The Water Tower
“What else haven’t you done?” Mason asks me as we sit outside on the pool chairs, fully dressed again.
“What do you mean?” I ask, bringing my legs up to sit underneath me.
“What else have you wanted to do that Kingsley wouldn’t let you?”
“It’s stupid, but I always wanted to climb the water tower,” I say with a small laugh.
“You’ve never climbed the water tower?” he asks, and I shake my head. “What was his excuse for that?” he questions.
“That it’s immature and pointless.”
“The more you talk about him, the more stupid I think he is,” he says, sitting up straight.
“You know what I think?” he asks, and I shake my head. “We still have a month left of summer. You and I are going to do everything that he wouldn’t let you,” he states confidently.
“Almost everything,” I correct.
“Why not everything?” He frowns.
“There’s things that we just wouldn’t be able to do,” I say vaguely.
Mason frowns at me for a moment before a smirk breaks out on his face. “You mean sex things.” He chuckles.
“Shut up!” I blush, covering my face with my hands.
“I’m intrigued. What is it? Anal?”
“Oh my god, no!” I yell, blushing more. “Just like some basic stuff.” I wave my hand.
“Like…?” He draws out.
“Like kissing in public, being on top, or going down on me,” I mumble, hoping if I just say what it is he’ll shut up about it.
“He never went down on you?” Mason gasps, looking at me like I’ve just told him I have an evil twin.
I shake my head and look down.
“Or let you be on top? This guy is seriously fucked in the head.”
“Anyway,” I say, clapping my hands together. “Is there anything you want to do?” I ask, looking back up at him.
“I’ve always wanted to jump off that waterfall just out of town.” His cheeks redden slightly.
“I’ll come with you,” I offer even though I have no idea what he’s talking about.
“I should probably get home,” Mason says as he stands up and stretches. “Thanks for distracting me, princess.” He smiles before walking around the side of the house and disappearing.
Two days after Mason comes over I’m awoken by a banging on my front door.
I sleepily go downstairs and open the door, only to be greeted by an angry-looking Harry and Ava.
My body is instantly overcome with anxiety. They found out I hung out with Mason Cooper.
“Why did you not tell us you broke up with Olly?” Ava asks, stepping around me to get inside.
“I broke up with Olly,” I say, relaxing my shoulders.
“And why the hell did we only find out this morning? And from him?” she huffs as Harry wraps his arms around my shoulders.
“You okay, babe?” he asks, looking down at me.
“I’m fine,” I mutter, sitting down on the sofa.
“What happened?” Ava asks again.
“We had a fight and broke up,” I lie. I don’t want everyone knowing he cheated on me. I’ll be the laughingstock of the school, and if I tell Ava everyone will know.
I love her, but she can’t keep a secret to save her life.
“What’d you fight about? He wouldn’t tell us.” She pouts. “Leah said he told her and she’s taken his side,” she adds, sending me a challenging look.
“It’s none of anyone’s business,” I snap. “We fought. I broke up with him. End of,” I state, standing up and heading back upstairs.
I change into a pair of bike shorts and a tank top before pulling on my running shoes.
“Lily, we care about you,” Ava says from my doorway.
“I know. I just don’t want to talk about it.” I sigh, hoping they’ll just drop it. “Talking about it will help,” she says gently as she comes inside and touches my shoulder.
“Just leave it, Ava,” Harry states. “We didn’t make you talk about your parents’ divorce. Don’t make her talk about this,” he says seriously, which is weird. He’s never serious.
“Fine. But I’m here if you need me,” she huffs, rolling her eyes. “Are you going for a run?” she asks, scrunching her nose up.
“I am,” I confirm. I wasn’t planning on going for a run today, but I want to get away from this conversation.
“Want some company?” Harry asks with a sad smile.
“No, thanks. I just want some alone time.” I decline, grabbing my phone, keys, and headphones.
“Okay, I’ll text you later,” he says, pulling me into a bear hug. “Just text me if you want to talk or not,” he whispers into my ear.
“Thanks, Harry,” I whisper back.
“I’ll come around tonight.” Ava smiles, pulling me into her arms.
I give her a tight smile and follow them outside.
I watch as they get into Harry’s car while I get into my own, then I drive the short distance to the trail.
There are a few cars in the parking lot, and I hope they’re nearly done—then I won’t have to see people.
I slowly walk to the start of the trail as I fumble with my headphones and blast some music.
I push my legs and start running.
At the start of the summer, I made it a goal to be able to run around the whole trail without stopping, but that’s not happening. Maybe by the end of senior year I’ll be able to do it.
About halfway through, I slow my run down to a walk and try to calm my breathing. I should’ve brought a water bottle. It’s so hot my lungs are burning, and my mouth is so dry.
Just as I’m about to start running again, a hand taps me on the shoulder, making me nearly jump out of my skin.
I rip out my headphones and turn around, only to come face-to-face with an amused-looking Mason.
“Fancy meeting you here, princess.” He smirks. His hair is dripping with sweat and he’s in just a pair of shorts.
“Are you stalking me?” I ask and begin to walk again.
