simply roll my eyes again.
I tune out for a while, sick of the dares, which are mainly “kiss each other” and truths about sex, so when Ava calls my name I’m surprised.
“Truth,” I say before regretting it instantly.
“Why’d you break up with Olly?” she asks with a sinister smile.
“You don’t know?” Olly frowns, looking between me, Ava, and Harry.
“She hasn’t told us anything.” Ava shakes her head.
“That explains a lot,” he mutters.
“What happened?” she repeats, looking at me.
“Pass,” I mutter, grabbing the bottle and gulping down the burning liquid.
“Wait, so you haven’t told anyone?” Oliver asks, leaning forward to look at me.
“I’ve told one person.” I shrug.
“Was it that guy I have to beat up?” Harry asks, and I roll my eyes.
“Jonah, truth or dare?” I ask, changing the subject.
“What guy?” Ava asks, a line appearing between her eyebrows.
“Dare,” Jonah says, and I give him a grateful smile.
“I dare you to play the rest of the game with no shirt,” I mutter, not being able to think of anything else.
“Have I told you how much I love you lately?” Harry sighs as he ogles Jonah’s muscular physique, along with the other girls.
Just as I’m about to call it quits, absolutely sick of playing this stupid game, the door flies open and someone yells, “Police!”
In a flash, everyone around me is on their feet running for the door while I remain frozen, until a hand grabs the top of my arm and yanks me to my feet.
“We have to go, princess,” Mason says, dragging me toward the window and pushing it open. “We’re underage.” He climbs out and holds his hand out to me.
I quickly follow, and he grabs my hand, and we both sprint for the small wooded area behind the house.
“You’re getting slow.” He chuckles as we stop, both catching our breath.
“So are you,” I retort, sitting down on the dead leaves. “Where’s your girlfriend?” I blurt out before I can stop myself.
“My what?” He frowns as he sits down next to me.
“Your girlfriend,” I repeat, rolling my eyes.
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” he replies, making me roll my eyes again and scoff.
“Are you talking about Izzy?” Mason sighs, reaching out for my hand, but I quickly pull it away and wrap my arms around my knees, pulling them to my chest and resting my head on top of them.
“The girl you were clearly on a date with on Tuesday,” I mutter, closing my eyes.
“Princess.” He sighs sadly.
“Don’t call me that,” I snap, opening my eyes. It hurts to hear him call me princess.
Mason’s face mixes with confusion and hurt at my words. “She was my girlfriend.”
I close my eyes at his words, him hurting me right back.
“We dated for a few months in junior year,” he explains as if it makes things better. “I went on one date with her, trying to get over you,” he whispers sadly, making my eyes open again.
“But then you showed up.” He half-smiles down at me.
“Why?” I ask, clearing my throat.
“My friends.” He sighs, looking down at his feet.
“Brittany and Liam?” I ask, and he nods. “They talked to me on Tuesday,” I whisper, making his head snap back to me.
“They did?” he asks, surprised.
I nod and tell him exactly what they said to me in the bathroom.
“They’re always meddling.” He shakes his head. “Liam called you,” he comments, and I nod again.
“After the game, when we saw you and Francis, he said I should call you,” he says, looking back toward the house. “I told him almost everything,” he adds.
“Why didn’t you call?” I find myself asking.
“I wanted to,” he mutters, looking back down at me. “I didn’t think you wanted me to,” he whispers.
“I’ve missed you,” I whisper back, tears welling up in my eyes again.
“Lily.” Mason breathes out before his arms are wrapped around me and I’m crying into his chest.
“Why didn’t you wake me up before you left?” he asks gently, rocking me in his arms.
“I thought it would be easier,” I mutter, wrapping my arms around his waist. “It wasn’t,” I add. “Can we be friends again?” I sniffle, pulling back to look into his eyes.
“I don’t think I can be just your friend,” Mason declines.
My heart clenches, and I try to free myself from his grip, but he pulls me straight back into him.
“Friends don’t kiss each other like the way I want to kiss you every time I see you,” he murmurs into my ear.
“Why don’t you then?” I ask, locking our eyes together.
Mason brushes his nose against mine, our lips so close to touching. “I don’t think I should,” he whispers.
“How come?” I whisper back, lifting my arms to wrap them around his neck.
“I don’t think I can handle you leaving again.” He sighs, closing his eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere,” I say before closing the gap and pushing my lips against his.
It takes exactly two heartbeats for Mason to start kissing me back, and when he does I sigh into his mouth, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.
“Lily.” He breathes out, pulling away from me, making me pout. “Your phone won’t stop ringing,” he says, tapping my back pocket where my phone is.
“Just ignore it,” I say, going to kiss him again, but he dodges me.
“It’s rung three times.” He shakes his head, and I sigh, pulling it out of my pocket to see Harry calling me.
“Hello?” I answer the call, rolling my eyes.
“Babe, where are you? Did you get out?” he asks quickly.
“I’m with Mason,” I reply.
“Why the hell are you with him?” Harry yells so loud I flinch and have to move the phone away from my ear.
“He helped me run away,” I explain.
“Oh. Well, do you need a ride?” he asks, a bit calmer but still sounding pissed.
“No. I’m calling an Uber now.” I lie.
“Okay, well, I’ll see you Monday,” Harry says before we hang up.
“He’s going to hate me when I tell him,” I sigh to Mason as I put my phone back in my pocket.
“We can keep it a secret for a bit if you want?” he suggests, rubbing his hands up and down my back.
“Just a little bit,” I agree.