Aftermath Chapter 16
“Is that my hoodie?” Mason asks me as we walk toward his car hand-in-hand.
“Nope. It’s mine.” I smile up at him, knowing full well it’s his.
“I think it’s mine, princess.” He laughs, tugging my hand so I fall into his side.
“Are you sure you didn’t get hurt?” I ask, looking back at his face, half-expecting to see some sort of bruise or cut.
The moment I set foot onto the school grounds this evening, I knew something bad was going to happen. I wasn’t expecting Oliver to throw the first punch though.
Once the fight broke out, I lost sight of Mason and was panicking that he was going to get seriously hurt.
“I’m fine. I only got hit once and he punches like a bitch,” he reassures me with a shy smile. “Do you, um, want to come over?” he asks, sounding unsure.
“Do you want me to?” I counter, stopping at his car.
“Yes.” He answers immediately, squeezing my hand.
“Then I’d love to.” I smile back.
“I’ve got to tell you something first.” He sighs, letting go of my hand and taking a step back.
“What is it?” I frown, wanting him close to me.
“I said something to Kingsley. I said you told me he has a small dick and can’t satisfy a woman to save his life,” Mason says quickly, looking down at his feet.
“Oh,” I reply before I burst out laughing. “At least you didn’t lie,” I giggle.
“You’re not mad?” he asks, snapping his face back to mine.
“Of course not.” I shake my head before I wrap my arms around his waist.
“Thank fuck,” he mumbles, putting his arms around my shoulders and kissing the top of my head.
“All right, break it up, love birds.” Brittany smirks, wrapping her arms around my arm and pulling me away from Mason.
“Like you two can talk.” Mason snorts, rolling his eyes.
“Are you coming to homecoming?” Liam asks, and Mason shakes his head.
“And why not?” Brittany asks, sending us both a glare.
“Seriously, Britt?” Mason snaps, and she bursts out into laughter.
“I’m just kidding.” She giggles, giving me a wink.
“Oh! Can I get my phone back now, please?” I ask, realizing she still has it.
“Mason has it.” She half-smiles, looking at a frowning Mason.
“We should probably go,” he mutters, nodding to the right at some Ridgewood players starting to leave their locker room.
“Yes, please,” I nod quickly, wanting to be as far away from here as possible.
On the drive to Mason’s house, we hold hands, neither of us breathing a word until he pulls into his driveway.
“I read your texts,” he whispers, tightening his grip.
“They’re pretty bad, huh?” I sigh, squeezing his hand.
“They’re awful.” He shakes his head.
“It’s just words.” I brush it off. Even though it hurts, I can handle people talking shit. I just wish Harry would let me explain.
“You shouldn’t have to go through this. Especially for me,” Mason whispers, trying to let go of my hand, but I don’t let him.
“I don’t care what they say or think. I want to be with you,” I tell him, almost blurting out that I love him.
“Princess, I’m just saying, if it becomes too much, I understand if you want to end it.” He sighs sadly, closing his eyes.
“Do you want to end it?” My voice cracks as I ask my question.
“No. God no.” Mason’s eyes fly open as he shakes his head vigorously.
“Good. We’re on the same page then.” I nod, letting go of his hand and turning to get out, but I’m stopped by him whispering, “Princess,” to me.
I turn back to face Mason, and before I can even blink, his lips are on mine, kissing me feverishly.
“We should go inside,” he mumbles against my lips, pulling back far too quickly for my liking.
I nod in agreement and climb out of the car. I wait for Mason to get his duffle bag before we walk into his house.
“Is your mom home?” I ask quietly once we’re in his bedroom, where I instantly climb under his blankets and snuggle in.
“No. She’s never home on a Saturday,” he replies, pulling off his school hoodie and T-shirt at the same time.
“Oh,” I whisper, admiring his chest and stomach.
“Oh?” He smirks, raising an eyebrow as he crawls onto the bed.
“Mm-hmm,” I hum, grabbing either side of his face and smashing my lips against his, just as roughly as he did to me earlier.
Mason pulls away from me slightly before placing his lips against mine softly, slowing our kiss down. His hands guide me to lie down on my back as he climbs over me, holding his weight above me.
His lips slowly drag themselves away from my lips and down my neck, reaching the spot right above my collarbone, making me sigh.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen,” Mason whispers against my skin as one hand slowly pushes up my hoodie and shirt.