“Maybe.” He laughs, walking next to me.
“I was thinking we could go climb the water tower tonight,” he says casually.
“Yeah?” I ask, feeling a smile take over my face.
“And we can write down everything you want to do.” He smiles, and I catch him looking at my legs.
“Do you come here often?” I ask as we catch up to a young family.
“Every day.” He sighs sadly. “What about you?” he asks, holding out his hand to help steady me as we step around the little girl holding a naked Barbie.
“Every couple of days. I was trying to be able to run the whole thing by the start of school,” I say before I can stop myself.
“There’s still time,” he says, letting go of my hand.
“Yeah, not happening.” I laugh.
“Just come at six—no one’s here then.”
“6 a.m.? During summer vacation?” I snort.
“It’s not that bad.” He laughs as we round the last bend of the trail. “Race ya!” he calls out before taking off running.
“Not fair!” I call back and break into a sprint. I try my hardest to catch up with him, but he steps into the parking lot a good few yards away before I do.
“You cheated,” I pant, trying to catch my breath.
“You’re fast,” he says, taking deep and fast breaths. “I was going to go easy on you, but shit, princess.” He shakes his head.
At nine that same night, I’m looking out my living room window waiting for Mason to pull up. The second I see his headlights, I run outside and get straight into the passenger seat.
“Hey!” I exclaim happily.
“Someone’s excited,” he laughs as I put my seat belt on.
“I am,” I smile widely.
“Where’d you tell your parents you were going?” he asks, clearing his throat.
“Nowhere. Dad travels for work and Mom goes with him,” I explain.
“That must suck,” he comments and finally starts reversing out of the driveway.
“It does,” I sigh. “But I get to throw parties almost whenever I want,” I add with a smile. “Where’d you tell your parents you are?”
“Just that I was going out,” he mumbles before we fall into a comfortable silence.
“Is this illegal?” I ask as Mason pulls up in the field surrounding the water tower.
“I mean, technically, yes,” he says as we get out of his car. “You’re not going to chicken out, are you?” he asks when I stop, looking up at the ladder.
“No,” I say, biting my lip.
“Come on then,” he encourages.
I grab the bottom rung and start pulling myself up. Once I reach the top, I look down to see how far Mason is and am surprised when I see him right behind me.
“Whoa,” I say, looking at the view. I can see the whole city from up here.
“Crazy, right?” Mason says, sitting down and sliding his legs through the railing. “It’s so quiet out here,” I whisper. I can’t hear any traffic or people. I can only hear our breathing and crickets.
“So, tell me, princess, what else did your crazy ex-boyfriend not let you do?” he asks, holding his phone in his hands. He looks like he wants to say something else, but he doesn’t as I sit next to him.
“Smoke weed,” I blurt out then blush.
“Smoke weed,” he repeats as he types on the notes app on his phone. “Next,” he says, looking up at me.
“Get my nose pierced.”
“I’m not getting my nose pierced,” his eyes widen.
“You don’t have to,” I laugh, picturing him with one.
“I’ll come with you though,” he says, adding it to the list.
“I always wanted to try eat that seventy-two-ounce steak just out of town,” I mumble.
“Eat a giant-ass steak,” he smiles.
“Drink a whole bottle of wine straight from the bottle.”
“Drink wine from the bottle,” he repeats.
“Quit the cheer team,” I whisper, and he raises a questioning brow but doesn’t say anything as he types.
“That’s it,” I say, looking over his shoulder at the note he’s made. “Add the waterfall too,” I tell him, which he does. “Why are you doing this for me?” I can’t help but ask.
“Distraction,” he replies, looking out at the city lights.
“From what?” I whisper.
A pained look crosses his face as he closes his eyes. “My brother died last month,” he whispers.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper.
“Not your fault,” he mumbles, opening his eyes. Even though it’s dark, I can see tears welling up in his eyes.
“I’m happy to be your distraction,” I say, putting my head on his shoulder.
“Thanks, princess,” he whispers back, putting his head on top of mine. “Are you really going to quit the cheer team?” he asks, clearing his throat.
“It’s on the list, so I have to,” I joke. “But yeah, I hate it.” I sigh.
“Have you heard from Kingsley?” Mason asks, lifting his head off mine.
“He’s texted a couple of times wanting to explain,” I reply, lifting my head up too. “I’m ignoring him though,” I add, watching the lights.
“Are you nervous to go back to school?” he asks quietly.
“Sort of. Are you?” I sigh. People are going to gossip about me and Olly, and if I drop out of cheer, it’s going to be worse.
“Yes. I’ve seen a few people around and they’ve just given me this look of, I don’t know, pity. Which just pisses me off. And people I’ve never spoken to came up to me to say sorry about my brother.”
He frowns. “I don’t think I have the patience to deal with them,” he adds, shaking his head.
“What about your friends?” I ask. I can’t even imagine what he’s going through.
“They’re trying to treat me the same, but it’s like they’re too scared to make a joke around me.”
“You have a sense of humor?” I gasp, putting my hand on my chest.
“Very funny, princess,” he deadpans before an amused smile breaks out on his face.