“Lily Bennett! Get your ass out here right now!” Brittany’s voice yells through my house, making me jump and nearly drop the plate I was washing.
“Why is she here so early?” Mason groans from the small dining room table we thrifted almost six years ago when we first moved in together.
“No clue.” I shrug before yelling out to her that we’re in the kitchen.
“Good morning!” Brittany singsongs as she walks through the doorway with a tired-looking Liam in tow.
In the eight years since we graduated high school, Brittany is the one who has changed the least. She’s pretty much the exact same, except now she’s a middle-school teacher.
Liam decided to become an accountant, which he describes as the most boring job in the world, but at least he doesn’t have to work weekends.
I decided to get into HR and landed a job at a large land development company and have just been promoted to a senior-level position.
Jonah and Harry broke up not long after we graduated high school.
Harry became the manager of the ice cream parlor and we eventually drifted apart, while Jonah joined the marines and sends letters every couple of months and always visits when he’s on leave.
And Mason.
Mason went through a dark place at the start of college, but after almost a year of hell, he (and his therapist) managed to pull him out.
And now today is the day he graduates and officially becomes a doctor. More specifically, an ER doctor.
Words can’t describe how proud I feel of Mason. He’s been through so much, yet he kept fighting and moving forward.
Tayla and Gemma never did transfer to Ridgewood, but Tayla did get a volleyball scholarship in California, where she’s been living ever since.
Gemma decided to become a mental health and addictions specialist, stating, “I have the most fucked up family, I have lots of experience already, and lots of guinea pigs to practice on.”
“Why are you here so early?” Mason groans, throwing his head back as Liam slides into the seat next to his.
“Ask the queen,” he mutters before yawning.
“Well, I’m here to help Lily get ready for your graduation. And Liam is here to keep you busy,” Brittany sasses.
“I’m sure I can get ready by myself.” I chuckle, earning me a killer glare.
“No, you can’t,” she states before grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from the sink and to my room.
“What’s the rush?” I ask as she forces me to sit on my bed.
“We have waxing appointments in twenty minutes and hair then nails after that,” she answers as she pulls out a casual sundress and throws it at me.
“Wow, we’re going all out today, I see,” I joke as I slip the dress over my head.
“It’s not often I get the day off in the middle of the week, so we’re taking advantage,” Brittany replies with a shy smile.
“Besides, it’s been so long since we’ve had a girls’ day. We need to catch up,” she adds once I’m dressed, making me feel like she’s hiding something.
“Oh my god, are you pregnant?” I gasp, looking down at her flat stomach.
“God no!” she exclaims with a shudder.
“You don’t want kids?” I ask as I follow her out to the living room.
“Not really. I’m too selfish.” She shrugs, stopping in front of the sofa where Mason and Liam are currently lounging watching a basketball game.
“We’re going. We’ll be back by eleven,” she states.
“I’ll see you soon.” I smile down at Mason before leaning over and giving him a quick kiss goodbye.
“Bye, princess,” he murmurs against my lips before once again I’m yanked away.
“I can’t believe Mason is a doctor.” Brittany half-smiles as we leave our waxing appointment. Which, by the way, hurt a lot more than Brittany let on.
“I still think of him as that scrawny little freshman, I guess.” She properly laughs this time.
“He was not scrawny!” I gasp before giggling, trying to picture a scrawny Mason.
“Okay, maybe not, but he wasn’t as big as he is now.” She joins my laughter.
“Have you heard from your dad lately?” Brittany asks as we make our way into the hair salon.
“He is currently in Spain with his ‘just friend.’” I roll my eyes.
My dad started traveling again when I went off for college and met a Spanish woman whom he quite often travels with, but he keeps insisting they’re just friends.
“I tried to tell him I think he needs to date again, but he just brushes me off,” I add, wondering if I’m wrong about him and her.
Nah, there’s no way.
“Well, when I see him next I’ll confront him.” Brittany laughs as if she’s joking, but we both know that she isn’t.
“Look what the cat dragged in,” a female voice says from my left, making us both look in that direction.
“Hello.” I politely nod at the woman sitting on the sofa waiting for her appointment.
“You don’t recognize me, do you?” She snorts, rolling her eyes.
I look her over from head to toe. There’s something familiar about her, but I can’t quite place her.
“Ava,” she sasses, widening her eyes before sending me a glare I’m all too familiar with.
“Oh. Hello,” I reply, taking a step back, shocked to actually see her.
The last time I saw Ava was back in high school where she would send me her infamous glares and mutter hurtful things under her breath at me until we graduated.
“What are you two doing here?” she snaps, folding her arms over her chest.
“Britt! I’m so sorry I’m late!” a sweet voice exclaims, stopping us from answering.
“No worries, we’re early anyway.” Brittany brushes it off.
“Come this way.” The lady smiles, directing us to two free seats next to each other.
“Isn’t this place super expensive?” I hiss at Brittany as we make our way through the sleek-looking building.
“Karla owes me a favor.” She brushes me off as we take our seats.
“Sorry about that godawful woman out there. She’s been coming in all day for like two weeks trying to get a job.” The woman, I’m guessing Karla, rolls her eyes.
“She is awful,” Brittany agrees with a snicker.
We spend the next almost two hours getting our hair, makeup, and nails done. By the time we’re finally finished it’s 10:55 a.m.
“Shit!” Brittany hisses as she races us back toward my apartment.
By the time we’re running through the door we’re already twenty minutes late.
“I’m so sorry we’re late! I’ll be super quick!” I ramble to Mason, who’s sitting on the edge of our bed, already dressed in a light blue dress shirt and black slacks.
“Did you have fun?” he asks, not sounding annoyed.