“I meant everything I said to you that night,” he continues as he moves lower and starts gently kissing my stomach. “Every single day, you mean more and more to me.”
His voice comes out low as his tongue brushes my hipbones.
“Mason,” I let out breathlessly as my heart pounds heavily in my chest.
“When I’m with you, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been,” he says as he brings his face back up to mine. “No one makes me feel like you do,” he mumbles against my lips as his fingers slowly unzip my jeans.
“I love you, Lily,” Mason says clearly as his fingers slip inside of my panties and into me.
“Mason…,” I moan, my hips bucking against his hand. “I love you too.”
I try to answer as clearly as he did, but with the way his fingers are moving inside of me, he makes it come out breathlessly and needy.
By Monday morning I’m too much of a nervous wreck to go to school. Everyone knows I’m with Mason, and if they didn’t know, they will by the time they set foot onto the school grounds.
I’ve had over a hundred texts abusing me over the weekend, calling me all sorts of names and warning me not to show up to school.
I tried ringing Harry a couple of times to try to get him to hear me out, but after the second time I called, it started going straight to voicemail.
As I walk through the halls, people are yelling out at me, throwing scrunched-up paper at me and a fucking pencil?
I slip into my English classroom and mumble a “good morning” to Mr. Garcia, who gives me a sympathetic smile.
“Lily.” He sighs, shaking his head as I slip into the last seat in the front row. “Is it true?” he asks, leaning back in his seat.
“Yes,” I answer with as much faux confidence as I can muster.
“You’re a brave girl,” he comments, shaking his head again.
The class quickly fills up and Mr. Garcia begins the lesson, thankfully talking most of the time, not giving anyone a chance to say anything to me.
But that didn’t stop the notes landing on my desk. I let them pile up on my desk, trying to appear unbothered.
The second the bell rings, I chase after Harry. I call his name and follow him to his second period, but he ignores me.
“Back to class, Miss Bennett,” Mrs. Morgan, the home economics teacher, snaps at me.
I sigh and slump my shoulders before going to my next class.
After each class for the next two days, I beg Harry to just listen to me, but each time he ignores me.
On Tuesday afternoon, I walk into the school gym nervous for my volleyball game.
I quietly put my bag down next to Lyall, who gives me a simple nod and begins pacing in front of me, as the juniors all start bitching about me, loud enough that they know I can hear them.
“Hey, girl,” Sky chirps happily as she drops her bag next to mine.
“Hey.” I answer quietly, pulling my eyebrows together. Surely she’s heard.
“So, Mason Cooper, huh?” She smiles, waggling her eyebrows up and down.
“You’re not mad at me?” I ask cautiously.
“Wanna know a secret?” she asks as we both sit down to put on our knee pads. “My boyfriend goes to Greendale too,” she comments casually, making me gasp and Lyall freeze in front of us.
“Really?” I gasp, shocked.
“Mm-hmm. He’s on the football team too. Ryder. The big guy fighting with Mason last week,” she explains, shocking me even more.
“You are both dating someone from Greendale?” Lyall asks, looking between us.
“Sure are. Oh, and look, the footballers have come out to support us!” Sky replies, nodding at the door, where sure enough almost half of the Greendale football team are walking through.
“Oh shit,” Lyall mutters before pulling his cell phone out of his pocket and walking toward the ref.
“No Harry tonight?” Sky asks, looking behind us.
“He’s not talking to me,” I whisper, fighting back my tears.
“Fuck him,” she snaps as Lyall walks back to us.
“You girls are playing first, then you’re getting your asses out of here. Are we clear?” he uncharacteristically barks out.
“Whoa, calm down.” Sky laughs nervously.
“Are we clear?” he repeats, and we both nod silently.
“Bagsy not doing the coin flip,” Sky blurts out quickly.
“She’s actually not that bad when you get to know her,” I say, defending Brittany.
“That’s what Ryder says.” She sighs, rolling her eyes as I make my way over to the Greendale side.
“You look like you’re finally ready to be beaten.” Brittany smiles as I walk up to her.
“In your dreams.” I smile back.
“I’ve been working on my spike,” she states, pushing her shoulders back confidently.
“Oh, by the way, Mason said not to run away after the game.” She winks before turning to the frazzled-looking ref and calling tails.
I scan the crowd looking for Mason but see both his sisters sitting in the front waving at me excitedly. I smile back and wave at them before my eyes land on Mason sitting two rows back.
