“Do you think I look okay?” I ask my dad two weeks later, doing a little spin to show off my black jeans, brand new green sweater, boots, and perfectly curled hair.
“You look great,” he answers, giving me a wide smile. “Although you are missing the face paint,” he adds, nodding to the small tub and brush I have clutched in my hand.
“You do it,” I demand, shoving it in his hands, making him roll his eyes but do as he’s told.
“I feel sorry for Mason,” Dad mutters under his breath, making me scowl.
“You’re meant to love me more than him,” I grumble.
Dad and Mason have become insanely close over the past two weeks.
Half the time when I wake up on the weekends, Mason’s downstairs chatting away to my dad, neither of them noticing when I walk in.
“I do, Lily-Pad.” Dad winks before grabbing his coat and keys.
I quickly follow him out to his car and jump in the passenger seat for him to drive us to the big game.
For the past two weeks, Mason has pestered me about making sure I really want to go, and if I don’t want to, he understands and would never force me to, and blah blah blah.
Honestly, I don’t think he’s going to believe I want to be there for him until he sees me in the stands cheering for him.
Just as Dad pulls into the parking lot, Brittany sends me a text letting me know to meet her by the locker rooms.
“I’ve just got to see Britt,” I tell Dad, pointing over to her waving frantically.
“Girl, green suits you so good!” she exclaims, pulling me into a bear hug. “Hey, Mr. Bennett.” She smiles widely at him before shoving a football jersey into my arms.
“You’re the best,” I tell her as I slip the jersey over my head.
My smile grows wider as I look down at the number twelve on my chest.
“Seriously, green suits you,” Brittany repeats before I see her mom stomping toward us.
“Uh-oh…,” I mutter and nod behind Britt to give her some warning.
“Shit.” Brittany hisses under her breath. “Gotta go. Tayla and Gemma have saved you guys seats,” she calls out as she jogs off toward her mom.
Brittany told me about the Greendale tradition that all the girlfriends wear their practice jerseys for states as a “good luck” superstition.
And apparently once I told her Mason hadn’t asked me to wear his, she went on a war path.
According to her and Liam, they said he didn’t want to make me feel more uncomfortable and force me to do something I probably wouldn’t want to do anyway.
I, of course, thought that was so stupid, so Britt being Britt hatched a plan to steal the jersey and I was going to wear it anyway.
Dad and I make our way through the many people and find Tayla and Gemma sitting side by side at the very front with another girl wearing a Greendale jersey with sixty-two on the chest.
“Hey, girl,” Sky smiles up at me as we get closer. “You look great!” she exclaims, pulling me into her arms.
“Thanks. I like your jersey.” I wink as I slip down next to her.
“Oh my god, Ryder was ridiculously happy when he gave it to me. I can’t wait to see his face when he sees it on.” She smiles even wider, looking down at the top.
“Teenagers,” Dad mutters to himself, making me elbow him in the side. “What? I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” he defends, looking out at the field the Ridgewood players are slowly starting to fill.
“Look!” Sky squeals as the Greendale players all pile out of the locker room together.
I scan the players and easily spot Mason jogging right next to Liam. They look like they’re talking and laughing.
Mason turns around and his eyes scan the bleachers. I wave my arm enthusiastically so he can see me. Once a smile breaks out onto his face and he starts waving back, I know he’s spotted me too.
Just as Mason starts to make his way over to us, his Coach grabs his shoulder pads and stops him, making him instantly look grumpy.
I bite my lip to hold back my laugh and blow him a kiss as he gets dragged away by his coach, along with who I’m guessing is Ryder.
“That was a bit cute,” Tayla smirks, waggling her eyebrows.
“So cute,” Gemma agrees, making my cheeks heat up.
“Shh, the game is about to start.” I brush them off, pointing down at the players warming up.
“No, it’s not,” Gemma cackles, throwing her head back.
“You two are mean,” Sky giggles, nudging my side slightly. “Ryder asked me if I’d be mad if he hurt any of the players tonight,” she adds, biting her lip nervously.
“And you said…?” I ask, just now wondering if Mason is still angry and would start a fight.
“I told him if it was intentional I would be,” she sighs as her shoulders drop.
“They’d be stupid to try anything. There’s a lot of scouts here,” my dad interrupts, nodding behind us toward at least ten men dressed in suits with different college caps on.
“How’d you know that?” I question, looking back at my dad as he waves to someone behind us.
“I used to play football,” he states, dropping his hand.
“You did? But you’re so ner—” I gasp then cut myself off.
“I guess I let myself go after college,” he chuckles, looking down at his small frame.
I shake my head slightly, not being able to picture my dad playing football. He’s always been such an…office type of person.