“Waxing hurts,” I state as I pull my dress off, leaving me in my bra and panties as I search for the dress I brought especially for today.
“We also saw Ava of all people. Do you remember her? She was my best friend for a while back in school. She wanted a job at the hair salon,” I ramble, finding the dress and quickly pulling my bra off.
“I remember,” Mason’s voice states lowly from right behind me.
“Have you seen my strapless bra?” I ask, trying to turn around, but his hands grab hold of my waist, keeping me in place.
“Do you remember the day we first met?” he asks, sliding one hand up to my boob and the other toward my pantyline.
“Of course I do.” I sigh, my eyes fluttering closed at his touch.
“Remember when we went swimming and I promised I wouldn’t look?” he murmurs against my neck as he pinches my nipple slightly.
“Mm-hmm,” I hum, arching my back into his touch.
“I lied then. I was always going to look.”
“I know,” I breathe out as he starts kissing my neck softly.
“I wanted to kiss you so badly,” he whispers, slipping his hand into my panties.
“I wish you had.” I manage to get out as his fingers tease me.
“Are you two ready yet?” Brittany’s voice yells from the other side of our door before she starts banging on it, making me groan in frustration.
“To be continued…” Mason chuckles against my neck before his body moves away from mine.
“I really hate her sometimes,” I grumble as I step into my dress, forgetting all about the bra I was looking for.
“It’s like she takes pleasure in interrupting us,” Mason agrees as he adjusts himself in his pants.
“Do I look okay?” I ask, looking down at my dress and doing a little spin.
“You look absolutely perfect.” He smiles down at me before placing his lips against mine quickly before grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door.
“You ready?” Liam asks me as we walk out of the restaurant I chose at random for this dinner.
“Not really.” I sigh, running my hand through my hair as I watch Lily and Brittany stand in front of us with linked arms.
“I still can’t get over the fact you’re an actual doctor now.” He laughs, throwing his head back.
“You’d better believe it.” I laugh as both my sisters slip up to my sides.
“Don’t fuck it up.” Gemma smirks quietly before giving me another hug.
I’m seriously becoming touched out today.
“And congratulations again,” she adds, pulling back.
“Expect lots of phone calls about all my sicknesses now,” Tayla jokes as she hugs me again. “I’m so proud of you.” She begins sniffling as she squeezes me tightly.
“We’ll see you tomorrow.” My sisters both hug Lily as well before Liam and Brittany finally get in their car, leaving just me and Lily walking slowly toward my car.
“You think we’ll get any more interruptions?” Lily smirks as I slip my hand into hers.
“I hope not.” I chuckle as I open the car door for her.
“Such a gentleman.” She laughs, kissing my cheek before slipping inside.
“I am a gentleman,” I tell her before closing the door and jogging around to the driver’s door.
“Dad texted and said congratulations and he’s sorry he couldn’t be here and promised to visit soon,” Lily tells me as I drive us toward our shitty apartment.
I can’t wait until I can buy her the house she deserves.
“That’s nice of him,” I comment, not really knowing how to answer. I mean, Murray and I get along fine, but sometimes it still feels awkward.
“Mm-hmm.” She hums in response, making me flick my eyes to her. “Eyes on the road,” she orders, grabbing hold of my hand and placing it high on her bare thigh.
“You make it hard to concentrate,” I mutter, thankful we’re just around the corner. “
“You won’t crash,” she tells me, sliding my hand higher so my fingers brush those little lace panties, making a small moan escape her throat.”
“Princess…,” I strain out as I pull into our space.
“Let’s go inside,” she orders, not waiting for me to kill the engine before her seat belt is off and she’s out of the car.
“Wait for me.” I chuckle, jogging to catch up.
“You’d better be quick or I’ll have to start without you,” she teases as we race up the stairs to the second floor.
“You wouldn’t,” I counter.
“Won’t I?” She smirks at me before breaking out into a sprint and fumbling with her keys before pushing the door open.
I count to three before I go inside, where I find her kicking off her heels.
I kick the door closed with my foot, making her smirk up at me as she reaches for the bottom of her dress, but I grab her wrists, stopping her.
“Princess…,” I warn, bringing her hands up to my chest. “Just wait a minute,” I whisper, wondering if she can feel my heart beating hard in my chest.
“I can’t wait.” Lily groans, gripping my shirt tightly between her fingers.
“Me either,” I state, letting her wrists go only to grab her waist and pull her body against mine.
I kiss her with all the love in my body before I slowly kiss down her neck and shoulders before sliding my body down hers, peppering kisses against her legs, making her fingers grip my hair.
“Mason,” she groans as I pull back, away from her.
“Lily.” I breathe out, reaching into my pocket.
“Why’d you stop?” she questions, frowning down at me.
“I love you,” I begin, emotion clear in my voice.
“I love you too.” She smiles down at me, but concern is written in her eyes. “Are you okay?” she asks, placing her hand on my cheek as she gets down onto her knees too.”
“You’re meant to stay standing.” I chuckle, shaking my head.
“Huh?” Her nose scrunches in confusion.
“Princess.” I laugh, nodding toward the ring box my shaking hands are clutching between us.
“Oh my god!” she exclaims, jumping back to her feet. “Are you proposing?” Her voice wavers.
“I love you so much,” I begin again, trying to remember the little speech I learned.
“Oh my god! Yes!” Lily squeals, throwing her arms around my neck sending us both to the floor before I can even ask her to be my wife.
“You didn’t even let me ask.” I laugh, wrapping my arms around her waist.
“Ask now,” she demands, rubbing her nose against mine.
“Will you marry me, princess?” I whisper as our lips brush against each other’s.
“Of course I will, Mason.”
—The End—