I feel my smile grow wider as he smiles at me, mouthing “good luck.”
Brittany wasn’t lying when she said she’d been working on her spike. By halftime we are tied 1–1.
When we’re halfway through the second half the whole gym falls silent and Nastsha misses the ball, letting it roll away.
“Oh shit!” Sky gasps under her breath, looking at the door where all of Ridgewood’s football team is walking through, dressed in their practice uniforms.
“Do you want to forfeit?” The ref directs her question at me and Sky, who both instantly shake our heads.
All four of us players stand on the court watching as the Ridgewood players start filling up the bleachers. I try to catch Harry’s eye, but he simply looks away.
Tension fills the air as we begin playing again. It seems as if the only one who can actually concentrate on the game is Natasha.
“Get your head in the game!” Lyall yells at us as Sky jumps and spikes the ball down, earning us another point—thankfully, the winning point.
“Good game.” Sky half-smiles, giving me a hug before we make our way to the middle of the court to shake Brittany and Natasha’s hands.
“Maybe I’ll beat you in college.” Brittany laughs as she squeezes my hand.
“Maybe.” I laugh back.
Sky and I turn around and link arms to head back to Lyall, but he’s already jogging toward us, shoving both our bags into our hands.
“Get out of here now,” he states, nudging my arm for the door.
“Is there a problem?” Sky asks, leaning around him.
“Just go,” he repeats.
“What’s with him?” I ask as we start heading out of the gym.
“No clue.” She shrugs with a frown etched on her face.
“Lily!” Mason’s voice calls out, making me stop and turn around to see him jogging up to us along with Ryder.
“Hey.” I smile widely, wrapping my arms around him as Sky does the same to Ryder.
“You played great,” he says lowly with a proud smile plastered on his face.
“Thanks.” I smile widely back up at him as he takes my bag with one hand and my hand with the other.
“We’re playing Ridgewood on Friday,” he comments as we walk toward my car.
“The day after Thanksgiving?” I question, thinking he’s got his days wrong.
“It’s a rematch for last week. Special circumstances,” he explains, looking over at a sheepish-looking Ryder and a frowning Sky.
“She’s mad at him for fighting,” Mason whispers to me with a small smirk. “Anyway, do you want to come? To the game?” he asks, squeezing my hand.
“Of course I do,” I reply, squeezing his hand back, knowing that no matter where or who he’s playing I’m going to be there cheering him on.
The next day at school I decide to continue to follow and beg Harry to listen, but he keeps ignoring me until gym class.
“Just shut up, Lily!” he yells, turning to face me and finally speaking to me for the first time in almost a week.
His face is red with anger, the vein on his neck sticking out farther than I’ve ever seen it before.
“Please, just let me explain,” I beg.
“No. I don’t want to hear what you have to say. I hate you,” he states calmly before turning his back on me.
Chapter 17
I wake up on Thursday morning to the smell of something mouthwatering cooking. Confused, I make my way downstairs and am surprised to see both my parents in the kitchen.
I mean, I know they said they’d be home for Thanksgiving, but when they still hadn’t shown up at eleven last night, I assumed they were bailing again.
“Mom? Dad?” I whisper, rubbing my eyes wondering if I’m still sleeping.
“Lily-Pad!” My dad smiles widely, opening his arms out to me.
I instantly wrap my arms around my dad for the first time since probably Christmas last year. “I missed you,” I whisper, hearing my voice shake.
“I missed you too,” Dad says as he squishes my body tightly against his. “How’s school going?” he asks, letting me go.
“Good. I’m still getting As,” I half-lie. I mean, my grades and schoolwork are still fine, just not my social life.
“Volleyball is really good too. We’re going to state championships,” I add, sliding into the barstool next to Dad.
“That’s awesome. When is it? I’ll see if I can make it.” He smiles widely at me while Mom makes an impressed noise from the back of her throat.
Dad and I make small talk while Mom walks around the kitchen opening every cupboard and drawer until she finds what she’s looking for as she continues cooking.
“Where are the bloody spatulas?” she huffs, throwing her arms in the air.
“In the holder by the oven,” I reply, pointing behind her.
“Why are you moving things around?” she snaps, turning her back to me.
“I haven’t,” I snap back.
“Watch your attitude,” she warns with a stern look that used to have me shaking in my boots, but now I just want to roll my eyes at her.
“How’s that boyfriend of yours? Olly?” Dad asks, changing the subject.