“It’s starting!” Sky squeals, grabbing a hold of my hand and squeezing it tightly.
Anxiety fills my whole body as I watch the game. Well, as I watch Mason.
My eyes never once stray away from him. Not even when I feel Sky shaking me when Mason scores the first touchdown of the game.
Only at halftime when he disappears back into the locker room do I finally look back at the others.
“He’s playing so good.” Tayla smiles widely.
“None of you mentioned he was that good,” Dad comments a little too casually for my liking.
“He’s pretty great.” I smile, feeling overly proud of Mason.
“I’m mad at Ryder though.” Sky pouts slightly.
“He did drop that guy pretty hard.” Gemma nods with an amused smile.
“He did?” I ask, looking at her.
“You really haven’t stopped looking at Mason at all, have you?” She laughs, throwing her head back, making my cheeks heat up.
“Don’t be mean. She’s just in looovvve,” Gemma teases, making me blush even more.
“Shut up,” I weakly mumble.
“It’s okay, I have a hard time looking away from Ryder too,” Sky whispers before sending me a wink.
“I’ve just got to take this, sorry,” Dad interrupts, holding up his ringing cell phone.
“How’s he been?” Tayla asks once he’s out of earshot.
“Better. He’s always home by 5:30 p.m.,” I reply, watching Dad walk up the stairs.
“I bet you miss your freedom,” Sky jokes, making me laugh and agree.
I do love having Dad home, but at the same time I do miss the freedom I had. I miss the time where Mason and I wouldn’t be worried that he’d come home early and find us in a compromising position.
Just after the whistle blows and the second half has started, Dad slips back next to me.
“Everything okay?” I ask, glancing at him before quickly looking back at the field.
“Absolutely perfect.”
“Congratulations!” I squeal, throwing my arms and face around a freshly showered Mason’s neck.
His arms instantly wrap around my waist and he pulls my body against his.
“You played amazing.” I smile widely, lifting my head up so we’re face-to-face.
“You look amazing in my jersey,” he mumbles through a smile before slamming his lips against mine roughly.
I kiss him back just as roughly, trying to make him feel how proud I am of him and how much I love him.
“Lily.” Brittany’s voice tries to interrupt, but Mason simply pulls me closer into him so I can’t pull back.
“Mase!” Liam calls out.
“Ignore them,” Mason mumbles against my lips.
I agree by simply pushing my lips back against his.
“Lily, Mason,” my dad’s voice interrupts, and this time I have to fight back my groan as I pull back.
“This is an old buddy of mine from college,” Dad states, clearing his throat and gesturing to the man in a suit next to him.
“Hello.” He smiles kindly at us.
Suddenly Mason jerks his body away from me and reaches his hand out to the man.
“Hello, sir, nice to meet you.” He smiles as they shake hands.
“You’re a great player.” The man smiles, flickering his eyes to Dad.
“Thank you,” Mason replies, looking between the man and Dad. “I know this is a bit unprofessional to say this right now, but we would love to offer you a full scholarship.”
Wait, what? This man is a scout?
“Are you serious?” Mason gapes.
“Of course! I know for a fact you’re going to have a lot of offers, but just let me know if there’s anything I can do to sweeten the deal.” He chuckles slightly.
“Good to see you again, Lily.” He nods before turning back to my dad.
“We’ll have to catch up soon, Murray. I’m glad you finally got rid of the she-devil,” the man jokes, making Dad roll his eyes and laugh too.
“Will do, Bruce. Just call me.”
“What the fuck just happened?” Liam exclaims, shaking Mason’s shoulder excitedly as soon as Bruce is out of earshot.
“I don’t know!” Mason exclaims as they laugh and hug.
“I’m so confused right now,” I tell Dad, who laughs at me.
“Bruce and I are old buddies and he saw me sitting by you and called me,” Dad begins to explain. “The second he found out you were dating Mason, he demanded I put in a good word for him.”
He rolls his eyes, still smiling.
“You don’t need to.” Mason shakes his head.
“Ohio State has been his dream since freshman year,” Liam enthuses, shaking Mason’s shoulders again.
“Don’t rush into anything though. He wasn’t kidding when he said you’d have a lot of offers,” Dad advises.
“I won’t.” Mason smiles at him before sending me a wink.
“All right, well, you kids have fun. Call me if you need a ride.” Dad smiles as he wraps his arm around my shoulder before he kisses the top of my head.
“Bye, Dad.” I wave him off as Mason’s arms slip around my waist, pulling me into him again. His lips press into the skin right below my ear, sending the good shivers down the back of my neck.
“Come on, princess. Let’s go celebrate.”