“Um…,” I hum, not knowing if I should tell them the truth.
“You should invite him around for lunch,” Mom butts in with a wide grin.
“We broke up,” I mutter, and Mom instantly frowns.
“There’s actually a football game tomorrow,” I say, looking at Dad, who loves football.
“Ridgewood is playing Greendale. There was some fight last week and the game got called off,” I explain, thinking about Oliver and Mason fighting.
“We should go.” Dad smiles, rubbing his hands together.
“We’re flying out at nine,” Mom says in a clipped tone.
“Right.” Dad frowns, pushing his lips together.
“You’re leaving tomorrow?” I ask, looking between them.
“Tonight,” Mom states while Dad sighs, giving me a sad look.
“You can’t even stay for twenty-four hours?” I huff before I can stop myself.
“Lily…,” Mom warns.
“It’s okay, I get it. It’s hard to spend more than a day with your only daughter,” I snap before I stomp off back to my room.
I lie on my bed staring at the ceiling wondering why they couldn’t just stay more than a day. Hell, even one night would be nice.
Am I really that awful to be around?
I sigh as I push myself up to grab my phone. The abusive texts are still coming through steadily. I scroll through them until I see Mason’s name.
Happy Thanksgiving Princess xx
Happy Thanksgiving 😘
Just reading his text makes me smile and feel better. Just as he texts back there’s a knock on my door, but before I can answer, Dad comes straight into my room.
“You know I miss you, kiddo,” he says, sitting at the foot of my bed.
“I miss you too,” I whisper.
“I wish we could stay longer, but I’ve got to get to Toronto for work by Monday,” he explains.
“Since when do you go to Canada for work?” I ask, pulling my eyebrows together.
“A couple of years now. Mom didn’t tell you?” he questions, giving me the side-eye.
“No.” I shake my head. So half the time my parents aren’t even in the same country as me. Cool. That’s good to know.
“I’m sorry we can’t stay longer. But we’ll be back for Christmas, okay?” Dad says gently before he places a kiss on my forehead.
“I won’t hold my breath,” I mutter, causing a hurt look to flash across my dad’s face.
“You don’t like us being gone, do you?” He sighs sadly, looking down at his hands.
“I can’t even remember the last time I saw you,” I confirm, shaking my head.
“I’ll talk to Mike and see if I can start working from the office here again,” Dad states, grabbing a hold of my hand.
“There’s no point, Dad. I’m leaving for college in the summer. I’ve managed the past two years by myself. A few more months won’t kill me.”
“Lily-Pad.” His voice cracks as he squeezes my hand tightly in his.
“Honestly, I’m fine.” I attempt to reassure him.
“I’ll try to make sure my trips are shorter until you go to college though.” He half-smiles before placing a kiss on my head and leaving my room.
Two hours later Mom flings my door open and orders me to come downstairs.
Me and my parents sit at the dining table eating the perfectly cooked turkey and sides in complete silence. Only when Mom places a slice of apple pie in front of Dad does she speak up.
“What day does school finish?” she asks, making my eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “For Christmas break,” she clarifies.
“The twenty-first,” I mumble, scooping up a large amount of mashed potatoes onto my fork that I know won’t fit fully in my mouth.
“Oh. I thought you finished on the twenty-third.”
“It’s fine,” I mutter again before attempting to put all the potato in my mouth.
“We can just change the flights,” Dad states, staring at Mom like he’s trying to have a secret conversation with her.
“No. I don’t care.” I shake my head before deciding I’ve had enough.
As much as I wish that Dad would start working from home more, I have no doubt he won’t.
I drop my fork onto my plate before standing up and grabbing it. “It was nice to see you,” I spit out sarcastically before turning on my heel and stomping off to my room.
I stay in my room until I hear Mom’s heels clicking across the hardwood floors and the front door slamming closed.
“Thanks for saying bye,” I mutter to myself before going downstairs to finish eating and no doubt clean up the mess.
“Do you want to come to a party tonight?” Mason’s voice fills my room from my phone the next night.
“Where is it?” I ask, going through my closet in search of something to wear.
“Liam’s,” he says.
“Tell her she has to!” I hear Brittany’s voice yell in the background.
“I guess I don’t have a choice.” I laugh, throwing a black sweater onto the floor. “I own no green clothes,” I groan, pulling out a Christmas sweater and chucking it on top of the growing pile of “no” clothes.
“You still have my school hoodie.” Mason chuckles.
“I do!” I gasp, turning around and grabbing it off my desk chair from when he left it here last week. “Oh, look, it’s perfect.” I smile, zipping it up.
“I’m going to need that back soon. It’s getting cold,” he says, and I screw my face up.
“You’ll have to make a trade.” I giggle, lying down on my bed, picking my phone up.
“With sexual favours?”
I picture his face smirking as he says that. “I was more thinking that black hoodie you stole back from me.” I smile.
“Tough trade.” He laughs. “I’m sorry I can’t pick you up.” He sighs.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind driving.” I brush it off, looking out my window at the rain. Mason’s coach made the whole team come in early to start preparing for the game.
“Give me the phone!” Brittany says as a rustling comes through.
“I’ve gotta go,” Mason sighs again. “Brittany apparently wants to talk to you,” he adds before telling her to wait.
“I’ll see you soon.” I smile.
“See you then, princess. Oh! Don’t forget my good-luck kiss.” His voice trails off like the phone is being pulled away from him.
“Hey, girl!” Brittany’s voice comes out preppy. “I’m stealing your number from Mason’s phone and going to text you, okay?” she states like I have no choice in the matter.
“And when you get here, text me, and I’ll come paint your face and bring you in,” she says.
“Don’t you have cheering to do?” I laugh.
“They’ll be fine without me for a bit.” She brushes it off.
“And don’t wear that awful school sweater. I’ve brought a couple of my sweaters for you to wear,” she babbles.
“You’re the best.” I smile.
“I know,” she says cockily before laughing. “Oops. I’d better go—that’s my mom yelling at me.” She giggles. “Text me, okay?” she says before we say our goodbyes and hang up.
I smile to myself thinking about how amazing Brittany and Liam are. They just accepted me with open arms, no questions, no tests. Just friendship.
And Mason.
Mason is the sweetest and funniest person I’ve ever met. Never once has he judged me for wanting to do something, or for crying in a sad movie. He makes me happy.
The only thing that could make my life better is if Harry didn’t hate my guts.
As I’m driving to Greendale for the game, my mom calls me.
“Hi, Mom!” I nervously answer through the Bluetooth. Maybe she’s calling to say sorry for not saying goodbye last night.
“Lily Jane Bennett, what the fuck?” she yells, and I wince.
“What’s wrong?” I ask as everything I’ve ever done wrong in my life flashes through my mind.
“I just had a call saying you quit cheer!” she yells.
“I quit months ago,” I say with a frown.
“I know! And you didn’t think to tell me?”
I guess she’s right. I could’ve told her yesterday.
“I hate it, Mom. And you’re never home or answer my calls,” I snap, still angry at her.
“That doesn’t mean anything. I’m still your mother,” she snaps right back.
“Why did Lindsey ring you now anyway?” I sigh, not wanting to get into this argument but also thankful she didn’t tell her before yesterday.
“She thought you were bluffing and would come back, but it’s been months and you still haven’t, so she thought she’d better tell me,” she snaps.
“I raised you better than this, Lily! Dad works so hard for you to have a good life, and look what you go and do! The one thing I asked of you and can’t even do that. You’re such a disappointment!”
She starts to scream at me as tears start rolling down my cheeks.
“Honestly. Now you won’t even answer me!” she continues as my eyes get blurrier and blurrier. “You’re quitting volleyball and track and joining cheer again,” she states, a bit calmer.
“I don’t want to,” I whimper.
“I don’t care!” she yells just as I lose control of my car.
Before I know what’s happening I’m spinning in a circle. I slam my foot on the brake, but it doesn’t do anything; I keep spinning and spinning.
My head hits the window before everything turns black.
When I open my eyes, pain rushes through my whole body. My head hurts the worst.
I feel like the stampede of antelope from the Lion King has run over me.
“Mason,” I groan, reaching out for him. He’ll make everything better. I just need him to hold my hand.
“An ambulance is coming,” a voice says, but it’s not Mason’s.
“Mason,” I repeat, feeling my eyes close against my will and a cold hand grip tightly onto mine. “My mom yelled at me,” I mutter, feeling someone pushing down on the side of my neck.
“Moms do that,” a new voice says.
“Where’s Mason? I need him,” I croak out. “I need him,” I repeat.
“Mason’s coming,” they say softly, and I feel my body start to relax and the pain I’m feeling slowly start to fade away.